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Everything posted by Azalin

  1. looks like he's gunning for Jay Carney's job....
  2. I live in Texas, and my dad sent me down a gift pack of various hot sauces from the Anchor Bar one year. I put them all to very good use.
  3. I've always wanted to see a Godzilla movie that was done with a big budget without changing the look or the legend of the creature like that horrible 1998 version did. I have the english-dubbed 'Godzilla 2000' at home (just watched it a couple weeks ago), and it was pretty decent. it was still a guy in a rubber suit, but they seem to have been either shamed or inspired by the 1998 american attempt, because they stepped up the effects a couple of notches (but not too much......I have yet to see a japanese godzilla blink). I think this movie has a lot of potential with special effect technology being what it is nowadays, provided they don't get ridiculous with the story. and maybe the BOC song will make it into the soundtrack....I've always been a huge Blue Oyster Cult fan.
  4. this is just where you and I look at things completely differently. as far as I'm concerned, a CEO, or anyone else for that matter, should make whatever those that pay him believe him to be worth. despite the mind-boggling amounts that some CEOs earn, the government....or anyone else for that matter....should have absolutely no say in the matter. I'm a bit disgusted at the money that people like Madonna, Tiger Woods, or George Clooney make, but they earn it fair & square and I would never set a ceiling on their earnings. I might however, banish Madonna to Switzerland.
  5. maybe that's why countries like Switzerland aren't economic or industrial powerhouses. besides, I'd like to see americans do better than that, and I think our history as a nation is replete with examples of how we have been able to achieve as much as we have in our relativelty short existence.
  6. i understand that, but I don't buy the logic. should not everyone's income then be adjusted yearly according to inflation? why only minimum wage? to be honest, I don't think a minimum wage is a good idea anyway, since it sets an arbitrary amount for no-skilled and low-skilled labor, and pays evenly for people who are good at their job and those that do a terrible job. I understand how it would be good to be able to earn a decent and dependable wage, but a minimum wage....especially one of 15 dollars....will artificially increase the cost of doing business, which is always passed on to the consumer. the cost of employing people is considerably higher than just the wage they are paid when you include the social security costs (the employee only pays half, the employer pays the other half), unemployment insurance, disability, and anything else included, not to mention any benefits the employess may receive. I'm completely in support of people making a decent wage, but I believe it's the employee's responsibility to earn it rather than the employer's responsibility to provide it. a productive employee can always accept a better paying job with someone else if they feel that they're underpaid. the means to do so are out there. if we keep giving people more money (and it's always someone else's money we give away) just to continue to stay in a crappy, dead-end job, then they will always stay in those crappy, dead-end jobs. people need to realize that they can't change the way the world works just to suit their own desires. IMHO, increasing the minimum wage will disinsent them from moving forward.
  7. but that would be making the individual strive for self-improvement. apparently the real goal is to make the world a kinder and fairer place for everyone.
  8. if the minimum wage-earners are already buying the products and supporting their businesses, why would the big employers change anything? if the businesses want to sell more goods & services, it's up to them to make them more affordable, not to put more money in their existing customers' pockets.
  9. I really, really enjoyed that. thank you.
  10. boring and trite?
  11. the term 'stuffed monkey' is not PC.....you're better off going with 'Simian American'.
  12. remember the days when we would all be surprised at something llike this?
  13. sure, I accept beer instead of cash payment......next!
  14. I admire your attitude and determination, and can only imagine what your family must be going through. my most sincere thoughts and prayers are with you, your wife, and family.
  15. congratulations. this is the most idiotic thing I have ever read, anywhere, from anyone, ever.
  16. who needs evidence when you have decades of stereotyping to fall back on?
  17. your analogy to business is interesting in that unlike a real CEO of an actual company, the president doesn't need to worry about losing his job due to poor market performance of his product. he doesn't have to worry about the quality of the product, since his aim is essentially to take over the industry entirely, eliminating any competition (I believe that people who think he's not intending to establish a single-payer system are well off the mark). instead of running ads touting the benefits of his product, they run spots that are pure spin and lies, touted by professional accomplices and devout true-believers. saying that they've lived their lives in a bubble is an understatement....correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think a single cabinet member or presidential advisor of his has ever held a private sector position of any real significance. the only thing they know about business is how to tax it and how to destroy it, and they're demonstrating that they can do so at an industry level. they wouldn't know the first thing about running a business if it came up and bit them in the nadgers.
  18. if they think that video will encourage young people to buy anything at all, then it just shows that HHS knows as much about what young people like as they know about what we all supposedly need. besides, you need soul-stirring, inspirational music for effective propaganda to work, not insipid lameness like that. I did throw up, though.
  19. by taking even more money out of circulation via taxation, of course. apparently, the more the feds spend, the better for everyone, regardless of the economic drain.
  20. is it possible that Biden is Gatorman?
  21. what can I say? I know how these people think. logic and reasoning don't enter into it. ever.
  22. it's only 'cold war mentality' if you own a horse.
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