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Everything posted by Azalin

  1. So you're telling me that he's not just a condescending little B word, but he's a condescending little bottom-B word?
  2. If you're going to be a condescending little B word with regard to my punctuation, you may want to apply a little work in that respect. Unless of course your reference to the semi-colon is a reflection on your half-assed attempt at intellectualizing.
  3. Hate them or not, mosquitos are food for a lot of other insects, birds, bats, etc. Females can live up to a month or two. Will shortening their lifespan have an effect on the ecosystem? Would nature assert itself and cause them to reproduce more frequently or in greater numbers? What Gates is trying to do sounds a little too good to be true.
  4. You appear to be going out of your way to show everyone just how ignorant you are. Keep it up, it's working.
  5. If you're going to attempt to be a condescending little B word, you might consider getting someone to help you with the small words.
  6. Like I said, the perpetrators belong in prison.
  7. They need to be prosecuted and put in prison. That's not a mental disorder. It's criminal violence, assault, and destruction of both private and public property.
  8. I wonder who are the oldest (in terms of when they joined) posters on PPP - is there an easy way to figure that out?
  9. I suspect that he's actually a decent enough guy who knows very well how to push people's buttons and string them along. I have no doubt that his political leanings are in line with his posts, but most of what he says on the board is designed to get a rise out of anyone who responds. I give him credit because he's good at what he does.
  10. I voted Trump last time because of my indescribable loathing of Hillary. I was pleased at things like his judicial appointments and rolling back of all the Obama-era regulations, and my 401K/IRA have doubled since 2016. I will absolutely be voting for Trump again.
  11. "The irony of firing their only Orthodox Jew in the name of diversity shouldn’t be lost on anybody".
  12. That's the dumbest ***** I've seen so far this week. But the week is young......
  13. He responded with the "laugh" emoji because he is laughing at Chef for reacting. He and the others derive their pleasure in trolling the rest of you. There is nothing anyone can respond with that will cause them to do anything other than troll all of you.
  14. Why is it that CNN and the left in general are suddenly concerned with the solvency of Social Security? Hmmm....
  15. For what it's worth, we've installed many "covid" data circuits here in town lately - high priority, last-minute circuits designed for both business and state agencies to provide greater access for their employees to work from home. Some of these circuits have been temporary, falling out of service as people return to the office, but some are intended to be permanent. I work in the heart of downtown Austin, and the traffic in & out of the city is still nothing compared to what it used to be. A lot of employers around here are seeing how much of their leased space is unnecessary, and I'm sure they're reevaluating that for the long term.
  16. I've seen this nonsense popping up here and there lately. I have a real hard time trying to understand any rationale behind it, except as a gauge with which to measure "the movement's" success in generating followers. If there's more to it, I'd like to hear it.
  17. I see what you did there.
  18. Every person here that's talking trash about Sowell is trolling. Literally every single one. Who cares what they say?
  19. Prairie-dogging Fudge Monkeys Good lord, I can barely breathe.....
  20. Back in the days when I had to drive long distances for work, I used to enjoy those times when he subbed for Neal Boortz. RIP Mr Cain.
  21. And it's things like this, Koko, that makes you a great American.
  22. I believe Stalin alone far exceeded Hitler in sheer number of murders under his regime.
  23. I mistook you to be talking about behavior on this site.
  24. If that's all they've got, then just respond with a yawn. Actually, best not to respond at all. They post ***** like that in order to get you to respond.
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