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Everything posted by Azalin

  1. well, I guess I'll just smoke weed then.
  2. hey, I pull the tags off mattresses all the time. someone just try and stop me.
  3. and any kind of sandwich, provided it has
  4. I always feel a little dirty after reading anything with the word 'manholes' in it.
  5. hey.....he has a pen and a microphone. what's he gonna do about it?
  6. I'm not quite sure about that, mainly because 20 years ago the mess was called 'Hillarycare'. the idea was incredibly unpopular back then....it just serves to show how public opinion can change so much in such a relatively short time.
  7. DC Tom for a rare display of his world-famous squat-thrust ice cream service, complete with an electric-cooled..
  8. to be honest, I think it's plain that Christie is a target sinply because he polls way out in front of all other republicans among the general public when asked who they would most like to see as the next president, just like Hillary does among democrats. Hillary only needs to ride out any potential fallout from Benghazi, since she holds no office right now. otherwise, I'm sure that right-leaning media would be throwing all kinds of charges at her to see if anything might stick. if you can get any kind of scandalous allegations to stick to a candidate, it will follow them through their entire career, not just cause them trouble during elections. high-profile or effective political office-holders should expect this sort of thing, even from ambitious members of their own party.
  9. I'm guessing that it was probably moved here to provide fodder for those that like calling idiots idiots. I don't care how many paragraphs someone uses to try to rationalize turning their back on their team, the only justification in my eyes for bailing on the Bills would be if they were moved to a different city. that would do it for me.
  10. too much chemistry and biologoy for me to do any bragging (I never had a single course in either subject in my entire life). it there weren't so many physics and astronomy questions, I'd have done a lot worse than my humble 66. I like that they try to trip you up on the final question.
  11. just because a politician puts on a suit and stands in front of a camera and a teleprompter, doesn't make him an effective leader.
  12. pork-rind preserves, usually a mainstay at most
  13. repeating a negative enough times will often have the effect of causing that negative be considered by many to be fact, whether it's true or not. of course, that's not always the case, but it's still an effective method for shaping public opinion.
  14. the only thing that's going to change with the NSA data collections is improved efficiency in gathering it, refined methods of sorting through it, and increased selectivity in who has access to the information. the fact that left and right aren't outraged to the point of solidarity on the issue is an indication of how pathetically partisan people have become.
  15. if you can simply choose another team to root for, then you weren't much of a fan in the first place.
  16. let me see if I follow this correctly.... Christians and Jews told him, so.... Christians and Jews rejected his claim, because.... Christians and Jews had been in the worshiping God business longer, so they had more experience, making them experts on the subject. Therefore: that swarthy parvenu was obviously a hoax just out of curiosity, can you see a flaw in that logic?
  17. as many ducks as will answer to the sound of
  18. You conveniently forget my early attempts at any kind of dialogue with you, which were met with nothing more than leftist platitudes peppered with gouts of Al Sharpton - level prejudice. A dialogue requires more than tossing out talking points in an effort to get the last word. You've already demonstrated to everyone here that you're not interested in thinking....only arguing. At that point, discussion ends. If you haven't yet noticed, partisans always get hammered here. Political philosophy is infinitely more nuanced than partisan bickering. Most of the people here are what I consider to be more or less right of center, but despite that, they disagree with each other all the time. This is not a place where everyone thinks the same way, and in my opinion, it ruins it when someone continually interjects with statements that sound like they're being read from a transcription of a recent Barbara Streisand interview. You make the mistake of assuming that anyone who disagrees with you is automatically either a conservative, a republican, or both. You won't find many enthusiastic Obama supporters here, but neither will you find many fans of GW Bush. Until you understand that real issues are not solved by purely partisan-defined ideals, then you're experience here will likely continue to be a contentious one. It's the ability to see what someone else believes, and to see them have to back it up. If you say something, don't try to defend it by brushing aside criticism as nothing more than rants from a bunch of Ozark moonshiners. You end the chance for any real dialogue when you do. And if I happen to sound like Tom, it's likely because we both give you crap. Still, since I'm probably older than Tom is, it would be more accurate to say that it's he that sounds like me.
  19. in an effort to conduct any kind of actual dialogue, I decided to try to lean to speak 'cat toy' so I could come down to his level. eek.
  20. Adolf Hitler, frantically waving his arms over his head in an effort to attract the attention of
  21. a teleprompter helps as well.
  22. smuggling potatoes into Cambodia while dressed as
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