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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. Shakey at best. Throwing a top ten pick to either of those guys looks like it would have been bad... but too early to tell. All three are off to a rough start.
  2. Yeah, I love Dwan Edwards. Davis is ok, but he isn't a stud. He looks better because our LB group is so weak. But to me, those were two good moves. If the front office made more of those moves, I would say this team would be a lot better. Even if they just got another OT and a pass rusher. But yeah, pretty much everything else isn't looking very hopeful. I have a lot of hope for easley, but that is a huge questionmark right there. cutting edwards and trading lynch were also good moves. Edwards wasn't working at all and lynch, even though he was young, was going to leave buffalo the first chance he got of free agency. People can say lynch was the "future" for us, but really, lynch was going to leave after next year anyway. Better to get a draft pick for him.
  3. Clayton actually believes that the Bills couldn't do better than a 4th, and a 4th is what people were offereing in the offseason. So the bills held on to him hoping a desperate team would need a RB and they would cough up a third.... this is only his speculation, but he seems to have enough insider information that his rep is just as good as glazer/florio and company. As far as insider info goes, he is probably 2nd only to schefter.
  4. Nix was only here one year from the last 10 years. The other years he was in SD with a team with a winning record and a lot of talent. People dismiss Nix saying he was just a scout... but he was actually an assistant GM. So yeah, you are crazy if you are blaming Nix for the bills failures in the last 10 years, unless you are saying it is his fault that he helped a franchise draft good players that the bills didn't because he was working for an enemy. And Whaley is in his first year here in buffalo brought in from pittsburg. So from the last 10 years, the two top football guys have a total of 1 year combined in the last 10 years.... so yeah, these are not the same old guys. Just different guys finding new ways to lose. Apparently, there are a million different ways.
  5. If he is alive after they go three seasons with no more than 4 wins a year, I am pretty sure there will be plenty of changes, including nix not being here. I don't even see nix staying more than 5 years, by his choice. But I find it very hard to believe that this team only gets 4 wins 3 years in a row. With all the crap this team has done, in recent years there has only been one year they went 4 wins. I don't see them doing that three years in a row. But if they are that bad, and ralph is alive, he will make changes. And if he dies, the new owner will. Eitehr way, if we have 3 years of only 4 wins, the organization will change again. That isn't like 7-9 when we were just mediocre. 4-12 is bad, and not improving on that after three years means changes, and it will be made whether or not raplh is alive. But I doubt the team is that bad for that long. we probably get back to the 7-9 mark by year 3 at least. Really, you don't know what you are talking about. You are implying that this organization hasn't changed in 10 years. It has changed a lot. People have come and gone several times. It hasn't made anything better, but one thing you can count on, when the team looks bad, someone has to be the scapegoat. Like donahoe, jauron, or whatever. The only exception as far as football operations go is modrak.
  6. No. Which high quality OT are you talking about? The two high quality ones were picked before the bills picked.... all the rest of them were either ok or projects at best.
  7. This front office and coaching staff has changed so much over the last 10 years it is ridiculous not to consider it changing again before ralph passes. For all we know, whaley could get offered a GM job somwhere else and nix retires and we get someone new people in here. Like I said, the front office and coaching staff changes like a revolving door. The problem is, no matter how many times we change the coaches and the GM, they always fail. Always. I am not going to call Nix/Whaley failures just yet. So far, the team looks terrible and they better do more in the offseason to make this team at least watchable. If next season the team doesn't look improved, it will be obvious that their plan isn't going to work. I am not saying they have to make the playoffs next year.... but the team needs to have some significant improvement. something that actually shows this team is heading in the right direction. Because right now, even though it is early, it don't look good. Also, I have to say I really like the whaley hiring and I have hope that he will make our free agency offseason more exciting. but that is the optimist in me. Ralph can always ruin that.
  8. It is crazy that a few weeks ago, the Pats* were being hailed for doing the same thing.... I don't like the trade that much either, but this isn't the only front office to trade away a first round RB for minimal value this season.
  9. Just saying the bills could end up with a better player than lynch. There are plenty of good 4th round picks made every year that turn out better than lynch. So saying that the bills can't get value with a 4th round pick is just as stupid as saying that we will get a better player. No one knows what will happen and anyone here that claims they are psychic and they know what player we are drafting with this pick is just insane. You or I don't know what is going to happen with this draft pick. For all you know this could turn our 2nd rounder into a 1st rounder.... and THAT player could very well be more useful than lynch, at a postion that is MUCH harder to fill. There are so many options with this, saying you know which the bills will take is being silly. Seriously. Put down the magic 8 ball and take off your tin foil hat. You don't know if this is a good trade or not until you see the results of it. I personally wouldn't have traded him for less than a 3rd, but I am not going to say I know how this draft pick will turn out. And all the people that hate this trade would feel pretty dumb if lynch gets arrested again and misses a whole season. And to top it off, New England trades their 1st round running back, and all they get is to move up a couple rounds to the 5th and they are geniuses. We actually get a 4th rounder, and we are idiots. The hypocysy is great!
  10. Not for the money we paid dockery/walker. The money dockery got was just insane. The one time wilson spent money, and it was a huge blunder. At least when green is finally gone, it wasn't such a costly mistake that it set us back. Green signing obviously didn't work, but was nowhere as stupid as making dockery one of the highest paid players on the team.
  11. W/L records are unfair to judge a OC on. You have to look at the offenses themselves to come to a real conclusion.
  12. He owes something to the fans if he wants to keep them. The fans walking out should have been a big red flag that sooner or later, probably sooner, games will get blacked out. Though I am not sure big spending will change much.... but I would really like if they made more signings like edwards/davis. Replaceing the bad players with at least decent players would help. There are too many players on this team that don't belong in the NFL. I would like the bills to spend more money, but I also want them to spend the money on players that are worth it. The kelsey deal doesn't bode well for that. But I will take the edwards/davis signings over dockery/walker any day.
  13. I like him a lot. Our dline is looking decent with him and edwards... stroud is unfortunatly not being consistant and our LBs are struggleing. It sucks that so much of this team needs work. All the crappy players on this team are holding our good players like williams back.
  14. There are plenty of great NFL teams that rarely trade. it is not a must to run an organization. However, I would like to see more action at changing the roster than the minor changes they have been making.
  15. Oh, that's easy. Like WIlson, jones is a meddler and hates to admit when he is wrong. I am shocked that he even admitted it all, even if it is like 20 years later.
  16. I like those signings as well. MUCH better than the Levy signings of walker and dockery. I just wish they made a couple more of those. I really like Whaley, and hope not that he has been here awhile, he can convince the organization to make a bigger push this offseason as far as FA goes. I think he had a lot to do with the Ubrick pick up. Whaley as assistant GM to me is the most hopeful thing. Someone from the outside, winning organization. He still has a lot to prove, but to me it was good sign to promote some one like him rather than someone internally.
  17. Nothing is official because of jim rome. Bills were the laughing stock before jim rome mocked us. he is just a prick that is laughing with the "it" crowd to feel like he belongs.
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