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Everything posted by Azalin

  1. Which aside from being the truth is also stunningly un-liberal of them. In the 60's and 70's liberals were all about freedom of speech and expression, and now they're too preoccupied with telling everyone else what they can and can't say. They're so devoted to leftist/socialist/Marxist causes that they're not liberal at all any more.
  2. I realize it was unintended, but I can't help but laugh at a post that contains "Chelsea Manning' and two "</snip>s"
  3. I thought Manhattan was supposed to be under water within the next couple of years.
  4. I actually hear his voice in my head when I read that.
  5. You can't go wrong with a black metal flake finish on pretty much any electric as far as I'm concerned - my old show guitars are both flat black (BC Rich Beast and Warlock), but I'd love it if they had that kind of sparkle to them. I was still in high school (and Queen only had their debut album at that point) when I read an interview with May about how he built that guitar with the help of his dad. If I remember correctly he said that the got the wood from an old oak chest. He did say that he wound the pickups himself, and I remember something about how the pole pieces all functioned independently of each other, but I can't remember the details - it was forever ago. I'm nowhere near technologically astute enough to work in astrophysics, but if I was ever hired to work on a project like New Horizons and actually met Brian May, I'd probably get myself fired from bugging him to show me a few riffs. We really need to make it a point - if you're ever near Austin or if I'm ever near DC.....I assume you drink beer?
  6. We need to have a guitar nerd chat some time. I'm not much of a gear head, at least compared with other people I know, but I have a few gems. I know better than to try to build a guitar (I couldn't build a box with pre-cut & drilled pieces), which means I need to buy a red spacial if i'm ever going to play one. The mind of Brian May is an amazing thing indeed. I'm not a collector, but I have a handful of guitars kicking around my home. My favorites are a pair of identical Ritchie Blackmore signature model Stratocasters (no middle pickup and scalloped frets) that I coincidentally purchased two years ago with my 2016 refund.
  7. I invested in a Boss SY-300 guitar synthesizer.
  8. If Crenshaw is being attacked (and he most certainly is) it's because he's correct and people are listening to what he's saying.
  9. Why would anyone need to spin that? You've done yeoman's work advocating against smart phones, because of all the people who hurt others because they text while driving. Or all you've done in the way of advocating for stiffer penalties for drinking and driving. Considering how consistent you've been on advocating personal responsibility with regard to alcohol and smartphones, how can anyone question your sincerity regarding gun ownership? I especially like the way you expressed thankfulness that the baby in that article is going to be okay. You complete douche.
  10. https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidbressan/2019/04/10/430-million-year-old-fossil-of-sea-creature-named-after-lovecrafts-cthulhu-mythos/#7247590868de
  11. It's all but pointless trying to block out the trash with so many people quoting them all the $%$#ing time.
  12. “There’s no basis to arrest him in London for the sexual assault investigation in Sweden,” said Napolitano. “He apparently has been charged with something in the United States. We don't know. Because of this inadvertent release of a warrant for him. That is probably the true reason for his arrest. He will probably be extradited here. We will see the indictment. And we will probably have a show trial.” https://www.foxnews.com/world/judge-andrew-napolitano-julian-assange-hero
  13. Indeed, she's just as bad as David Webb.
  14. The reason he would argue against water being wet is exactly because he has a sense of humor.
  15. And people understood the difference between ethnic humor and racism in those days, too. Can you imagine the reaction if Don Rickles, Buddy Hackett, or Richard Pryor did shows on any college campus nowadays?
  16. Besides, that was from Trump's 2016 campaign. We have a whole new slew of material coming up for 2020, I'm sure.
  17. And none of that will change until people stop feeding the trolls.
  18. He's not worth the syllables, my friend. We lance boils, we flush the toilet. He's more of the same.
  19. I think they'll manage just fine on their own.
  20. Disingenuous indeed, and little more than another in a long string of nonsensical talking points put out there for the witless drones to chant at their upcoming election rallies.
  21. If we wanted beauty, this wouldn't be a politics page.
  22. Start a poetry page. You'll have the room to yourself.
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