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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. Im sure a lot of it was taken out of context, but man, he is digging himself a hole. Trashing goodwell is one thing, but trashing your own team is another. The worst I think is that if they had won the super bowl, that he would have whispered that crap to the commish. ridiculous.
  2. Well, the "sign quickly or live without" type of attitude is, all the other teams are going to be signing players fast as well. So if you don't sign the player quickly, they will most likely go to another team, and once that happens, you can't sign them. I don't think a lot of players are going to wait until after camp starts to sign with a team. That one week window is probably when more than 80% of the free agents disappear.
  3. They can be signed anytime, but each team will want 90 players when they go to camp. Which means they will have probably less than two weeks to grab roughly 40 players. because right now, now team has anything close to 90 players under contract. The most they can have is 53, and I don't think any team has 100% of last years players under contract. If they want 90 players by training camp, they have to sign players fast. And I am sure trying to sign the rookies is going to make things even harder to sign FA faster.
  4. list of players that do bad things in the offseason, and probably won't get in trouble by the nfl because there is no CBA. That list. it is pretty long.
  5. They are preseason grades. The grades are not about what they have done in the nfl, but how the project to turn out in the nfl. that should go with out saying, that they aren't being graded on their nfl careers, they are being graded on their potential and what is expected of them.
  6. it is going to be interesting to see where Herzlich ends up. But I welcome any QB additions just to see if we get lucky.
  7. still kinda sucks about missing missing on ngata. Having him and williams on this team would have been amazing.
  8. Well, he had a good track record at Dallas. A winning record. And he seems to be a fine motivator, and any player he through under the bus deserved to be thrown under the bus. Throwing players like maybin under the bus isn't anything close to what hurt the team last season. His weakness is in the assistants he hires, like you said. Wannstedt is a little help with that, but I think there are more problems across the board. His next biggest weakness is he doesn't draw free agents either. But throwing players under the bus is not the problem.
  9. Lewis got the franchise tag and lewis signed a long term deal.
  10. But a new long term lease would help keep the bills in buffalo if ralph passes and a new owner takes over And it is not so much LA being a threat, it is more of toronto being a threat after ralph passes and that family tries to buy them.
  11. There is no minnesota state proposal. I know there is a county proposal and a city proposal. And last I heard, both proposals are being talked about, with the county proposal as the first option and the city being the 2nd option. No state though. also, I am pretty sure the team that moves to LA will be the raiders or chargers. 4 california football teams? no wai
  12. Vince Young talent wise would be great for this team. Gailey could really take advantage of his skill set. The only real worry about him is his mental toughness. The guy seems to easy to break and doesn't seem to be a real leader. Talent wise though, he would have a lot of potential here.
  13. And Dwan Edwards was considered to be a top ten free agent last year by a lot of people. I guess signing starters and signing a top 10 free agent is "staying out of the market" by his definition. It is obvious they are going to sign at least one or two guys to be a starter, or compete to be a starter. Clabo, like people have mentioned, is the type they would sign. He is starting material, but not too flashy. I really don't know what you are getting at anymore. If you really think signing starters to longterm contracts means those players aren't going to be a part of this team's future, then you must not know where the team is going. I don't even know what you consider a "big ticket free agent." You think clabo is a big ticket free agent but you think dwan edwards isn't? Clabo is a lesser talent, and the only reason Edwards would be cheaper is because people were worried about his injury. But if you think that clabo is a big ticket free agent, and edwards is small stuff, then you have a pretty odd way to evaluate free agents.
  14. Yeah, he says that. But he doesn't say "we aren't going to attack the FA market" like you suggest. If he doesn't believe in signing free agents, then how do you explain signing edwards, davis, green, pears, wrotto, etc? Unless for some reason, you think we drafted all those players....... yeah, nix doesn't believe in free agency, yet he signs plenty of players, not only for depth, but to also be starters. Yeah, that makes sense. really, nix has already said a million times that they are going to sign a QB AND a tackle, at least, when free agency starts. And if nix doesn't sign free agents, how do you explain: Andre Davis Dwan Edwards Reggie Torbor Wrotto Pears Green Etc You just ignore him signing players, and say he builds through the draft? Yeah, he says he builds through the draft. What you don't understand is, building through the draft doesn't mean you ignore free agency. Nix has explained this. What he never said was "ignore free agency." He hasn't said that, at all. On adding a QB via FA: http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2011/5/2/2148930/ryan-fitzpatrick-buffalo-bills-nfl-draft-2011 Yeah, he isn't going to touch free agency, yet he says they need to sign players via free agency. Do you ever listen to the guy?
  15. Except he never said he wanted to be inactive during free agency, and his track record doesn't say that either. Last year, 3 of players he signed during FA were in the starting lineup in week one (Edwards, Davis, Green). To say Nix believes in not being active during free agency is completly false. Especially when you consider all the castoffs he grabbed to build the oline depth. Nix believes you use both the draft and free agency to build a team. I don't know why you think otherwise. because he said he doesn't like to sign the big name players? That doesn't mean he is going to be inactive during free agency at all. He even said he is going to sign another tackle in free agency. His words, not mine. I really don't know where you heard that he is going to be inactive during free agency.... and clabo seems like a type of guy they would sign. Though they would probably overpay him, because I am sure that meaningless probowl status is going to let him demand more cash. I really don't think he is out of the realm. But he doesn't excite me that much, except I would consider him better than a stop gap player.
  16. aside from dockery and TO, the bills never were the type to "catering" to fans that buy merchandise, or whatever you were trying to point out. The problem with the bills is that they fail at both free agency, the draft, and coaching. This new regime has a lot left to prove..... but since the bills had the 3rd worst record last year, I don't think there is anything to diminish. They hit rock bottem last year. There is no "clear direction" in a positive sense that you claim. There is some positive potential with newly drafted players. But other than that, this team is just a huge questionmark that has proven nothing. And until it proves otherwise, it is a team that has failed at the draft and free agency a lot the past 10 years. You don't build through just the draft. You use free agency as well, and even Buddy has said the same thing.
  17. Tyson Clabo would be an upgrade, but I don't know if it would make me "really" happy. They need to do a lot more to make me reach that status. To do that, they need to sign in addition to clabo: a matt light, a Stephen Tulloch, a barret ruud, and a harper. With all that, who needs to re-sign whitner and poz? Though go ahead and re-sign florence, because I like him. But yeah, the only thing that will probably happen out of all that is re-signing florence. But man, if they were able to pull off a Tulloch type signing, i might take this front office more seriously. But, more than likely, they will just re-sign poz instead. Whatev.
  18. I would like to have a completly new logo or just go back to the throwbacks. But these look better than the previous ones we had.
  19. Yeah, that is why he left. They told the owners that they can bring one exec with them, then when the execs got there, the NFL said they were just joking and told the execs to go home. yup.
  20. She totally hates black people. I mean, here OJ was found not guilty, and here she is claiming he is guilty and wanting him to confess. What does a brother got to do? If OJ was a white boy, oprah wouldn't be naggin him like this.
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