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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. Unless your name is Kesley. Overall, I like whitner and hope he stays. But if he walks, I won't miss him. I bet when he looks around at other teams, he is going to realize the bills are the best option. I don't know what offer the bills have given him, but i am almost positive the offer would overpay him. I can't imagine many other teams offering much more for his services. He might not like it now, but eventually he will probably settle for the bills.
  2. The main knock against newton seems to be that he has only started one year. Otherwise, he in an interesting prospect.
  3. maybe nix didn't read the paper that day! I bet at the time they thought they were going to get the first pick for sure, and it wouldn't have mattered. Now, just dunno what is going to happen in the draft, at all. and on a side note, nix went to scout Luck at stanford just a couple weeks ago, so...... apparently they will take a QB if one falls to them that they think is worth it. And I am pretty convinced the muscial chairs at tight end is a red flag that gailey wants one bad... I expect that position to see a huge change this offseason.
  4. for finding his replacement in the 6th round? Naw.
  5. Well, the point of asking a question is to get an answer. So the point was he was trying to discover how many people went to the game. Then he made a comment saying he hasn't seen attendence that low since the 80s, which is a pretty big gap. So..... if you don't know the point of his post, then I don't know what to tell ya. But if it helps, if someone asks a question, the point is they are trying to find an answer.
  6. Chan isn't the first coach to miss on trent. I am thinking trent was probably a stud in training camp and practice, but just folded in game time.
  7. Off the top of my head? We got the obvious and most recent, derrick anderson. Had a pro bowl year a couple years ago, now he is an NFL Joke. Bulger, had a probowl year back in.... 07 I think? Where is he now? Is he the future of the rams? I hear they have a great QB. There is this guy losman who had like 20 TDs for the bills one year... pretty respectable for a young QB... next year, he had like 3 TDs and 6 inceptions or something like that.... where is he now? Is he the future of the bills? Just last year, this matt moore guy had 5 good games with the panthers. he has played 5 games this year as well. Is he the future of the panthers? How about that Vince Young? He had a probowl season his rookie year, is he looking like the long term answer in QB for the titans? Alex Smith had a decent season last year, but has struggled to keep his starting job this year. Have you never heard of these guys?
  8. When he has more than one good year, then I will trust the next 8-10 years to him. But with all the QBs that have just one good year and have a huge decline later, it is quite a gamble to assume he is the QB for us for the long haul.
  9. Drafting a rookie does not mean yanking Fitz. Fitz is and should be the starter for the next couple years whether or not we draft a rookie. But if we draft someone high like luck, that does not mean we take fitz out. It means we develop him and let him learn from fitz. A lot of their style is pretty similar. It would be a match made in heaven. People are going to say Luck might turn into a bust.... well so can fitz next year. I bet the QB position would be complety taken care of for sure if we had both of them. Because I can't imagine them both crapping out. Then again, with our curse, who knows. But I have seen too many Qbs have 1 good year and then nothing.... so saying the QB position is set with Fitz makes me nervous. However, Luck is the only one I would take in the first round. Newton and Locker would be better for the 2nd round, but probably won't be there. And I don't want mallet now.
  10. No. Betty White doesn't qualify for the draft. If they like her, they can sign her as a FA. But she aint going to be in the Draft.
  11. I don't think we trade him until next season. If Easley didn't get hurt, he might have shown enough flashes to where we could trade Lee. But he isn't here. I said in another thread, after the spiller pick, I wouldn't be surprised if they draft AJ Green. If that happens, I expect Lee to be traded for like a 4th rounder by the deadline. But I don't see lee getting traded before the draft.
