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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. It is no surprise. Jax doesn't have a great fanbase AND the stadium is located in the poor part of the city people don't want to go to.... it has failure written all over it.
  2. They are running so wild the titans are forced to punt from their own 45 yard line. Yup, they are running right to the sideline. Aren't we talking about like 4 passes here? Come one people..... Also, now I am dissapointed because I have nate washington on my FF team and he doesn't even have a catch yet.
  3. This right here should have ended the thread. That is like saying a company is going to buy the team.... it is against the rules. The idea of it happeneing is near imposible.
  4. I am surprised no one else has pick Derrick Burgess up. If he isn't picked up this season, he will probably just retire.
  5. I think he is great, with the exception of having terrible legs. He can't get out of pressure and he isn't mobile at all. The guy needs an awesome oline. Like others have said, he looks like a bledsoe type. I have no problem with Locker or Luck.... though if we take locker, I think a 2nd round would be more fair, though he probably wouldn't last that long. I am liking luck more and more each week. After seeing years of Trent looking scared on the field, then seeing this guy make a huge hit on an opposing player.... man, that is one player that won't be scared. I would love to have him as our QB.
  6. I think we would have taken him had he fallen to nine. They did say there were 2 OTs they thought were worth the 9th pick.... I hope they had williams ranked high, because then at least their rankings aren't off.
  7. You take any player that is an upgrade and can bring something to the team. At worst, this guy would be great for depth/rotation. you bring the guy in.
  8. That looks terrible, even for it being early. But that jake locker pick looks like it has a good shot at being right.
  9. What players are even worth draft picks at this point? One of our better players only got a 4th rounder.... I doubt a lot of our players could be had for a 7th rounder.... the bills did make a trade, so they are trying. But it is not like this team is a gold mine of talent that can gather up a lot of useful draft picks. Only if they want to sell tickets. But if they want to compete, they don't explain their plan so the competition knows what they are doing.
  10. I will be disappointed very much if we don't use the 1st overall pick on a QB. This is going to be the best time we are set up to take the best QB on the board, unless Cleveland or San Fran somehow win less than us.
  11. If you are suggesting we take him with the first pick, that is crazy. Much better players to take with such a high pick. Is this guy even a first round prospect at this point? I only know of him from todays game.
  12. hard to tell this year, but the jests got far into the playoffs last year with average QBing. Right now, I think the playoff race is wide open. Too many teams are struggleing.
  13. I doubt there will be a rookie salary cap this next draft. Probably the 2012 one will have it. The OP even stated that wilson wouldn't pay a 50 million+ contract.... that is what the top pick gets without the rookie cap... so it is obvious what the OP means.
  14. What exactly do you mean by sustaining drives? Do you mean TOP? Because despite a defense that can't get off the field, the offense has only a 2 minute difference from last year at TOP.... and that was with a defense that was a turnover machine. The offense sustains and finishes more drives this season than last year, or at the very least, breaks even. It isn't the offense's fault that the defense is stuck on the field. The TOP was basically the same last year and last year's defense didn't look anywhere near as bad.
  15. He means he enjoyed seeing the pats* lose, as did everyone in buffalo.... and basically everyone outside Mass.
  16. Once chan signed the contract, he receieved the buffalo curse.... and made him do everything the opposite way.
  17. Alright, here are some stats for ya. Sorry, it isn't the yards that you enjoy so much: Now, what does this prove? It proves that all those people bitched about settleing a for a field goal last year should be happier, because now we are scoring less field goals and more TDs.... does that mean, this offense finally knows how to finish now More TDs = improved offense. But that is just me I guess. More points i guess means, same offense to you. But whatevs. that is like, a 100% improvement in 1 year! but.... to you, 100% better isn't really.... better, I guess. Whatevs. And as far as buffalo not being able to beat clevaland.... That right there should show that the bills CAN beat them. You don't need more yards than clevland. You need more points. Right now, we score more points than them per a game. Wait a minute... we throw LESS interceptions this year.... and that is not improvement? I guess our team can just go ahead and throw interceptions, becuase throwing more won't be a step backwards since throwing less isn't improvement by your standards. And was is crazy about the interception thing is.... we throw a lot more per a game than we did last year... yet we still have less interceptions? This offense still sucks, but if you can't see the improvement in the stats, then you are just stuck on the yards.... and yards are not the end all and be all of an offense. This offense might suck, but it is improved from last year. If you can't see it, then oh well. now the defense.... now there is something to really B word about.
  18. I already did. They have scored more points this season than last. If yards are more important than points to you, then I don't think you understand the game. Not to mention our red zone upoffense is pretty damn awseome right now. I believe our redzone offense is good for a top ten in the league last time I checked. I think our redzone percentage is like ....66%? and our red zone offense last year was like 30%. But yeah, you don't care about points and stuff. Just the yards . And wins is a terrible way to measure the offense. An offense can score a million points, it doesn't matter if a defense lets the other team score a million and 1. You want to see if the offense has improved? Look at stats other than yards or wins. How about you look at things like points, big plays, turnovers, red zone, etc. And this isn't the first time I brought it up to you, yet you keep asking "show me improvement." It is right in front of you dog. Red zone improvement is huge. If you don't think so, then I guess the redzone just isn't an important part of the game to you, for whatever reason. But quite honestly, a lot of people thought the red zone killed us last year. Killed us so bad that the offense would look ok until it got into the redzone and couldn't score.
  19. So then I don't know what your point was to compare the browns in the context of this thread. Or how stats on yards shows whether or not we can beat the browns. Last year we scored what? 3 points against them? I bet this year, we score at least 10 points on them, win or lose. Offense improved right there.
  20. There is no way to sugarcoat it. But trying to argue that the browns being slightly better in the first 5 games can't prove whether or not the offense is improving or has improved. You could compare the offense to the raiders, colts, etc. The only team you can compare it to in order to see if it has improved is the bills themselves. You can either compare the bills week by week to see if they improved, you can compare them to last years team, but if you compare the bills and browns together, you aren't going to be able to tell if the bills are improving or not. If you think your question can be answered by comparing the bills/browns, then you are crazy. The browns have nothing to do with the bills so far this season and have face completly different oppenents and have had completly different issues. the only thing that post of yours proves is that both the bills and browns both suck.... if it took stats for you to figure that one out, then lucky you, you probably didn't watch either team play this year. The offense? It isn't getting better results. But it is obviously a new system with certain areas improving. More shots down the field, roscoe parrish being an impact player, getting TDs instead of settleing for field goals all the time, less turnovers, etc. It might not be a good offense, in fact, it is terrible, but it has more potential than other offenses we have had. This offense could develop into something that is productive after the players get used to it. But, that is just potential and it might never bring the results it should. But at least it has potential, which is better than being stuck with the same crappy offense for four years under jauron. by year 2, it was obvious that it wasn't going to work.
  21. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/121569-jim-kelly/
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