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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. Not just shanny, but mcnabb too. It is crazy when Chan/Fitz can convert a much higher percentage on third downs than shanny/mcnabb.
  2. Agreed. But I think people saying to bench him now just to "see what brohm can do" are insane. What has brohm done that warrents the bills to "test him out" so badly? The guy was a top QB prospect..... years ago. So was Jamarcus russel. I guess we should start him in a few games just to "see what he can do?" But I personally am hoping we land a top QB in the next draft, hoping for luck. He has played before, and it wasn't very pretty. As least with Fitz the recievers and the offense are able to actually develop. Throw a QB in there that can't play "just to see what he can do" will pause the rest of the offense from developing just because of the slim chance brohm will actually be the future of the bills. Brohm has had his chances and he just isn't good. He looked bad in his start last year. And This guy looked bad in preseason and you think he is going to look better in a regular game?
  3. Overall, I get where you are coming from and I agree with you. I didn't really have a problem with what you said, though I would have said it differently. My only issue was with what that Paup guy said. with him saying "what kind of team doesn't at least TRY to play their 9th overall pick (maybin)" which I thought was stupid. And that comment he made was about the coaching staff. I am not an Edwards fan, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know right now maybin sucks. And if that Paup guy wants to play him just because he is the 9th pick, then I think he is crazy. But I agree with you. Even more than the kelsey extenstion, the fact modrak is still here baffles the mind. We missed on too many high picks for him to still have a job imo. I only hope we can somehow overcome that or finally fire him and pick up someone good. But that is going to be the biggest thing that is going to plague any optimism for this team. And that sucks, because then he isn't going anywhere. Even if he is not a bad evaluater and it was just bad picks made because of past people, then that is understandable. But even if that is true (I am one of those idiots that think that it is), he is STILL not good at his job and is at least below average. A good GM probably could have taken his evaluations and gotten better players than we did. But I bet a better evaluater would have gotten those idiots (jauron, marv, donaue, whoever) to make better picks as well. We should have cleaned house completly. When Guy was fired is was like "YES!........and?" hoping that modrak was going to go the same time. Didn't happen and that was just dissapointing and actually upsetting for people that really looked at what happened with our past drafts.
  4. No one is saying they look like "studs." Our drafing as obviously sucked in recent years. But hating on these rookies and hating on the coaches for not starting rookies is crazy. I think you are crazy for hating the coaching staff for not starting maybin. I don't care when he was picked. They had him play an entire game and he was just terrible and showed he didn't know what he was doing. He shouldn't be dressed and if you think the coaching staff should play a player like that, then you are just insane. The guy can't play. Maybe down the road, but I doubt it. Maybin can't play right now, and you suggesting he should play is terrible. But there is nothing wrong with rookies not starting their 1st year. A lot of teams are not starting a lot of their rookies. Teaching the rookies to play is a hell of a lot better than having them play in a game when they have so much to learn. If you do that, then they learn the WRONG way to do it and they just suck. After marv's 1st draft, almost every rookie was starting. That worked out SO well for us. Agreed with almost all of this.
  5. Almost makes you want to pull aaron schobol out of retirement. I really don't know how well he would have played at OLB though. And what is still sad is, even if we add a pass rusher, that isn't going to fix our run defense. Then we also have oline woes.... this team needs so much fixing it is ridiculous. this team is going to be frustrating next year. Just hope we don't bottom out.
  6. No. They have had plenty of opportunities. They both suck. Maybin had plenty of playing time early and did nothing. He needs to learn more before he can be on the field. Having him play in the game making the same mistakes over and over is just going to make it him worse. Well, not make him worse since that is impossible, but it will close any window on any potential he may have. Though that window is already closing pretty quickly. It am hoping it is both, because if it isn't, then it is just because all the others just suck.
  7. I don't really care for best and like spiller more. But I tell ya, foster looks pretty sweet. I am hoping once they work out the rookie kinks in spiller, he will be great. I do see hope with seeing how chan was able to make parrish, fitz, and stevie look above average. I think the biggest problem with the run game is the line. But there are also obvious mistakes by spiller on some of the carries. But I do see hope on the offense since gailey has changed some players to well above average overnight. Need more power on the line though. It sucks how we can't control the LOS on either side of the ball.
  8. It doesn't look like it. From the way he plays, he is trent edwards part two, except he sucks at practicing too. We want to win at least one game this season for sure, otherwise it is going to leave a bad taste next season. Fitz gives us the best chance to win games. We can't pass on a franchise QB just to wait and see if brohm develops in the next couple years. If there is a franchise QB available, you take him. If not, then get the next best player and just keep fitz around.
  9. Ill bet good money that if we don't sign him, he ends up on philly's practice squad.
  10. No, the person who wrote the article thinks are two biggest weaknesses is tackle and secondary. the guy is an idiot.
  11. At this point, I don't care who we pick at number one as long as he becomes like a 10 time probowler and wins us a lot of games. Leave the maybin players for some other sucker team. Sweeeeet. Then we can pick him off waivers! Git er done buddy!
  12. The run game in general has been bad. I suspect it has a lot to do with: Wood's injury, bad oline play in general, fred jackson not being a stud to begin with, and he is getting older. I am fine with jackson, but the oline needs more power.
  13. If wade is going to be there, that means he aint fired. A coach never speaks at a team's PC AFTER they fire him.
  14. Unless Brohm can play online or rush the QB, leave him on the bench. I have seen nothing from this kid that tells me we should throw this kid to the wolves "just to see what happens."
  15. but but but, carolina has Clausen, the GREAT QB the bills passed on twice! They wouldn't use their 1st overall pick on a QB, would they?
  16. Most rookies play little in their first year. That is how they usually develop them. Having them in every snap can actually do more damage than good. If carrington is not in there, then he probably has more learning to do. He already played a little bit, and he was less than steller. So he obviously needs to learn more before he is ready to start a game.
  17. Yeah, too bad we didn't draft him AND a first round QB this year.
  18. The REAL reason we win on sunday: My work is litterally forcing me to come in on sunday. And it would be just like the bills to win the one week I don't watch.
  19. Well, you can't blame people from defending themselves, and a city.
  20. They have been "wanting" that for awhile now. They are just crazy when they have trouble selling one game. I almost want to overcharge them for like 6 games like crazy and hope they lose a ton of money on it in hopes to scare them away.
  21. What is more annoying is that they make it seem like Buffalo is the only city that gets cold. You don't see people bashing Green Bay.
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