  12. Truth is, there are a few gems of QBs in later rounds. But if you look at the very best QBs in this league, MOST of them were taken in the 1st round. You got peyton, rivers, rodgers, big ben, matt ryan, Vick, etc. You want an elite QB? You can get one outside of round 1, but your BEST chance is to grab one in round 1. And yeah, of course there are a lot of first round busts as well. And the people that use this argument to say that we shouldn't draft a QB in the first round say it with such authority with "the draft is a crapshoot! don't do it!" type nonsense. Really? the draft is a crapshoot and THAT is your reasoning for not drafting a QB? They say it like drafting a DE or a LB is a surefire, can't miss pick or close to it. Have they SEEN our first round picks? We have missed on so many first round picks the last decade, and only one of them was a QB. People who don't want to pick a QB because of their Bust potential are being ridiculous. Seriously, there are a lot of first round busts every year that are not QBs. The QBs are just the ones that get the most attention. Odds of us picking Luck and him being a bust is just as likely as us picking up a DT and him turning into a mcargo, or picking an LT and him turning out to be williams. That is the facts. As far as luck, he might not even be available. But IF we get him, I would feel very confident in that pick. Nix was part of the chargers when they grabbed both brees and rivers... so he must have some decent idea on what to look for in a young QB. Also, he has personally scouted Luck more than once, so he should have a good idea with first hand knowledge of luck. Nix might not be a great GM, but he is one hell of a scout. Since he personally scouted Luck, so if we pick him, he must be worth it. So personally, it might be the first time I would really trust them with a first round pick, if they like him. And personally, I have a bad feeling we can expect another spiller type pick and drafting evan's future replacement. Seems natural since last year we had too many RBs, so we drafted an RB. I bet this year, we have too many WRs, so we draft one early. Then trade lee midseason or trade him in october. If we don't get luck, then I would like defense of course, but I have a bad feeling it is going to go a way we don't want.
  13. I am an optimist, so I would look at the brightside either way. My first choice, no matter how much I want luck, would be for us to win, win, win. I want to win. Winning as much now is the best step to take to a better season next year. Of course, if we lose out and hit rock bottem, I will say "at least we get a high draft pick." Of course, that setteling for a high draft pick looks less good if you have that happen consequetive years. So I am hoping next year our record is A LOT better than this year. Don't want a record like this for a long time.
  14. Delhomme hasn't been the same since the injury a couple years ago. Anyone who thought he would be better than Fitz by now was mistaking greatly. He was terrible last year and he is terrible this year. That injury has killed his career. He was never great, but he was a steady franchise QB back in the day. But that was awhile ago.
  15. Mularky's problem here was that he was calling plays that were waaaay to difficult for the type of talent we had. And sometimes it was just bizzar. It would be like 4th and goal on the one yard line, Losman just starting out, and he calls like a crazy form of the flea flicker type stuff.
  16. Oh yeah, taking out a players knees and possibly ending their career is what we call a "noogie" . I guess to you an indian burn would be trying to break someone's neck?
  17. There can be only one explanation: Rounds 5 and below are chosen by football people, and rounds 1-4 are picked by ralph wilson.
  18. To me, he hasn't come a long way. The guy has always played a lot of good games, but at the same time he has always played a lot of bad games. That is why looking at the yearly stats like you just are not honest. The biggest difference between this year and last is simple: Coaching. That is the biggest difference on this team, and coaching is what has improved this offense. Unless you believe that roscoe, stevie, the oline, and fitz all decided to learn football at the very same time. The offense as a whole is playing better because of coaching. But if you want, you can say they just grew up and improved on their own. And yeah, edwards sucked in gailey's offense. Maybe it was because edwards was that bad? I mean, even Fitz did better than edwards last year as well. So maybe Fitz is just better than edwards? Kindof got me on this one. He has reached his peak, yet can improve. Maybe it's becuase I can't read, but I always thought when someone was at their peak, they were the best they were ever gonna be. In all relevance, he has reached his peak. He can improve, but it wont be much. I don't see this guy becoming better than manning, big ben, brady, brees, favre, rivers, vick, ryan,etc which is my point. He can improve, but he won't be these guys. Of course, there is a VERY small chance that could happen, but I highly doubt it. If you think the odds are he would, then that is good for the optimism. But This guy will still be in the bottom half of the league next year. This is probably going to be buffalo's best and hopefully only chance to get a top QB in the draft. We almost never pick in the top 5 and we might never again in a long time. I see nothing wrong with grabbing a QB and developing him while Fitz runs the team. Hell, I would rather have a young QB learning from fitz rather than grabbing at straws again when he is gone. And then you complain about the defense and the the offensive line.... all that stuff has been getting worked on and will continue to be getting worked on. I don't know why you people who think taking a QB with ONE pick means you are ignoring the trenches. That is just insane. The bills have more than one pick and they have Free agency. The bills obviously