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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. I think Fitz and the group will play well, but not as well as last week. I am expecting a at least 3-4 sacks and some other negative plays. Arrowhead is WAY different than the ravens stadium. It is LOUD. No way will fitz be able to call as many audibles as last time. The team won't be able to hear him. Also I expect them to burn a few TDs because of it being loud. But I expect the team to put up at least 20 points and have some big plays, and overall look good. The real issue is going to be when thomas jones and jamal charles run through us like nothing. If we keep them under 200 yards, that might show our run D is actually improving. It is that sad.
  2. good scheme and good coaching absolutly has made a huge impact. But it also helps when your QB isn't a scared guy with no ingame instincts. The fact edwards was SO bad in an offense with a good scheme speaks volumes.
  3. since he played a full game it doesn't seem like it would be serious. I am hoping they are just resting him for the injury he already was nursing and doesn't have a new injury.
  4. This defense is missing aaron schobol who was a big part of our pass rush.... so the personel was shaken up significantly.
  5. He has gotten plenty of time this season already and has shown no improvement. Maybin isn't the only OLB on this team that needs time to learn you know... if he can't even improve a little bit, there are other OLBs out there that are improving. If maybin wants to dress on the field, then he needs to try harder. If he just can't do it, then he is going to be another bust for us which will suck. It would have been better for us if we didn't draft him and it would have been better for him if he just stayed in school another year.... though if he did that, he might not have been drafted where he was.
  6. I think people are assuming we get the 1st pick just because we are so bad. But I think most bills fans want the team to win rather than status. This comes up every year at the end of the season with one or two people suggesting we should lose our last game just to get a higher draft pick.... those people are very few. Most fans want to win games.
  7. too bad teams like the steelers, packers, and eagles don't have great Olines. they could be great with them!
  8. There are so many things that factor into who we draft, we don't have a clue right now. the biggest factors being: 1) Where we land in the draft 2) What holes we fail to fill in Free Agency 3) How the pro prospects play the rest of the year. Right now, I think Luck is worthy of a #1 pick, but that can change in a heartbeat. I certainly wouldn't take a LB at 1 if that is where people are leaning. Right now, a lot of us (inlcuding me) are guessing assuming we get the 1st pick.... which may or not happen. If we somehow go to picking 3rd or 4th, then that will certainly change a lot. Really, we have no idea how the season will unfold and who we end up with. But if we do get the first overall pick, I almost guarenttee that we will know who we pick by the end of march.
  9. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/121980-cordaro-howard/ some people have said some good things there.
  10. how is it the fans fault? did they pick the players/coaches/front office?
  11. I almost want this thread pinned so Napolian can see this when he returns but I wouldn't be surprised if he never shows up again. A lot of these types seem to sign up for a month and make a lot of noise, but disappear then disappear once they realize they have nothing to say.
  12. I can actually understand this repsonse, and relate to it. I guess the best thing to do is agree to disagree and just hope for a winning bills team sooner than later, no matter what it takes
  13. Well, I probably thought you were talking to me because you were quoting my posts...... so I was repsonding. I don't know why you would quote me and talk about what OTHERS have been saying... but whatever. I think the first thing you said to me was "GEE, i hope gailey is SMARTER than you." I thought when you quoted me and said that, you were talking to me. I didn't know you were talking to random people that weren't me That you for trying to answer my question, but you haven't explained to me what is wrong with waiting and seeing what happens with these QBs.
  14. ..... then I dont know what you are talking about. I haven't made any decision on Fitz. I said I wanted to wait and see how fitz and luck did the rest of the season before making any decisions, and you said: Tell me, WHAT is wrong with me waiting to see what fitz and luck do the rest of the season? If you have a problem with people deciding on Fitz, then go complain to them. I haven't made any decisions on fitz for 2011. I said I wanted to wait and see how these players played the rest of the season, and you said waiting and seeing would just lead to more waiting.... you aren't making any sense. even if I said fitz shouldn't start next season, why would you tell me "the more you wait and see will lead to more waiting and seeing?" That makes no sense. You would be telling me to wait and see before making my judgments. You are picking an argument with me that you should be having with other people. Please, start making sense. because this: makes no sense really, how does this: mean this? Those two quotes are saying the complete opposite and if you can't see that your reading comprehension is terrible.
  15. The thing about fitz is, I have seen this guy have A LOT of good games and a lot of bad games. I remember being in college when he played for the rams and they sent him in due to injury and the big story on espn that week was how a harvard QB played well. He goes up and down like a rollercoaster. I want to see how he plays the rest of the season before I decide whether or not he is a franchise QB. For all I know, he could fit gailey's system really well and play consistant the rest of the season or he can go back to his roller coaster ways. It is all up in the air at this point. But we all know he had a good game today against a great defense. That counts for a lot. But still a lot of football left.
  16. if we draft a defensive back in the first three picks, I am going to laugh, cry, laugh, and cry the rest of the season. We can cut florence and STILL not need a top pick DB.
  17. Well, then I don't know what you are talking about. I said the we should wait and evalutate talent and you went on a little venting saying we shouldn't wait.... I don't know why you think we shouldn't wait to evaluate talent. I said we should wait to decide whether or not luck was worht the 1st pick and you said THIS: What are you talking about then? I thought you were saying we shouldn't wait to evaluate the talent and should just decide now..... if you can clear up whatever the hell you are talking about, it would help.
  18. That is why I said at least most of his first year. Him starting after one year is optimistic. I am thinking 2-3 years is more realistic.
  19. On another note, I remember when Jauron took us to 5-1, and we were "playoff bound" and gave him like a 3-4 year extension. Then of course the season went to hell. Good thing we didn't wait until later in the season to sign him the extension! hahaha, this whole thing where we have to decide the roster for 2011 NOW is just.... nuts. I can't believe someone is suggesting that.
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