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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. Pretty much my feeling. Better than most QBs we have had and he is average. But until we get someone better, he has my support. And like someone said, he will have a better year if we can get a RT and run the ball more effectivly. That will help limit his mistakes and we won't need the gunslinger nonesense. Then, of course, we have a defense that can even make a bills fan (who should be numb to such bad talent) cringe. it will be awhile before we can really compete with new england. As far as the jests go, it is going to depend on how many players they keep. I am thinking they are going to lose quite a bit of talent and we might be able to at least put up a fight with them next season.
  2. It is kinda obvious. Passing on our mistakes to another team....
  3. Love a lot of it. Especially round 2. Those are all guys I would love. Sherrod and wilson especially.
  4. I personally wouldn't like the AJ Green pick unless we are trading Evans away. We have too many recievers. They aren't superstars, but they are still growing. But it would be nice to have to upgrade the #1 reciever position, especially if it is a calvin johnson type. And one of the reasons I would be ok with this is because there seems to be so much defensive talent that goes deep. My preference right now is defense rather than green..... but all I really ask for is a good player. I don't care if it is offense or defense, just no more maybins, mccargos, and whitners please.
  5. Well, there are other things about the CBA that are really the problem. The main issue being how much the players get paid. The owners are saying the players get too much of the pie... so they want to pay the players less. So the players don't like that, so to make the players happy, instead of giving them more of the pie, they are saying they want to make the pie bigger and they can all get their money. Of course, the players would rather get the money without the 18 game season.... but if there is an 18 game season, it will be because of greed on both sides. I personally don't care how much money either side makes. It is more than i make and more than enough to live a healthy life. I don't care what their paychecks look like, I just want an undisturbed football season.
  6. I know that was a HUGE thing when pumping up Whitner, but I can't imagine them saying that about maybin. I don't remember any talk like that for him... I mean, this was really young project that play very little football. Doesn't have leader written anywhere.
  7. It is odd to me, but it seems more common than you would expect. I have seen quite a few Runningback, quarterback, and dline coaches as assistant HCs.
  8. the ones on buffalobills.com. I remember when the posters over there were hoping and praying that Crabtree would fall to us.... AFTER we signed TO. As bad as it is here, the posters over there make no sense. This is really an interesting point I didn't consider.
  9. hey, kiper making sense. I guess all that money ESPN is paying him isn't a complete waste.
  10. People may kill people, but guns sure do help. All these idiots that hold up 7 elevens and banks with automatic weapons wouldn't hold it up with a pocket knife and their own fists. Give them a gun though, they will hold up anything. But this is getting way off topic.
  11. Man, I really hope a new CBA is in place by march. Otherwise it is just really going to be a downer in the offseason. Even though we don't make much noise anyway in the offseason.
  12. I am thinking that too. Either peterson or green. I would be happier with green.... but I wanted all along either luck or front 7.... so since luck is out....
  13. It should be a two way street, working together. You just don't offer them a job. You actually have to interview people and see if they actually want the job. Otherwise you are like the phins throwing a job to a person who doesn't want it and your current coach looks like a fool. Wade already has a job.
  14. What chan was saying was, it was important for him to meet with the defensive staff because those are the people he would work with and he doesn't know him. So for him to go to buffalo to meet with the coaches, he was REALLY there to meet with the defensive staff. He knows gailey well enough that he doesn't need to fly to buffalo to know what type of coach gailey is. He flew up there to learn more about the defensive side of the ball. There is nothing to "WTF?" about. Chan is obviously trying to shake up the staff by inviting another coach to interview. But if any coach is going to take a job, he is probably going to want to talk to the people he is going to work with. It isn't lame. It is normal. good calls
  15. I am a little lost myself. I can't see him taking anything less than DC, but the way the article goes, he is here because there is an opening for a LB coach, which doesn't make sense. they are saying they aren't sure what his role would be. My guess is they are considering a change at DC, but don't want to dump Edwards without someone to replace him. But I don't know. I think it is looking more like they are going to try to talk him into a smaller job he doesn't want, and he ends up somewhere else.
  16. This would make a lot of sense, because we have a dire need for someone to return kicks and punts. What would we do if Freddie, spiller, and Roscoe are all injured????
  17. So in other words, it is cam newton or die? Great . that is a pretty bold statement saying Cam newton is going to become a michael jordan figure in the NFL. I am not saying the kid is going to be a bust, but be a michael jordan type? That is just waaaay out there. Not to mention, did cam newton even declare yet? I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't declare.
  18. Didn't we draft a lot of "leaders" and "high character" people last year? This team is in desperate need of talent, not character.
  19. Pretty damn good. turned 25k into millions and millions of dollars, four afc championships, not bad at all. Of course, the team hasn't won much in the last 10 years, but if I was ralph, I would say things worked out pretty well.
  20. If there is no CBA in place on march 3rd, it could be a long time until we get a free agency period. But the nfl has said over and over that the draft will take place at the time it was origionally planned. It is free agency that is the questionmark.
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