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Everything posted by Azalin

  1. How about 'The American Anti-Fascist Movement'. We could use the American flag as our symbol.
  2. I agree. I prefer to see the classless name-calling and bullying left up to the leftists. There's no need for anyone else to lower themselves to that level of foolishness.
  3. Never underestimate the power of a free pot.
  4. I think you're forgetting about both Kushner's association with the leadership of Israel and Palestine, as well as JFK appointing his own brother as Attorney General. I'm sure there are plenty more examples, but those are right off the top of my head.
  5. I'd not heard this particular scare tactic before: Black Death and other ancient diseases could be re-awakened by climate change, professor warns https://www.foxnews.com/science/black-death-and-other-ancient-diseases-could-be-re-awakened-by-climate-change-professor-warns
  6. You know, I remember the student driver's handbook for New York State used to have a list of offenses that would get your drivers license revoked, and one of them was advocating the overthrow of the US government. Then again, I guess Alec has his own driver.
  7. You sound like you're where I was a couple of decades ago. I used to lean toward the democrats when I was younger, partially because I was a bit more idealistic then, but also because they were big on national defense, were staunchly anti-communist, and were significantly more pragmatic with regard to the economy. They no longer even remotely resemble the democrat party I used to support, and I no longer vote for any of them, even in races where they run unopposed. Now that I think about it, it was more than 'a couple decades ago". It was more like four decades ago. &$#% I'm getting old.
  8. That makes sense. I don't pay attention to CNN either.
  9. Because he gets a laugh out of people responding to him. He has half the board dancing on strings at his bidding.
  10. yeah, having had a few minutes to think about it, that wouldn't surprise me at all.
  11. Never underestimate the power of a free hat.
  12. Is that actually from a real broadcast?
  13. Hell, you had me at "free hookers". Can I send her to cast my vote for you, or do I actually need to show up at the polls?
  14. Agreed but with a caveat: they've gotten older but they haven't grown up.
  15. I guess we'll find out if Gator, Baskin, or Gary react.
  16. Many people I know support the notion of providing coverage for preexisting conditions, but it's a belief based on emotion, not on intellect. They hear the supportive argument, which usually characterizes the insurance companies as being heartless and uncaring for supposedly allowing people to suffer for the sake of their bottom line. What they don't take into account is reality. I have an argument that succeeds in proving my point every time: Way back in 1987, when I was much, much younger (weren't we all?) I lived in North Carolina. My girlfriend and I were visiting San Antonio when my apartment caught fire and burned to the ground. Back then I didn't have renters insurance, so all we had to our names was the baggage we traveled with. We were very lucky to have not been home at the time. I use this example as an illustration; should I have been able to go to an insurance company, buy a renters policy, and use it to cover my losses after the fire had already happened? Invariably, the response I get is always a "no". That's when I ask them to explain the difference between one preexisting condition and the other. None have been able to do so. You can not ensure against something that has already happened, period.
  17. Most people believe that the senate is a representative body for the people, probably due to the fact that senators are directly elected by residents of that particular state. The fact is that the senate's function is to represent each state, with all members having equal representation within the senate body. Senators were originally appointed by state legislatures, but the states ultimately failed to appoint them in a timely fashion, the internal politics of the states being the blame most of the time. Eventually the 17th amendment changed that, taking the appointment of senators away from the state legislatures and instead allowing the citizens do so through elections. It's the fact that we directly vote for our senators now that gives the impression that senators represent the people directly, but that's not the case. That's the purpose of the house of representatives, and it's exactly why representation in the house is based on population. Be sure to let me know if you ever run for public office.
  18. Maybe I missed something, but I thought the plan was to keep the show going, that it was just Lincoln that was leaving.
  19. That sums up the situation with many of my left-leaning pals as well. It's a shame - the JFK/Hubert Humphrey-style democrats of my childhood are pretty much extinct. They'd never recognize their party if they could see it now.
  20. But you've got to admit that it's still an entertaining exchange, even without the math.
  21. Man, she couldn't have gotten that more backwards if she tried.
  22. That would be my guess for exactly the same reason.
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