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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. I say trade a low pick for him (5th or 6th) and put him in at RT, even if it is just for this year so we aren't killing ourselves. Looks like he already got his guarenteed money.
  2. Peters and walker couldn't save this line.... though walker is probably more servicable than green for sure. I understand buddy not seeing the future of the bills QB and linewise in the draft, but he should have signed more/better stop gap players because green and edwards shouldn't be starting. And if you watched the miami/vikes game, it seems like we should have kept incognito, at least for depth purposes.
  3. I say cut one of them (at this point, I choose edwards) and trade for someone else to come in. There are plenty of teams with a capeable backup I am sure they would part with.
  4. I always said that the line and QB sucked. I never disagreed with you there. You just pretended I said QB and oline were fine in your pretendland you come from. I said a couple nice things (along with a lot of negative things) about buddy and you assumed I liked the QB and line for some reason... even though in every post I said the opposite. You just fail at reading. your reading comprehension is just attrocious. People type in black and white saying "i hate the qb and oline" and you reply "what?! you love buddy and our QB and oline?! What is wrong with you?!" then you get called on it and you say "dude, dont be so sensitive!" Man, just practice some reading...
  5. This pretty much implies that evans got paid 19 million for this one game...which is misleading. not to mention he set up the only scoring drive of the game. Sure it was pass interference, but damn it, the offense actually SCORED wont be seeing that often this season
  6. Or almost any other player taken in the 1st round would have been better than maybin.
  7. I actually remember that. It is amazing how just one pick could have changed this team. The trenches have been ignored for so long. I am glad they took a look at the Dline by grabbing edwards and drafting troup, but no OLB for a pass rush? I think so much of this team would look different if we took Oher over Maybin. Even if oher was just a really good RT... that would really open up the run game and we wouldn't rely on trent as much and let him screw up. Because right now, maybin is looking worthless. And it is like you said, avoidable mistakes. Most fans wanted nagta over whitner, or orpako/oher/cushing over maybin. And it looks like the fans were right. I don't know what to make of the spiller pick yet. I am glad we have a playmaker, but he hasn't shown that much and looks like he is going to be a reggie bush type player, outside of what we saw in preseason. And I am not sure who I would have picked over him.... but it wouldn't have been a QB or LT... I didn't like any of them 9th overall. But there were plenty of defensive players I would have picked over spillar.
  8. Agreed. Though I would hope for more than a third... maybe a third in this draft and a 4th in 2012 draft. 3rd for a franchise RB seems too small. And the packers are a SB contender.... they are going to need a better RB to get there.
  9. let's hope we never have a decade like that again. Way too many mistakes. That ngagta one especially.
  10. It would be interesting to see what we could get for him. With marshall getting 2 2nd rounders, we know that is out of the question. He would be better used on another team. He has talents that aren't being used here, and probably never will be used. So it would probably work in our favor to get something for him. I don't see a trade happening though.
  11. Yeah, january of 2010. He wasn't in charge of the 2009 draft when maybin was picked.... what are you talking about? Nix was only GM for 1 offseason....
  12. Exactly. Evans would be a VERY good #2 with a decent QB and a true #1 to compliment him. But the WRs we have are mediocre at best. And the only reason they are mediocre is because QB and oline look so much worse than them. The offense is bad all around.
  13. But nix didn't pick maybin.... he wasn't GM for that draft....
  14. Lee evans is basically our only receiver.... that is dumb to cut him. Nix saw this team play last year, so I doubt his plan was to watch them play again to see how they play. He knew which players sucked. Should have signed a few more decent free agents. Though that might have been gailey's plan... he is going to be demanding a lot from the front office this offseason. right now, the lockout in 2011 don't look so bad.
  15. Not even getting three 1st round picks in the next draft can fix this team. No QB, messed up oline, mediocre recievers, and no pass rush. Hope we can trade for lynch. We need draft picks more than we need him at this point.
  16. See, you are lying again. Maybe that is why I am so sensitive is because you are making stuff up about me. I haven't dismissed valid concerns. I have said Green is a terrible RT and that is all on Nix, and plenty other things. I don't know why you are saying lies. If you want your cred, then stop putting words in people's mouth. You keep saying that I am ingoring buddy's mistakes, and you are flat out making that up. I have said numerous times to you (including this post) that buddy obviously has made mistakes... if me saying buddy has made mistakes is "loving every move that buddy makes," then you are living in pretend town... you keep saying you are "just tellin the truth" but you are filled with lies. Answer me this one question: How am I loving every move that buddy makes when I have countless times complained about his handleing of: Cornell Green, lack of OLBs, Schobol, lynch, and then some. tell me. HOW is that "loving" every move that buddy makes? You are the one that accused me of that, and it isn't true. you made it up.
  17. Yeah, me saying that the green signing is garbage is "praising every move buddy makes" This is why your posts have no cred. You throw around lies and accusations saying that I praise every move buddy makes? I have dissed plenty of moves buddy has made, especially the Green signing. If you are going to accuse me of something, can you at least say something that is actually true? If you do that, then I will spell your handle right in the future. But until then, try to actually be honest and not throw around lies like me saying buddy makes all good decisions. That is a lie, and I have plenty of posts to back that up. You seem to have this black/white mentality.... if you don't hate buddy, then that must mean you LOVE buddy. yeah, sure dude. You won't find the gray area with that kind of blindness.
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