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Everything posted by Azalin

  1. inside humor. Fawlty Towers - start at about the 3:15 mark. absolutely one of the funniest things I've ever seen. http://youtu.be/Hmdm3s_mvUI
  2. I think that's a fair question. from my point of view, I see execution as 'justice', not revenge. it would be interesting to see what the crime statistics are pre vs post-1976 to see if there is any discernable effect on violent crime reduction, but my guess is that it hasn't had much of an effect in curbing such crime. personally, I think most people feel a certain reluctance in embracing the act of capital punishment, but support it nonetheless because some crimes are just so heinous that the perpetrator doesn't deserve to live, even if it's a life of solitary confinement. again, I want to emphasize my belief that there needs to be absolutely no question at all about the condemned's guilt. prosecutors that withhold exculpatory evidence in murder trails should probably be charged with attempted murder themselves.
  3. I was wondering if anyone would catch that.
  4. none that I know of in Texas, but it wouldn't surprise me if it has happened. a few years ago there was a man named Anthony Graves who was released from death row after DNA evidence cleared him of the crime. he spent 18 years in prison for something he didn't do, and he refused to cop to a lesser charge in a plea deal. another man, Michael Morton, spent 25 years in jail for killing his wife, but was just released last year because the DA had withheld DNA evidence (a bloodied bandana found at the scene) from the trial. I'm not against execution, but I believe that we can apply stricter measures as criteria before handing down a death sentence. I would rather a few guilty people got life in prison than risk putting an innocent person to death.
  5. and what he does with it when he finds it not a sight for the faint of heart.
  6. some on the extreme right are in many ways just like some people on the extreme left in that they can't take a joke, or never see hypocrisy on their side of an issue. it's just like both sides have self-appointed experts who continually adopt a critical view of others with whom they feel are ignorant and unenlightened, or like how some people believe that since they can put words together in a reasonably cogient fashion that there is automatically wisdom in them.
  7. a 300 lb alleged woman. now an ex-alleged woman.
  8. I believe the point of confusion here to be the part about non-taxpayer funded late-term abortions. I'm not familiar with any TEA party movements that involve the right-to-life issue itself, but it strikes me as a pretty solid TEA party issue to end taxpayer funding of all abortions in general. I think we can separate the issue of life v choice from the taxpayer-assisted funding issue and have an honest debate on each, but I don't ever recall hearing life v choice as a TEA party issue. although given the personal philosophy most TEA party people embrace, I would assume most to be pro-lifers. I wouldn't categorize that as a TEA party issue, though.
  9. that's bull. you're obviously too young to remember a time when there wasn't anywhere near the amount of regulation in health & insurance that exists now, and are relying on pundits and bureaucrats to define the issue for you. it isn't complicated. reduce the amount of regulatory intrusion and allow doctors and insurance agents to do their damned jobs, and stop viewing every industry as a system to be tweaked and molded by regulatory agencies. this new way of doing things in the health insurance industry has left millions of people uninsured that already had their own insurance. very typical of government interference. trying to excuse or justify that is nothing more than typical partisan-based lack of thinking.
  10. I didn't even notice until you mentioned the wallpaper that they just papered over that door.
  11. it seems to me that most TEA party people are philosophically aligned with both the original Federalists and the Jeffersonian Democrats, two sets of ideals that are the greatest pillars in both the founding and subsequent prosperity of the nation. those values are only radical to socialists, communists, totalitarians, fascists, or loyalists to the crown. and morons.
  12. two points: 1) quit using such a tiny font. 2) 'the old system was broken buddy' - system? who made this system? the government? doctors? pharmacists? all/none of the above? health insurance and medical care is not a system, and people need to stop defining it as such. that's half the problem right there. the electrical grid, interstate highways, servers interfacing the internet, your digestive tract.....those are systems. health insurance is an independent industry, as are the legion of doctors, nurses, and caregivers. regulations placed upon the insurance industry have made it inefficient, and government promises of free medical care (which has been available for decades) for low-income individuals and families have contributed to the rising costs of medical care. the majority of the cause of rising costs in both health insurance and medical care are due to government action, either directly or indirectly. so what is the logical solution to the problem of affordability? why, even more government involvement, of course. nothing will ever get fixed if people continue to look at entire industries as 'systems' and run to the federal government for a solution in fixing them. nothing. in fact, it's only going to screw things up even more. buddy.
  13. I mentioned it but I think I got away with it....
  14. correction: all religion is bull**** TO YOU. there are many people who follow their religion, whichever it is, that are kind, peaceful, generous members of their communities, that got that way by embracing the tenets of their faith and living according to them they best they can. there are also many people who will lump all kinds of people into one group and call the whole group bull****. it saves them from onerous tasks like making distinctions, or thinking.
  15. oh yeah, well former senator/governor of Arkansas, Dale Bumpers, was my grandfather's cousin. no matter how many times I say it, it still isn't very impressive.
  16. or masochists. I was around for the original PPP....too much screaming and not enough thinking. (trivia - it was originally going to be called 'the armchair pundit' but that name was tied to another, yet incactive, site. I'm the one that named it PPP. Scott did all the work. this was back in the days when Rivals had taken over TBD).
  17. the government isn't supposed to have the power to exercise 'control' over citizens, and nowhere does the phrase 'the greater good' come into play when determining the responsibilities of the federal government. when the country is experiencing economic difficulties, it make no sense to look to the feds for assistance because they get their money by taxing all of us. the more the feds do this, the greater the economic strain they place upon the citizens. either that, or they go further into debt, worsening another government-manufactured crisis looming on the horizon. I wouldn't call that being jaded or cynical, I'd call it being justifiably pissed-off. if there is a lack of faith in government, it's because there are no leaders within whom americans feel they can place that faith. americans need to be taught to have faith in themselves, not the government. it wasn't the might and wisdom of washington that built the nation into a superpower, it was the citizenry exercising their rights as free individuals that did it. that same formula for success applies today, but it all centers around individuals, not the benevolent public servants in washington.
  18. and this teleprompter....that's all he needs. this pen, this podium, this ashtray, and this teleprompter. that's all he needs. and this onsie......
  19. this guy sounds like he's someone who was emboldened to the point of stupidity by having a concealed-carry permit. if he wasn't carrying, I'd wager that he wouldn't have said a word to them about their music in the first place.
  20. it's called Barbara Streisand syndrome. there is no known cure.
  21. I definitely believe that a guy briefly commandeered the mic during Smith's conference.
  22. as long as there are enough people who will buy the 'it's Bush's fault' line, he'll continue to get away with it.
  23. as long as no one lets him have a pen or a phone, that's not a bad thing.
  24. this thread is useless. the OP is like someone standing on a hill top yelling ignorant statements at the top of his lungs while keeping his fingers stuffed into his ears. he's not interested in dialogue, he doesn't hear a word anyone is saying, he's only managing to prove what a waste of time he is.
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