You conveniently forget my early attempts at any kind of dialogue with you, which were met with nothing more than leftist platitudes peppered with gouts of Al Sharpton - level prejudice. A dialogue requires more than tossing out talking points in an effort to get the last word. You've already demonstrated to everyone here that you're not interested in thinking....only arguing. At that point, discussion ends.
If you haven't yet noticed, partisans always get hammered here. Political philosophy is infinitely more nuanced than partisan bickering. Most of the people here are what I consider to be more or less right of center, but despite that, they disagree with each other all the time. This is not a place where everyone thinks the same way, and in my opinion, it ruins it when someone continually interjects with statements that sound like they're being read from a transcription of a recent Barbara Streisand interview.
You make the mistake of assuming that anyone who disagrees with you is automatically either a conservative, a republican, or both. You won't find many enthusiastic Obama supporters here, but neither will you find many fans of GW Bush. Until you understand that real issues are not solved by purely partisan-defined ideals, then you're experience here will likely continue to be a contentious one.
It's the ability to see what someone else believes, and to see them have to back it up. If you say something, don't try to defend it by brushing aside criticism as nothing more than rants from a bunch of Ozark moonshiners. You end the chance for any real dialogue when you do.
And if I happen to sound like Tom, it's likely because we both give you crap. Still, since I'm probably older than Tom is, it would be more accurate to say that it's he that sounds like me.