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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. lord no. any player worth the 3rd overall pick (IE tom brady, peyton, big ben, etc) isn't going to get traded. Not to mention right now, there really isn't going to be any trade talks period.
  2. I am hoping a stong offseason turns into a great season for us..... but man, I need an going to need some convincing to actually expect a good season.
  3. Buffalo needs a TE more than most teams, so buffalo would probably offer him a good chunk of money other teams wouldn't.... that is if buffalo wants him.
  4. man, would love for him to be a bill..... it's not impossible.
  5. Seeing that they gave stanford a relevent football program, I say they there is something special about them and I wouldn't be surprised to see them have a lot more success.
  6. placing blame on the owner isn't in one of your silly "boner" options in your poll. come on man, you made the poll. You should know what you put in it. As far as meddeling owners, other than Ralph, the ones that come to mind are Davis, Jones, and Snyder.... all not doing well, just like the bills. So that really just states the obvious that a meddeling owner is a bad owner. I know ralph as meddled a lot in the past, but right now, I just don't know how much he really meddles now. He obviously meddles, but he isn't nearly as vocal about it as much as the other guys.
  7. So much can be read into that, and for good reason too.
  8. I know our defense is bad and all, and probably even worse than the offense.... but right now our own defense is outscoring our offense
  9. Bowers is looking like a stud in this game (this is the first time I actually seen a full clemson game all season). I would love to have this guy in a bills uniform. I am one of those people that say you should win no matter what and not lose just to get a higher draft pick.... but man, I am starting to hope the bills lose sunday just to have a chance at some of these players.... fairly, bowers, and of course luck look just look like players that can supercharge this team. I would love it if luck came out (even if we can't get him) just to push bowers and fairly down enough so we can draft one of them. I am really really hoping we score big on our 1st rounder this time.
  10. I think it could. Having two high 4th rounders is a pretty sweet thing. It also makes us more mobile if we want to move around. Either way, a high 4th rounder is a fairly high pick. This is going to be a very important draft for them with the draft slot we are getting. I am hoping they get a lot right this time.
  11. Won't the h2h count with us and Cincy or is that not worked into the draft slot?
  12. I think that it is ridiculous that there isn't a middle ground. It is either black or white? No grey? If you say so.... I guess we have to agree to disagree. But I see nothing wrong with people enouraging others to be more civil. It won't wipe out the "idiocy" but it would probably encourage others to actually try to talk football. Enjoy your crusade of telling people not to enourage being civil, I guess. Those posters are a menace to society and need to be silenced for encouraging such behavior as being civil. Just Sinful.
  13. More like if you want to call people "crybabies" that simply ask for people to be more civil, then I am suggesting you take your own advice. If you don't get what I am implying, I guess I will spell it out for you: If you think the ignore button is such a wonderful feature that can change things, why don't you use it yourself so you don't have to read the "crybaby" posters' posts instead of reading them, then complaining about them?
  14. That is a sad sad, and very untrue statement. There are a lot of good posters here that are neither "meanies" or idiots. But i guess it is nice that you stick up for the people that flood the internet with crap. Someone calls the idiots out on crap, and you defend those idiots "it is the internet, deal with it " Well, guess what. It is the internet. You don't like people calling out other posters for being idiots, hit the ignore button. Deal with it
  15. Yeah, it isn't like there isn't a middle ground where we can say what we want, but actually treat people decently. Thank the lord for the ignore button. Now I can read through threads with half the posts being blank. That will sure look purdy when I read through the few posts that are actually good. and then when a good poster disappears because of those blank posts I cannot see, I won't understand why they left. And then pretty soon, all that will be left is blank posts because all the good posters are just fed up with the trash and just leave. Yeah, lori, JW, TG...... the ignore button might filter out the crap, but it isn't going to keep the good stuff. People that think the "ignore" button is going to fix the problems, then that just aint true. A lot of good posters on this board... it sucks that their thoughts and words get burried by repetative crap only meant to get attention or rile other people up. And worse, push other people away. People should be encouraged to be civil. It is fine to joke around, but when it turns to namecalling, lies, attention screamers, and people who are just confrontational just looking for a fight, and only a fight, it is just too much. If you are ok with that, then you can enjoy it when all the good posters are gone and all that is left is the bad ones. Glad WVU started a good topic, and ended it when nonsense took it waaaaaaaay off topic. That stuff should be stopped when it ruins why this site is here, to talk about football. Not about what people are like after 60. Football football football.
  16. so many of his yards came from rushing. Wait until teams just stack the box to stop him forcing him to throw.
  17. Gruden is an above average coach, but Gailey seems to be much better, even without the rings. Everyone thinks gruden is a QB guru... he is not. He is far from that. That is his first big issue. The next issue is, he is very polarizing to the players, and this is what REALLY got him fired. Half the players liked him, but the other half HATED him. Argued with him all the time, during practice, during a game, and in the media. It was ridiclulous. The guy can coach up young players, and he can put together a gameplan pretty well, which is more than i can say for a lot of other coaches. And on a side note, gruden didn't bring in a lot of those oakland players. That was al davis with his super control issues. and Tampa looked good pre gruden. But I do like gruden overall. I would take him over jauron, mularky, and williams as an HC for sure. But anyone thinking he is going to win another superbowl has the odds against him.
  18. Fitz or Luck. Not interested in anyone else. But I would prefer Fitz next season and developing luck in the mean time.
  19. He would have been depth and nothing more on this team. This team obviously needs depth at the oline, so it was a mistake to let him go, but it wasn't anything worth crying about. This was nowhere near the mistake of the Green signing.
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