care about the trenches. The past two years, they have worked on the trenches more than anything. in 2009 they spent a first round pick AND a second round pick on the o-line. In 2010, the spent a 2nd round AND a third round pick on the defensive line, including additional picks at tackle and LB. And then they signed as FA Davis and Edwards to the front 7. That is like 5 new players to the front 7 plus kyle williams who is a stud.... they basically ignored 1 out of the 6 needs on the front 7, and you say that is bad? in Just one offseason, they got 5 new players for the front 7, and you think that they are ignoring the trenches? It is just crazy. It sucks moats, carrington and troup are not all pros, I know. Too bad kyle williams wasn't an all pro in his first year either. But they are addressing the trenches. They just need to teach the players the positions and continue working on them by adding more talent. I bet there is a better chance they do additional work on the trenches than there is a chance of Fitz repeating another good year. I think he might actually end up taking a few steps back next year, but that is just a hunch rather than anything I really feel. I think that it is just crazy that I say I want to develop a QB, and it is like some terrible thing is going to happen to this team because of it. It is really going to suck next year if Fitz pulls a Derrick anderson and just messes up next year.... really, you dont' know if fitz will repeat or get better next year anymore than I know of Luck actually turning into a well worth pick. But there is nothing wrong with developing a young player while having another player play the games. I get that you don't want to draft a QB. I don't get why people (not just you) Think the front office has neglected the trenches when that is the number one thing that has been addressed in the past two offseasons. They have obviously been building the trenches. Most of their draft picks and free agent signs have been for the trenches. They are far from ignoring them
  19. That is because you don't just become "talented." You are either talented, or you are not. You can improve on strength, conditioning, and skills, but you are not going to improve your actual talent much at all. I have seen Fitz play just as good 6 years ago. Maybe you didn't watch him 6 years ago, but he was just as good then. Yeah, his yearly stats you keep throwing out there don't show that, but maybe that is because 6 years ago that year he only played one game! But look at his stats in his first game! He is like one of 5 QBs to throw over 300 yards his opening game.... he threw like 3-4 TDs in one game... and that was 6 years ago. If you think he is playing better now than back when he was throwing 300 yards, and 3 TDs, then you are just crazy. I NEVER said he couldn't improve. I said he wasn't going to get any more talented. Huge difference. If you can't see the difference, hit the books and dictionary. You certianly implied it. I SAID Luck had potential, and you looked at that and said "if you think it is just cool to pick luck, mallet, or locker just say so." WTf... I am talking about potential of a young QB prospect, and what you got from that was I think it is just "cool?" Give me a break. I never even mentioned mallet or locker, so I don't know why you even threw their names out there at all. No, chances are BETTER for luck. You don't know what he is capeable in the NFL. He is a huge prospect and is looking almost as good as bradford. Luck has way more potential than fitz. Fitz more than likely has reached his peak. Oh no! Does that mean he can't improve?! Of course not. He can obviously improve, like learning how to read defenses, maybe practice his throwing motion. But his talent is going to change, his release isn't going to change, and so on. Yeah, you say "a lot of QBs take time to improve." BS. But their 5th or 6th year, you have a pretty good idea on all QBs. If you think that by their 6th year they didn't know what steve young could do, you are crazy. Yeah, I don't think that at all. I don't know why you kept guessing what I am thinking. I say "potential" and you think I mean "cool," I say fitz has the same talent he always had and you say "can't improve." Then I don't know where you get this stuff from My opinion? I love fitz. I think he is great and probably the best QB we had in awhile. I don't think he is better than brady, big ben, peyton, rodgers, rivers, favre, ryan, bradford, vick, Brees, or any of the other Elite QBs. I would like Fitz to be our QB for the next two years or more while developing a QB who could become an elite QB. Someone with a rare talent that you can't just learn, but you are BORN with it. Someone to groom into a future HOF QB of the future. And personally, if we are going to say the QB position is locked and ready because of one good season, then we are just being dumb. Derrick anderson had 1 good year with the Browns, and look where he is now. I say at least have a back up plan. And if you think he has improved so much over the years, look at his first game his rookie season. The guy threw for like 300 yards, 3-4 TDs, and was the "big story" on espn all week. That game was 6 years ago, and was just as good as he is playing this year. If you want to look at his yearly stats to argue he has improved, you haven't seen this guy play before he became to the bills. The guy proved he always had the talent to make it in the nfl. He didn't just show up to the bills and magically improve.
  20. I never said "fitz can't improve." I said he probably won't be elite. Chances are, he won't be. And stop putting words in my mouth and learn some reading comprehension. Go to school or pick up a book. I NEVER said take Luck because it is "cool." I said take luck because of his potential. If you are confusing the words "cool" and "potential" you MUST have failed 3 grade levels... or are still in middle school. Learn to read, then get back to me.
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