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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. The problem people actually have with the article is that it is an article in a sports magazine bashing a city, which is unprofessional, uncalled for, and has nothing to do with sports. If he was a weatherman, it would be appropriate for him to talk about the weather. He isn't bashing a football team. He is bashing a city. A sportswriter who writes an entire article bashing a city and its people is obviously terrible at his/her job. With all the stuff going on in sports right now, the only thing you can come up with to write about is that it is COLD IN BUFFALO???? Good grief. I could have written that article and it would have been better after living there for so long. And I know buffalo has it issues. I live in Tampa right now. I can honestly say as much as I love both cities, they both have pretty crappy weather a lot of the year. Tampa's terrible weather isn't talked about as much because most people avoid it here in the off season. But we get just as nasty weather down here. But that is a moot point. The article is terrible no matter how you look at it. A sportswriter attacking a city that did no harm to him is just terrible and pointless. Sports writers talk about sports. If he can't do that one simple job, then he just sucks at it.
  2. The way we have been playing, I would think that those teams are worse than us. Even though we don't have a win, we did give those three good teams a run for their money like he said. And the phins as well.
  3. Most people here sided with BR when he was first accused. the 2nd time in a year though.... that was a red flag for something along with a lot of other suspicious behavior going on at the incident. You can't tell me that is the same as two celeberties having a scoffle in front of witnesses, one drinking and the other not, and the witnesses take the side of the LESS famous person. Really, it is completly different. Are you really saying that is the same as two people drinking, one being underage, don't know eachother, one is a celeb, the other is a college student, somehow get pushed into a bathroom alone together guarded by said celebs body guards, and gets accused for the 2nd time while saying things to the police that were not only disrespectful but a borderline confession? come on..... The worst thing about merriman is the steriod use... but the past 2 years, no one has complained about him here because he has been insignificant. When he was playing good, sure, people said a lot of smack talk about him. But I think you are confusining trash talk with legit opinions. I think less that 1% of the people here would say back then "let's not take merriman because he is a roid user." Every team has players that used roids and recreational drugs. If you think people should be just as outraged with drugs as much as they are with acts of violence, then I think your perception is very messed up. A violent person is much less forgivable than the drug user.
  4. Actually, there was evidence. Evidence that she was at least exagerating.
  5. During my stay in boston, I was told that it was common knowledge that Bruschi would pop caffiene pills before the game.... hence his health problems. Not roids, but some pretty freaky stuff.
  6. There were 10+ witnesses to this, and they said he didn't use excessive force. This wasn't like some private fight between them that no one saw. There were plenty of people that were there to see it happen.
  7. Tampa and Miami also put in claims for merriman.
  8. The bills get all their best talent in the later rounds as well.... the drafting that hurts us most is the players we draft high.
  9. This was corrected a few posts later. After week 3, current record decides the pecking order so the bills are 1st in line to make a claim.
  10. they have been trading, cutting, and signing players all season. Where have you been?
  11. The pats* don't make the huge payouts like you claim. In fact, they are against it. Besides the wilfork/brady contracts this year, they are famous for trading away a good player rather than resigning him to a fat contract.
  12. I didn't say they did . We weren't talking about the current regime. We were talking about the bills GMs over that last 11 years. Get some reading comprehension.
  13. It is becoming a huge if now that there is going to be a franchise QB. I really don't want locker with our first pick. If luck listens to his dad and stays another year, then that would just suck for us. He is the only QB I would take with our first pick as it stands now. 4 months from now, who knows.
  14. Then you don't follow this team very well. You didn't see them pick up incognito off of waivers last year or pick other players of the PS? These guys are actually pretty active as far as digging at the bottom of the barrel. This isn't their problem. Their problem is they draft players like maybin who shouldn't be playing football, let alone be in the nfl.
  15. I think it is a pretty lousy tactic that reeks of desperation. Whenever I see a team do it it is just pathetic to watch. The worst time was when good ol wade did it last year and still lost. I never seen a man want a W more in his life. I hope I never see Gailey that desperate.
  16. Thanks for the heads up, but the utica I am from is utica NY haha. But it is appreciated. I live in Tampa, FL right now, and I have been looking for a better bar to go to for the games. There is one bills backer bar (on their official site) in my area, and no one shows up to it. So I just go to a nieghborhood bar where the head bartender is a bills fan, so I can trust him to put the game on a decent TV.
  17. Poz had some pretty big plays. I remember there was one tackle he made behind the LOS. Kelsey is a waste though. It is sad that a team can run up the middle and the outside. We can't stop the run no matter what way they go. And I agree that the extension is a joke. I like nix/gailey, but that extension is going to be a thorn in the side until he is off the team or he starts playing better.
  18. hahahahaha. no, that is NOT what I said. gotta get some reading comprehension. Roscoe playing well as a wide reciever is shocking. this is the one part you got right. It is shocking, because roscoe has been on this team for awhile now, and has never been more than a PR. Seeing him actually making plays for the offense on a regular basis is pretty great. Stevie johnson.... his new playing isn't something I can call "very good" until I see him do it in more than just a few games. I didn't say that he is "very good." What I said was him emerging is a very good sign (that coaching has improved). That is very different than him being "very good." And as far as you thinking daving nelson is "great".... I didn't say that either. I said he is effective. Being effective and being great are two very different things. I think it is great that he can be effective as a rookie, but he isn't playing great yet. But he is effective and is the type of WR we were expecting from Hardy when he was drafted. And yes, I feel we do need an upgrade at the QB position. But it will be easier to tell when the season is over with. If fitz proves to be true to his past, he is going to have a lot of games where he is VERY good, and a lot of games where he is just bad. He is very inconsistant. And I think that is a problem. I think if we ever plan on being a great team, we will need a better QB. And if we can get a QB that could turn out to be elite, it would be well worth it. Fitz is servisable for a few years, but an improvement at QB is needed eventually. I can see fitz playing for us for a few years while we train the future QB, but I don't see him as our starter 5 years from now.
  19. Our run game is very weak because our oline isn't physical enough to own the LOS. I am not satisfied with the loss, but I am happy to see the team improving in some aspects. As long as this team gradually improves each week, I will feel a lot better about Chan as a HC. There are so many vast improvements, I expect this team to go places once it weeds out more bad players. It is almost shocking to see roscoe getting so involved in every game after so many years of him doing nothing on offense. Stevie johnson emerging is a very good sign, david nelson actually being effective is great. And as much as I like fitz, we need an upgrade at QB. But he is a decent enough starter and I think our QB situation isn't as crazy as people were expecting. And the defense improved a lot this week... only giving up 13 points on this crazy offense wasn't bad at all. This team is still a mess, but it is improving. I am not satisfied with the loss at all, but I do like this team making strides towards improvement. I have hope that Gailey can actually have a team play well when he has the talent.
  20. it is probably a bills thing with the pads. Not always, but a lot of the time edwards did the PC in pads as well. I don't see many others on other teams do that. usually they are like wearing a suit or street clothes.
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