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Everything posted by Azalin

  1. I'm only guessing here, but I'd say that God creates his direct progeny via virgins, where mere mortals were formed from clay, and a rib.
  2. but aren't each of these groups directly under Obama's control? I understand that there's infighting among various offices, but isn't the president the ultimate authority over each of them?
  3. I apparently know more than you do, young man. you should study the structure of the federal government and how it operates. knowledge will set you free. and Strahd can suck it.
  4. what's so twisted about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? the right to privacy, private property, and defending one's home & family? hearing someone refer to fundamental american principles as 'twisted beliefs' reminds me of Khrushchev's rhetoric. I would like to hear a progressive make a convincing case as to why fundamental american political principles, the basis for american conservatism, is inferior to modern liberalism. but this part of the article made me laugh out loud: 'Bauerle told the officer that government operatives have special shoes that leave no prints in the snow, one of the law enforcement officials said.'
  5. that's complete nonsense. the president is the f&%king commander-in-chief of the military, executive of all the 'intelligency' agencies, and the state department is part of the executive branch, again, directly under the president's control. there's no more a war going on between them than there is peace in Syria. it's people like you finding excuses for this administration's ineptitude that allow this kind of utter failure in washington to continue. if one of the murdered americans in benghazi had been a family member of yours, would you still be so cavalier about the issue?
  6. driver's seat, with a hose that conveniently reaches
  7. I do my part by stocking my fridge with Tsing Tao beer, and eating moo goo gai pan at least once a day as a show of solidarity. comrade.
  8. I'm sure they recognize that as a society, we're well on our way. they probably just meant that more people should wear the peoples' uniform and nifty Mao hats.
  9. we don't ALL hate stoners, but most sure seem to.
  10. it's a natural discussion taking place after two states have legalized it for recreational use, despite it still being a federal crime.
  11. I can't help but suspect that you miss the point entirely.
  12. even if I was to agree with this line of thinking, how does it hurt anyone if some rich, spoiled brat sits on his butt all day enjoying what was handed to him? if sitting around doing littl emore than squandering money is evil, then there are a number of evil people on the welfare rolls. what someone does with their money, as long as they came by it legally, is no concern of anyone else's. don't forget that wealthy people, despite the write-offs, still pay quite a bit in taxes. they are not obligated to do any more than that.
  13. I got both of those right without any knowledge of chemistry at all. I'm not sure where I learned about brimstone being sulphur, and I remember when there was a big scare about Radon gas in peoples' homes suffocating them in their sleep, so I knew that it was heavier than air.
  14. they're even easier to hit than the elderly. not as many points, but there are a lot of them.
  15. it sounds like the name of a villain in a porn movie.
  16. \which 'evils' are those, specifically?
  17. and jellied eels, the very ones that once belonged to
  18. again, you're correct about Texas mothers reacting to her abdication of motherhood. we have an entertaining crowd here in Austin, though. it'll be fun to watch her campaign from such a close range.
  19. as far as I know, 'Hillarycare' was never presented to anyone as anything other than 'guaranteed health care for all'. I don't remember a single detail given about how it would work, who would run it, etc. it never made it as far as 'we have to pass it to know what's in it'. things have changed since 1992-1994. a larger portion of the population seem willing to allow the federal government to 'solve' certain issues by either increased regulation or by taking entire industries over completely. even more believe that the feds 'ought to do something' about nearly everything. many in my family that used to be against government healthcare in the 90's have changed, and are now for it. even the way we discuss the issue - the 'healthcare system' - implies that it's not an actual industry that has grown into what it is, but something that was constructed by design, which needs to be repaired in order to make it run properly again. neither party can fix it. in my opinion, they're the ones screwing it up....all of them. people are either too disinterested, too stupid, or both to realize that every single time the feds get involved in anything, it becomes less effecient, more costly, and is soon in need of even more 'fixing'. if and when Obamacare fizzles out, I have no doubt that republicans will rush in to fix it, and I have absolutely no faith in their ability to do so. as long as people continue to expect help from the feds, it's just going to be more of the same.
  20. she'll have her inevitable core of rabid followers (the 'yellow dog democrat' crowd), but you're correct....these revelations are a potentially mortal blow to her campaign.
  21. from what I understand, he didn't just 'get' custody, she offered it.
  22. twin toilets makes sense. isn't that why it's called a 'number two'?
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