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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. What else are you going to evalute talent for NEXT year? Are you saying the bills should make their draft picks now and declare who starts at each position in 2011 NOW?!?! hahaha, that front office. What are they waiting for! next season is less than a year away and they haven't made thier draft picks and haven't announced their 2011 starting roster yet this is ridiculous. You claiming the bills should decide their starters for 2011 this early is insane. Yes, I believe the bills should evaluate every player. free agent, and major college player before deciding how they handle the roster in 2011. But i guess they should do what you suggest and draft their players now....
  2. No I'm not. We have more that one need... saying we have more than one need isn't contradicting yourself..... Like the guy above me said.... almost no linebackers are taken with the 1st overall pick (if that is the pick we get). So you saying a linebacker is worth the 1st overall pick but not luck is crazy. Very few linebackers get picked 1st overall. And I sure don't think any of the linebackers in THIS draft is worth the 1st overall pick at all. But if we somehow win some games and pick 4th or 5th, Clayborne looks nice. But right now, Clayborne doesn't look like 1st pick overall material.
  3. You know, you are just as bad as the people that said Fitz is no better than a backup, but worse. HOW do you know for sure if Luck isn't worth the 1st pick? For all you know, fitz can suck the rest of the year and Luck could be awesome the rest of the year. You don't know if that will happen or not. If you think you can predict the future so well, go to vegas and bet on fitz (you can do this) and become a millionaire. There are no sure things in football and you claiming there is is flat out wrong. Wrong wrong wrong. The best way to judge a QB is how he finishes. You wanting to judge two qbs before they finish a season is irrational.
  4. Agreed, and if it works out that way, the team might be playoff be playoff worthy if the rookie defensive players contribute well. also, I think easley will be a nice addition to the offense as well next season.
  5. Agreed. We actually have playmakers in the secondary (byrd) but he is worthless with no pass rush. I don't know what is more important need for us at this point, pass rush or stopping the run. The way they worked the 4-3 today, it seems like they are trying to find a way to stop the run rather than get to the QB. What we really need is linebackers... and if we have the 1st pick, I don't know many linebackers that were taken with that spot. But it all depends. We don't know how the bills and college players will finish, and we don't know where we are picking. so there are too many ifs, ands, or buts to really act like for sure we know where we go in the draft.
  6. Agreed. I wouldn't mind calling him a franchise QB, but he isn't elite.
  7. How do you know that when the season isn't finished? Have you not watched a single stanford game this season? Good grief . I hope gailey/nix are smarter than you and know that there is another half+ of college football to evaluate
  8. agreed. An away game against a great Defense with Ed Reed returning looked like a terrible matchup. I didn't think Fitz would do well at all. But I didn't feel the need to make a thread stating the obvious (that this was a tough matchup). The fact that he had to take a shot at a bills player who has actually played well recently, and was wrong about it, is just a douche move. And then there was all that Kelsey talk of him defending kelsey, but trashing Fitz? I mean, i know the bills aren't good, but hate on the players that deserve the hating.
  9. I agree. IF luck proves to be a Big ben/peyton/rivers type, AND he is available, I say you draft him. Look at the browns.... Anderson had a pro bowl season, and then he became garbage. Anyone who is saying Fitz is a lock is being over optimistic. I love fitz right now and I have no problem with him being the starter, but if we can get a better QB, I say it is worth it. And what is more ridiculous is people saying that if we don't use the 1st pick on the defense the defense will suck... since when is the 1st pick the only player aquisition we are allowed to have? But I agree with you that if Luck somehow screws up a lot, keeping Fitz is the better choice. Right now, I still like Luck more, but there is a lot of football left to play. For all I know, fitz can suddenlly suck the rest of the year and luck is huge or visa versa. Anyone that sounds so sure of themselves doesn't know what they are talking about. We are like halfway in the season.... there should be a lot of ifs, ands, and buts in people's predictions until there is more to look at.
  10. Even if Fitz is a franchise QB, if you have a chance to grab a QB that has a good chance of being an elite QB, you grab him. Those players don't come around often. And of course Gailey is smarter than me AND you about football. You don't coach football that long to have the average internet poster know more than you . so your prayers are answered, gailey IS smarter about football than you or me.... but to your disappointment, that doesn't mean he is going to handle things the way you want him to. Nix just spent the last 2 weeks on the road evaluating QBs... that is a lot of time for our Top football guy to put in for a position they have no interest in drafting in...
  11. Only if you don't improve the defense Besides, there wouldn't be a contraversy if fitz played decent and the defense sucked. Fitz is going to start next year no matter what. If we get a QB, he is going to play behind fitz at least most of his first year and just learn. Defense issues don't cause QB contraversies. crappy QBs cause QB contraversies, unless you are in philelphia.
  12. As much as I like fitz, I say we still go for a QB with the 1st pick. Though if he plays really well the rest of the season, it will be a hard choice. If there is some dumb luck we win like 5 or 6 games and another team grabs luck before us, then I say skip QB and draft a defensive guy or an LT. otherwise, target Luck.
  13. Owen Daniels would be a really nice grab. He hasn't been his best lately, but he would really be a positive for us and probably won't cost too much with him falling a bit. Linebacker amd oline is something we really should be looking at. It is hard to judge FA now because a lot of these players are going to get resigned anyway.
  14. Total Buffalo move right there. I thought our front office was the only one that did things like this?
  15. That was when he would cost us a 2nd rounder or something. If he gets cut, then that sure lessons the risk of grabbing him.
  16. haha, I love the look alike threads/articles. They usually do it a lot on the chargers boards it seems like.
  17. The biggest reason we got worse is, we have a MUCH tougher schedule. Much much tougher. We really only won 4 games at best last year. I mean, we played the colts backups in our last games. It is sad that we lose to a team like clevland last year. People keeping thinking this team is new at sucking. The team didn't get worse. The bar was raised and the bills failed. None of this is really surprising. The defense is to a certain degree.... I knew there would be trouble with the 3-4 but I thought it would have worked out better than it did. But the offense, now with fitz, looks as expected. Anyone who is surprised didn't watch this team last season. There just weren't enough changes to the roster to warrent a huge improvement.
  18. QFT And what is sad is that this thread is actually 4 threads merged together that Chuck made haha. Hard to believe that this is actually 4 topics he made in one night.
  19. Pretty much. I love hangartner as a back up, but we need a dominant center back there. Bell is improving, but i don't think he will improve enough this season to be an nfl starter, though I would like to try him at RT. And if howard somehow blossoms at RT, then great. But as it stands right now, it doesn't look good at either position unless a player steps up.
  20. Chucky boy, did you really just make three threads at the same time just to point out the bills suck? Come on man.... make that three..... I wish there was a way to limit some posters' thread making abilities.
  21. Davis has been making the calls whenever he is on the field.
  22. I agree, but I think he would have to sell the Bruins if he wanted to by the bills. Both moneywise and league wise.
  23. hahahahha "with the first overal pick in the 2011 draft.... the buffalo bills pick QB, Denard Robinson, michigan."
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