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Everything posted by Azalin

  1. way back in my years as a cook, there was a guy who routinely worked the broiler, and every day, every few seconds, I'd hear him say 'ow...sh@t'. I finally asked him what he was doing, and he replied that he didn't know which of the fajita skillets under the broiler were hot until he grabbed them. he never even thought to use a towel. at first I thought he was retarded, but I soon began to appreciate the entertainment value he provided. much like in this circumstance.
  2. old jellylegs, my aching back, and Plippy, the dancing...
  3. but here in Austin, $150.00 per day barely covers the cost of parking.
  4. apparently the FBI is finding no criminal wrongdoing in the IRS's alleged targeting of conservative groups. thank our lucky stars that the feds have the ability (and credibility) to fairly investigate themselves. http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702303819704579318983271821584?mg=reno64-wsj&url=http%3A%2F%2Fonline.wsj.com%2Farticle%2FSB10001424052702303819704579318983271821584.html "As far as I can tell, nobody has actually done an investigation. This has been a big, bureaucratic, former-Soviet-Union-type investigation, which means that there was no investigation,"
  5. when are common people going to stop questioning the ruling class? it's as if they believe they're peers or something.
  6. invading horde of reproachful yaks, hellbent on
  7. making pretty much anything taste much better after having drank it, and inducing the unfortunate side-effect known in the Ukraine as..
  8. antique chopsticks, highly sought-after for their innate...
  9. I thought that an atonic wedgie could only be deadly if the underwear wasn't completely clean.
  10. they shouldn't do away with suspension as means of punishing students, but they could apply it a bit more wisely than they do. for example, I was suspended twice during my junior year, each time for skipping school. so, for not showing up at school, they gave me three days off that I didn't have to account for. twice.
  11. I believe it's plural for 'groupie'. they travel in herds.
  12. and rightly so, because there happens to be several 23 year olds right here, each one wearing a tiny
  13. "JAMA found the unsubsidized premium for a nonsmoking gouple age 60 can cost $1,365 per month versus the Walmart cost of about $134 for the same couple." we'll see if they get to keep it when the employer mandate kicks in.
  14. and while we're at it, let's add the Dept of Homeland Security and the EPA to that list.
  15. clueless? because I see culture and religion as two different things? release your anger. share your pain....and gain strength from the sharing..... you are the yin to gatorman's yang
  16. well if this isn't my lucky....
  17. have you considered the possibility that the treatment of women in these countries may be more a reflection of their culture than it is their religion?
  18. only need a dab of mustard, could you please
  19. some of BringBackFergy's sausage, chanting pictish war chants and
  20. now I'm certain we knew eachother.
  21. well, we both went to Williamsville North and were there at the same time (I graduated 1976). judging by the landmarks you cite (the produce place at Millersport & Transit) and your use of the term genny cream 'pounders', chances are good we were part of the same social circle, or at least knew who eachother were.
  22. to be honest, neither had I until this incident came up. I still support across-the-board legalization of marijuana, but I believe steps need to be taken to keep it away from children at all times. you mean does he live in Austin? (thanks to Lance Armstrong, Austin is infested with padded-butt spandex pants wearing wannabes riding together in crowds acting like they're some sort of tractor-trailer convoy. we also have a staggering stoner population here.)
  23. all neatly arranged and wrapped in
  24. his mother's purse, amid a cluster of
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