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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. Man, I still want Luck. I haven't watched a single clemson game this year to see Bowers play. The very begining of the year, I would have said Green would be a great pick (calvin johnson good), but we don't need another WR. And crazy thing is, this front office seems like the type that WOULD draft green. We have 2 RBs, then we draft a RB. We got a lot of WRs, wouldn't be a stretch to draft one. If we don't get luck, then Dline all the way with the first pick. Run Stuffer, pass rusher, or one that can do both. One that can do both would be ideal with a top 3-5 pick.
  2. If he really has a good preseason, I think he will get a roster spot, but probably no playing time unless there is an injury.
  3. It is actually pretty common with 7th rounders.
  4. I highly doubt the bills go through 20 years and not field a good team.
  5. are we really confused as to why a 7th round pick couldn't make the team? And if he was so highly reguarded by other teams, how come they didn't pick him up and at least put him on the practice squad? The guy was good in college, they gave him a shot to make the team, he wasn't good enough. Is there any part of the story I am missing?
  6. No, the one that was overthrown to him so he had to leap for it and got a hand on it that tipped the ball into troy's hands. I don't think I have ever seen stevie make a catch like that.
  7. Naw, he is probably getting too much hate Via twitter.
  8. Who would have thunk we had a player on this team that hated losing just as much as the fans.
  9. I think he could be great for us and I liked the pick. I think that it will take a bit of time for him to actually reach his full potential, but I like what I am seeing. Personally, I think it looks like they are trying to work all of the rookies in slowly whether they outplay someone or not. I mean, I think carrington can outplay stroud at this point. So I guess the coaching staff just feels it is better to work the rookies in slowly rather than throwing them into the fire. I am not sure if I agree with that or not, but whatever. If next year Troup, carrington, and spiller contribute a lot, then I will for sure agree with them. But if they are mediocre or have trouble getting on the field next year, then I would be very worried. But for me, it is too early to be hating on these rookies and how the coaching staff is handleing them. I want to see how they develop first. It almost feels like prison. And every offseason is like we are up for parole but get denied. Then we get sent back to the cell. Then our lawyer (Russ Brandon) comes to us and says we just might get granted an appeal, but of course he is just blowing smoke so we pay him more money to fight a losing battle
  10. Fitz also threw a terrible interception and threw too many bad throws. I like the guy, but he isn't going to be a top ten QB. If we want to be the best, we need to get someone with more pontential to develop. But I don't mind having fitz start for one or two more years at least while we develop a young guy. I think he might actually be able to take us to the playoffs. But I don't see him taking us all the way, which is what we SHOULD aim for.
  11. Williams is a huge gift to help make up for all the 1st round losers we got. Our front 7 could have so much potential if we actually build around him.
  12. That is why you draft and sign new talent in the offseason.
  13. that is why you should take it one game at a time rather than just having these big time expectations. It is too hard to predict anything in the NFL. You should never expect anything. The begining of the year, pretty much everyone thought we would be picking 1st in the Draft. Now it looks like we almost won't be. We don't know what is going to happen to this team in the short term or the long term. Hell, we might even have a new owner a year from now for all we know. You have to take it a game at a time. If you don't, your thoughts and feelings are just going to be eratic and confusing. Some bills fans are at least happy the team is improving each week and actually has the balls to scare superbowl contenders. No one expect THAT this season. Anyone that had these expecations of us having a winning record this season was truly living in a dream world. and all the bull crap aside, that was one great football game to watch.
  14. Kelsay had the biggest sack of the game, evans have a huge fumble save, whitner had plenty of huge stops. Granted Evans had a huge screw up today, but saying these players do nothing is just untrue. Even Stroud who has sucked all season had a few good plays. This team just made a lot of mistakes today. Coaching can fixes that. This team seems to improve every week, so I would assume that these mistakes can be fixed. We obviously need upgrades at DE, DT (stroud), and OLB. And Kelsay should be a rotational guy only, but doubt that will happen. The real reason we are 2-9 is: -We have a super tough schedule -Players have been getting evaluated/tested -The maybin pick still sucks and will probably always suck barring some miricle -The oline needed time to adjust -Green was our RT in the begining -Trent edwards started 2 games -our run D is the worst ever -can't decide on a defensive scheme -Kelsey was useless whenever he was used as a OLB -Couldn't get any pass rush until we stuck more to a 4-3 scheme to use Kyle williams the way he should be used -We have no tight end -Our kicker missed a kick he should have made in the KC game -The patriots* probably cheated anyway -There is a losing mentality for the team in general -Stupid fans keep praying for the 1st overall pick, no matter the cost -George Edwards -Spiller learning slower than expected and the list goes on and on. There are plenty of issues with this team. But whitner, kelsey, and evans contribute to this team. They aren't studs, they will never sniff a probowl, but they contribute. Ridding them will only create holes. Rid of players like maybin, stroud, etc first. To think, someone in the secondary making tackles 10 yards down the field. We should just move all of our DBs up to the LOS and just let all the recievers run wild. At least it will stop the run!
  15. I don't think Fitz will do that well today, but I don't mind him being our starter while developing a young QB. So I am glad we are looking at QBs, and hopefully luck will fall to us.
  16. Those two are the only sure ones. I would say you could argue poz/whitner, but I wouldn't make it a big contract. Mckelvin would be nice long term but it is too early to talk about extending him. But the only two that should be a prioity are williams and johnson.
  17. Why would you include Evans? He already is signed to a long term deal and he will probably retire here. When you sign extensions, you sign them to players whos contracts are almost up.
  18. Other than it being way too obvious? If ralph wilson wants to show his graditude, he can reward him to a good, long term contract. Paying a stupid fine that will probably be a couple K at most is more of a slap in the face than saying thank you. But yeah, that is totally worth having the NFL fine the team for a ton of money, and possible other punishment just to show false good will. You want to show good will? Actually sign him to a real contract instead of playing games where "he will sign you a bonus of 2,000 to pay the fine. The NFL might get suspicious, and we will get into a lot of trouble, but who cares! This is good will!" hahaha, restructuring a contract to give him a couple K more.... his agent would totally fly into Buffalo for that huge deal!
  19. They should only fine players if what they do is at least somewhat offensive like foul language or the moss depantsing thing. But throwing a common movie quote on your chest shouldn't be fined. The whole no fun league is getting ridiculous. I don't see how a simple victory dance can be unsportsman like, yet when you get a coach reaching out to shake another coaches hand, and instead waves a finger at him, THAT is sportsmanlike? NFL is crazy.
  20. Oh yeah, that will put us on ESPN for sure. Stupid bills get fined millions of dollars for not following the CBA. You know a lawyer can lose his law license if he pays the fine of his client? It amazes me that people don't understand the consequenses of all these ridiculous actions. All it takes is an accountant, an assistant, an investigator, a janitor, or someone else to snitch that the bills broke a legal agreement and our front office will be a bigger joke than it already is. You people that come up with these ideas are just crazy.
  21. I would like to win at least one divisional game myself.
  22. Ah kno. What was the front office thinking when they took defensive line in 2 of the first three picks in the last draft? They should have all been linemen!
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