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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. Let's hope it doesn't take as long for nix as it did for them. Took that group a long time to get where they are...
  2. This is the same stupid attitude that shoved away a lot of other great posters here. There was a time this board was a good read, but chasing the best posters aways isn't working. If this is the first post you have ever saw of his, then I feel bad for you because his posts truly are a good read. I don't know how you miss his posts though. He doesn't post that often now (just like TG, JW, lori, etc) but chasing him way with one post is ridiculous. Not to mention it was obviously meant has a harmless jab. Anyone who has read his posts would know he was not being serious. Yeah, he is the one that sucks at sarcasm? last time I checked you were one of only two people that didn't pick up on it. Sounds like you are the one that needs to take a sarcasm class bro. Like I said, if you actually read any of his other posts, you would get the thread even without all the hints of sarcasm. I can't believe this is the first time you are seeing his posts. Some of his best stuff is on free agency. When most posters here are guilty of creating threads and shouting "sign him!" WVU creates a real thread with real input on the player in detail. One year he went position by postion on the available players. HE probably doesn't do it every year because it looks very time consuming... but I tell ya, great stuff and much better than the garbage I see on here lately. Really? all the crap that is said on this board you guys go after a long standing, well respected member of TSW? Come on.... You guys can't hate all the sarcasm you want, but a sarcastic post is way better than a lot of the serious posts here... some of them I can't believe they are being serious and they are. WVU, don't listen to these guys. post more often. hahahahaha
  3. Pussification of America is a term created by the late George Carlin many moons ago. That hack on the radio stole it.
  4. It sure is a solution. The solution on how to make vilolent hits more violent. We would have to have a cleaning crew to go out and sweep all the teeth off the field after the games.
  5. Good call he is an above average coach, but he is a terrible personell guy. He would be way worse than Nix.
  6. I think he will be a fine pro prospect, but I don't think he will come out this year unless it is something where evaluaters suddenly pick him to go in the first round. Right now he looks like a 2nd rounder at best. If he stays in school another year and plays well he might be a first rounder.
  7. to be fair, only one of those was really a cheap shot.
  8. I get you were asking a question. and people were pretty rude to you. But I think the issue people had was that you also asked another question that was "do we really want someone that has only played two years of college ball." That was a silly question, because most players are redshirted their first year. And then a lot of players enter the draft as a junior. So a lot of them do have only 2 years of actual playing time. And as for QBs, I could be wrong, but I think that Jake Locker is the only Senior QB that is 1st round worthy (and I am not sure if he even played as a freshman). All the others are juniors. So if you are going to dismiss players who have only played 2 years, then you are dismissing a huge portion of the draft pool, which is just silly.
  9. Drafting davis to fix our oline would have been like how we drafted maybin to fix our pass rush. Drafting a risky project and hope he fills a need.
  10. He is one of the best football posters on this board. His football posts are very insightful and contstructed pretty well. And if you didn't pick up on the joke, then maybe you guys that didn't get it need to learn what sarcasm is.
  11. And the bills hired marv levy to work in our draft room after he was so successful as a coach.... but that blew up in our face. Didn't see that. Wouldn't mind having him here, but if he doesn't want to be with miami, I doubt he would want to be in buffalo.
  12. I don't think anybody does. Even Polian probably sees it as a lost cause.
  13. Doesn't Parcells already have a job? Why would he leave one job for another? He seems more than happy where he is right now...
  14. Because they want Wang to know both positions. He is already a backup tackle. Now he is the backup T/G. Him knowing both positions makes him more useful. Training him at 2 positions makes him more valuable for depth. No. Can we please let wood get healthy before we force him into a new position? "yeah, we know you are nursing a broken leg, are struggeling out there, and you can't even play a whole game... but you mind learning a starting in a position you never started in the nfl? It seems like a good time for you to learn, with your injury and all...." Good grief. The switching Wood to Center right now is just ridiculous.
  15. As much as I don't like Kolb as a franchise QB, I wouldn't mind trading a 2nd round pick for him.
  16. Ubrick and Wang back up multiple positions. Most of the Oline are trained in at least two positions in case there is an injury. They are training Wang at tackle now... but they worked him in at tackle already, so he can play both. Ubrick, I really don't know for sure. Early in the season they hinted at moving to RT so I believe they have at least worked him in there a little bit. But yeah, they all know multiple positions, especially the starters.
  17. This is the only one I have ever seen: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/121711-bills-fans-should-take-ryan-fitzpatrick-seriously/ I don't see those popping up daily.... I see more threads popping up screaming to give brohm a start. People see one person make a thread about Fitz being the future and all of a sudden the board is a fitz fan....
  18. Another thing about Wood is, he is still coming off a nastey injury and he can't even play a whole game and he hasn't play all that well since the injury.... so I don't know what all this talk about moving him around when the guy is struggleing out on the field and trying to get healthy. Can we at least let the guy get healthy and playing well again before we move him around again. Not to mention have a stud RG has been more important than having a stud C. And hangartner has actually been playing better than wood this season, because wood is still nursing that leg.... so you people are crazy for wanting to move him to center when the guy can't even finish a game.
  19. The main reason people want to move bell to RT is because he is better at run blocking than pass blocking, and RT is more of a role for a tackle that is good at run blocking. As much as I am liking bell's improvement, his pass blocking is below average. But I wouldn't move him to RT unless we actually have a good LT on the team. And I wouldn't want to move the rest of the online unless we had to. and i am speaking of the people that want to move Wood to center. The guy was great as a guard last year until he got injured.... I am sure once healthy, this guy will be great at G for us. Jumbling the o-line is something you should only do if you have to. They will improve faster if the jell at their positions instead of playing musical chairs every week. He is a running back, a reciever, and a kick returner. Have you not watched a single game this season? And if you read your post, this is what you said right in the title: You are suggesting that we could have traded spiller for williams.... which is insane because we couldn't.
  20. That is not at all what you said. You said we should have drafted trent williams, which really wasn't possible unless you wanted to pay a heavy price for it. A VERY heavy price. And you calling Spiller a PR is just ridiculous. The guy has scored us a lot of points on offense as well being a running back and a reciever. And you have never seen a kick returner with the 1st pick? Do you EVER watch the draft? Do you remember a certain phins player getting picked and miami saying "you are going to love watching him return punts!" yeah, way to backtrack with mis information.
  21. I think he is injured right now. Though his oline is pretty good and they have two great RBs, who aren't playing that well either this year. They have some players, but they can't seem to get it together.
  22. Watch him lead them to victory too just to piss me off I don't see them making the switch for awhile though.
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