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Everything posted by Azalin

  1. a rare stroke of government genius. perhaps I could have phrased that differently......
  2. it's only nasty if someone else witnesses it.
  3. uh-oh......do you work for the NSA?
  4. if a person wishes to entertain themselves by watching online films of one-armed amazonian warrior babes dressed as sheep mud wrestling with wombats wearing strap-ons, then it's nobody's business, especially the NSA.
  5. I think this may be the first time I've ever heard a 'tiny minority' described as a 'market force'.
  6. 'packed in the can' does sound a tad homophobic.........
  7. ah well, that can of tuna was getting pretty old anyway.
  8. I couldn't agree with this statement more. too many people I speak with believe that special interests have usurped power to the point where voting is a worthless endeavor, but I still believe.....maybe naively so.....that if people actually got involved and voted, they'd be taking back the power they ceded to special interests. staying informed and being involved takes at least a modicum of thought and effort, which seems to be too high a price for too many people to pay.
  9. I'm still not sure if it's okay to have a tuna sandwich yet
  10. gee, maybe he's out raising funds to replace all the tax dollars he's been wasting.
  11. it amazes me that anyone would eat haggis while there's so many other things to eat instead. my ancestry is scots-irish, but you could literally rob me by waving a piece of haggis in my face and threatening to touch me with it.
  12. nice! the last time my girlfriend asked me to hold her purse, I took it and started skipping across the street. she's never asked me to hold her purse since.
  13. well, there's tapas and there's 'tapas', if you know what I mean.
  14. now you're just clouding the issue with facts, for which there is no room in the mind of an emotionally driven partisan.
  15. by my experience, tapas would be the epitome of the all-inclusive, non-offensive food item. they bring out a different plate of food for you with every round of drinks you order. in just one sitting we were brought peel & eat shrimp, diced octopus with onion, pepper, and tomato in vinaigrette, potato chips, potato omelette, ham croquettes, paella, and serrano ham. I have an incredible time every time I go to Madrid.
  16. unless, of course, the stated goals aren't the same as the intended goals.
  17. someone in that piece is good-looking?
  18. I see you know as much about Texas as you know about everything else. bravo.
  19. the 90's taught men that it's okay to cry, and to not be afraid to show their feminine side. it's all been downhill ever since.
  20. while I agree with this in principle, I have absolutely no faith in the intellectual capacity of the electorate to realize this. tort reform and loosening the restrictions on interstate insurance sales have been issues for years now, and very few people are even aware of what those issues entail, or what effect their reform could have.
  21. There's certainly no shortage of people from California moving here to Austin, most from silicon valley & the San Fransisco areas. They're coming here because their employers are relocating to escape California's tax rates, and Austin is far less conservative than than Houston, Dallas, or Fort Worth are.
  22. The cost of corn and anything made from it or fed by it went up dramatically as soon as the feds subsidized it. If I'd been a farmer I'd have plowed over whatever I had been growing and planted corn instead...anyone with a head on their shoulders would have done the same. The mandating of ethanol added to gasoline is complete bullcrap IMO, but the last person I'd hold accountable for it is the farmer.
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