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Everything posted by Azalin

  1. 'I support a higher wage, but I know what comes with that is higher prices'.... I don't hear much talk like that in suburbia. it's especially refreshing to hear it come out of south Chicago.
  2. think of yet another way to ruin everyone's fun, such as the time he poured liquid graphite into...
  3. 1) Deep Purple (Merriweather Post 1985) 2) Jimi Hendrix
  4. so you haven't yet heard about the impending employer mandate? you're in for a surprise.
  5. the only thing obvious is that your clinging to stereotypes is as ignorant as racism.
  6. is a never-ending supply of Frank's Red Hot and a bucket of
  7. does the two-seater crapper count as terrorism? using it could lead to a terrifying experience, at least as I define 'terror'.
  8. don't be fooled. Gore's only interest in getting to other planets is based on his desire to have a backup world to fall back on since his global warming campaign is withering so badly. Venus is a ready-made rant on global warming.
  9. there are significant differences between the two. for one, I don't recall hearing how Romney had to make post-passage changes to it via executive order to keep it from blowing up in his face. secondly (and much more importantly) it was implemented at the STATE LEVEL. he wasn't trying to force ideology on the whole country, and anyone who disagreed with the law enough could always move to another state in order to be free of it. I'm sure there are other here who could easily provide other/better distinctions between Obamacare and Romneycare.
  10. I left WNY in 1982, and I believe it was 7% back then.
  11. a canteen which had been surgically implanted inside the liver of a
  12. thanks to Lance Armstrong, there are legions of bicyclists here in Austin, both the hipster type and the spandex-clad, Armstrong wannabes. and now they're all up in arms over joggers in the bicycle lanes. since cyclists are always hogging the roads here, I find the irony of that to be especially sweet.
  13. a series of subcutaneous implants consisting of freeze-dried moose spit and
  14. that's not bad advice, actually. he just might hear me and decide to do more to make me a full-fledged thrall of the state.
  15. and a limp handshake from Al Gore, as he whispers the lyrics to
  16. you guys should do like I did and tell New York to suck it. come to Texas. no state tax, low cost of living ( Austin is the most expensive city in the state, and I get by here just fine living by myself on an hourly wage), and the barbeque is deadly beyond description. sure, it gets over 100 degress a lot in the summer, but we never have any snow storms. lots of good music here, too.
  17. again, this is not about immigration, at least not in the true sense. the federal government sets up watchdogs via the EEOC to make sure that there is no discrimination against minorities in gaining employment, or that no group is given preferential treatment. where is this standard with regard to the democrats' so-called immigration reform? are they proposing to soften the requirements for Asians or Europeans wishing to come here? no. the party that likes to pretend at being all-inclusive is turning their backs on many others around the world that have as much of a right to come here to live & work as any south american, central american, or mexican has. if you're going to address immigration in this country as a policy change, it needs to be all-inclusive, not just a pass for people that entered this nation as criminals.
  18. I was thinking the exact same thing.
  19. the claim that this is about immigration is a sham. I'm currently involved in immigration procedings, and there's nothing that I've seen proposed anywhere that will actually reform immigration in any way. it's all about increasing the democrat base by gaining further inroads with latino voters by allowing a significant segment of that demographic to vote. any claim to the contrary is a lie.
  20. plutonian cabbages, highly sought-after for their unique...
  21. well, obviously he took it from the poor. that's why they don't have any now. I, on the other hand, have been hoarding all of my american birthright cash, so those rich bastards haven't gotten a dime of mine.
  22. which is surprisingly similar to my own exit strategy. I thought 'nimbus' because it was the one question he got wrong on the 'Are you scientifically literate? ' test on the 'off the wall' board. a rather oblique reference in a weak attempt at humor.
  23. okay, that makes sense. when rebutting ...lybob I should have used the word 'authority' instead of 'control'. still, is it an accurate characterization to say (as he did) that 'there has been a war going on between the WH and factions in the Military, Intelligency agencies, and State dept about where foreign policy is set'? I pay rather close attention, or at least I consider myself as doing so, and aside from some minor differences in their approach to foreign policy, most entities under the authority of the president seem to me to be in relative harmony. on the surface, there doesn't seem to me to be much contention between them.
  24. 'the split', a mourful aire about a young..
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