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Everything posted by Azalin

  1. Reading some of these Twitter feeds is like reading all the crap comments below any political article or beneath youtube videos. I maintain that one of the greatest benefits of social media is that it allows us to determine who all the complete morons without actually having to engage them first.
  2. You ought to consider posting this list in the global warming thread as well.
  3. It absolutely is unfortunate, no argument there.
  4. Use your head and stop relying on stereotypes to try to make a point. Apparently he is. I understand all that and am not arguing anything you're saying. Instead of saying that things don't add up, perhaps a better choice of words would be that I think the circumstances are damned odd.
  5. There are some things in this case that so far don't add up. The article that B-Man linked had this little bit: " The warrant for the Saturday search on Jean's unit states that he was "expecting an unknown visitor" and that his laptop or mobile phone "may contain evidence of such communications" with the visitor. " So Jean was expecting an "unknown visitor", and this is the reason his front door was unlocked? I believe the time was nearly 10pm. Isn't it odd that he would leave his door unlocked, no matter the time, even if he was expecting someone? Don't look now, but your prejudice is showing.
  6. Can you just imagine what it will be like if Trump gets to appoint a 3rd justice? Buy stock now in whatever companies makes kitty hats, poster board, and pepper spray.
  7. My personal favorites of his are probably "Mort" and then the follow-up, "Reaper Man". I was lucky enough to meet him at a book signing here in town around 2003, and am the proud owner of a signed copy of The Amazing Maurice And His Educated Rodents. I suppose the argument is moot, but I don't think that Obama could beat Trump as things stand right now, for a whole host of reasons.
  8. That reminds me of a book I read by Terry Pratchett. I believe it was Small Gods. There was a land where every few years the people would gather to democratically elect a new Tyrant. It was hysterically funny.
  9. Sort of like Harry Reid's getting rid of the filibuster for similar reasons. They're stupid enough to do it with the electoral college, too.
  10. No, those would actually be the ones gripped by the above-mentioned hysteria.
  11. I realize I can come off as being horribly naive at times, but I just have to believe enough sensible heads could & would prevail on an attempted 3rd term by any president, regardless of the amount of hysteria among the electorate.
  12. He'll easily be defeated by that pesky 22nd amendment.
  13. I didn't realize he was a sock puppet - I just figured one of the I'm-back-with-a-new-name douches left the door open and he snuck in. I've had him on ignore for weeks now.
  14. Well, it's good to see you around here again. Stick around, like LA says, the meltdown is epic.
  15. Oh, you're waaaay too kind. What's it been, at least 15 years since then? More? (I do still have that copy of Space Bass kicking around in one of my storage drawers ). I actually wound up in a metal band playing quite a few shows in Austin & around central Texas from 2009 until late 2015. https://soundcloud.com/blood-for-master Now I'm playing in a country band, a new band called Wounded River. What a change - from pedal tones in E harmonic minor to slide in the key of G major. How about you? Still a dabbler too?
  16. Hey, I remember you!
  17. Like we don't have enough absolute bullshite being posted here lately, now we have to have a thread about this crap?! Post this nonsense on OTW.
  18. Well said. I would add that it disturbs me that anyone who is supposedly a "senior official" would be such a sniveling rat as to violate the president's trust, no matter who that president is.
  19. I know someone who served in the Navy who behaves exactly how you describe, but he was bounced out with a dishonorable discharge for doing cocaine. Not exactly a case of stolen valor, but definitely a case of being a full-of-$#%@, condescending, arrogant, stoner, dickwad. Much like someone else we know.
  20. Unnamed sources, eh? That's about all anybody seems to have nowadays.
  21. The closest I can think of would be Joe Lieberman, but he wasn't praised as much as he simply wasn't excoriated in the press. Then again, he left the Democrat party in 2006 and became an Independent.
  22. Which is exactly why your opinion fits the conversation here so well.
  23. What I enjoy about this is the fact that this protest will likely do for In-N-Out what it did for Chick-fil-A: Increase business. Further proof that the modern American left has no friggin' clue.
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