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Everything posted by Azalin

  1. It certainly offers a different perspective of just how terrifying it must be to be in the path of a raging wildfire.
  2. I hope my sister thinks this is real long enough to last until Thanksgiving dinner. The potential for entertainment here is through the roof.
  3. There's a whole lotta people out there who just aren't happy unless they're angry, I guess.
  4. I never owned any of his records, but I always stopped to watch and listen whenever he was on television. He had some wonderful appearances on the old Tonight Show with Carson. His abilities and performances crossed many genre boundaries. You can tell when someone loves what they do.
  5. A giant among guitarists, a genuine artist and gentleman.
  6. You're consistent. You're lots of other things as well, but consistent ranks among your most pronounced "qualities".
  7. It's possible I suppose. Austin was one of the cities being considered before Amazon decided to split the 2nd headquarters into two separate campuses, and the city council and chamber of commerce didn't offer them any incentives. We've had so many companies relocate here in recent years that the population had already significantly outgrown the infrastructure. The last thing anyone here wants is another 50K people. We'll do that quickly enough without Amazon. As far as the salaries they were talking of offering, 150-180K were the numbers they floated, so I imagine that's what they're planning to offer in NY and VA.
  8. Seeing how your view of fair redistricting relies so heavily on the use of algorithms, can you explain to the rest of us how these algorithms would be developed, what criteria would be the basis for their formulation, who could be entrusted to develop and implement them, and how we can verify their accuracy?
  9. Hang on my every word?! My correction was literally only three posts below what you quoted, very easy to spot if you're actually participating in the conversation.
  10. You appear to have missed where I corrected myself: Or are you just being obtuse?
  11. Nothing like a little context to make a point.
  12. Not only that, it's also served to flush out another troll or two.
  13. There's a handful of videos circulating of these things. I ran across them a while back while searching for footage of a particularly nasty "normal" tornado that swept through the area.
  14. Fair enough. My response was badly stated. It should have said private gun ownership isn't meant for one man to turn back the might of Washington.
  15. And I would ask you WTF are you talking about? Do you really believe that if a tyrannical dictator ever took control that our entire military would back them and take up arms against their families and communities? Private gun ownership isn't meant to turn back the might of Washington, it's meant to allow private citizens to protect their families and property. You're not characterizing TYTT's argument correctly. Rethink it and try again, this time with less emotion and more thought.
  16. To be honest, I see the ridiculous comments coming from both sides all the time. I don't know what the attraction is exactly, but twitter feeds and comment sections that follow articles (as well as the comments under youtube videos) are rife with inanities and non sequiturs by people thinking that they're being witty. I can abide stupid, but I have a very difficult time abiding stupid that thinks its smart.
  17. I know I've already bitched about this, but the comments on twitter are staggeringly idiotic.
  18. Antifa needs to be put to an end, once and for all. Were it up to me, I would gleefully make examples of them all.
  19. You're right, but I believe this is just them keeping their base all pissed off and angry for the sake of keeping them all pissed off and angry. They do that a lot.
  20. This is going to be an extremely entertaining two years. I just came home from a local bar that was having an election day party - free tequila shots if you voted - that was also a hopeful celebration for Beto voters. I haven't felt so smug at someone else's expense since I lived in Irving and the Cowboys lost a home game.
  21. Don't get your hopes up yet - they're still counting ballots, you know.
  22. That's just plain &$#@ing stupid.
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