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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. Yeah, I doubt they will sign him. But I am pretty sure they are going to sign some more line depth. Troup just hastn't developed enough yet and makes me nervous. But the majority of the players we grab will be camp fodder anyway. If they grab at least 2 starters, I would conisder it a victory. If they sign one, I will be content. If they sign no one of starting caliber to upgrade the team, I will sigh and just hope for the best. But whatever happens, I am ready for some football! No way I see that. Carrington is only useful in pass rushing situations. The guy showed promise and a few sparks, but he didn't do enough last year to earn the starting job from a proven vet.
  2. agreed with this, but I wouldn't be surprised if the bills don't sign any "real" talent. But that whole ranking of free agents is more media lingo than things you would hear from an nfl front office. We don't have much longer to wait.
  3. Exactly. It really looks like the executiive committee for the players didn't keep the players updated on much of anything, and tried to cram everything in the last minute. But the accusation of "the owners slipped things in secretly" is looking less likely. The player reps haven't even seen the document yet, so how would these other players even know that secret things were slipped in??? sounds like they are pulling it out of thin air. And now that smith and co have gone over the document the owners ratified, they don't seem to hate it all that much. I expect a vote tomorrow.
  4. Come on man. That would give us a winning season. Those are illegal for the Bills.
  5. No way we get Doug Free. That would be too amazing, and super expensive. Thomas Howard is an interesting option that hasn't been beaten to death like the others. yet.
  6. hahahahaha but in all seriousness, his blocking really is terrible.
  7. You aren't reading what people are saying. People have nothing against poz, they are making fun of people that keep on siting the "bleacher report." Siting the bleacher report is just... silly. Most people here like poz, even the people posting here. They aren't complaining about poz, they are mocking the people that site the bleacher report, which is exactly the same as site TSD posts. You are getting angry at nothing. No one in here is hating on poz, at least not openly. You REALLY need to calm down.
  8. The GMs aren't the only ones that don't beleive him. Though it is hard to tell what will happen with this type of free agency. I don't expect anything much, because the bills usually wait it out and are patient during free agency, which just won't work this year. If they grab just one decent starter (hopefully RT or TE), then I would consider it a victory since more than likely they might not get a decent starter in FA this year, just because it is going to be so fast paced and they just aren't aggressive enough.
  9. No one is talking to the players or the agents (legally). But the front office has said what they plan to do, which is resign poz and florence, and maybe whitner. Then there have been leaks about other players they are targeting. Just because they say they are targeting a player, doesn't mean they are talking to them. They have openly said they are targeting poz, but I am sure as hell they aren't talking to him right now.
  10. I'd be surprised if Herzlich comes here. He will probably get a ton of offers. Though I was surprised last year when we nabbed Coleman. So I guess it's not impossible.
  11. How is my post saying that wrotto, urbik, and wang should only be depth options, and if they don't improve, they should be cut all together, has ANYTHING to do with what you are talking about in this post?
  12. Agreed. I like Urbik and Wrotto, but only for depth purposes for now. And if they don't develop of improve this year, I say replace them with better depth options. I feel a little less about wang. I have a bad feeling he isn't going to work out as well.
  13. I think the real reason people claim he is better at run blocking is because the team was most successful running the ball on the left side, more than the right side. So it wasn't that he was better at run blocking, but he was better at it than anyone playing RT. As for his pass blocking, he was adequet most of the season, but got better as the season went on. In his defense, he was battleing injuries in the early part. The whole line in general got better as the season went on, and the only eyesore most of the season was RT. I like bell, and I don't think we have hit the ceiling with him yet. I think with him getting better each game, he will still get better this season. oh boy.... 3 seconds isn't bad. 4 seconds is good. 5 seconds is really good against a bad team.
  14. maybe if both sides did better we could win some games??? You are pretty quick to be critical of a team where you don't even know who played on it last year. Not to mention, you are using something as useless as STATS to back up your claims. If you are going to judge the offense on points per a game, you have to take out the games Edwards started first of all, because the QB makes the most difference on the offense. Since edwards isn't the QB anymore, you have to look at how the team played with fitzpatrick. You inlcuding Edward's stats shows how inaccurate your argument is. stop using just stats with your argument. You have either use stats better, or use more than stats. This isn't baseball. This is football. Stats don't mean as much, by far.
  15. This thread is just another example how badly this CBA needs to get done. The draft was all the way back in april, and NOW is the best time to discuss that we only drafted one olineman in the draft? Bleh. I mean, I get the threads that say who we should sign when free agency starts, but threads that are confused about something that happened months ago is rehashing topics worse than even ESPN and NFLN are guilty of. He seems to be better at run blocking than pass blocking. Though I can't really back that up, since the season seems like a distant memory now. But that seemed to be the opinion of most people. I don't mind him at LT. I would prefer an upgrade at that position, but there are other positions that require more attention. Like OLB, RT, TE, and ILB depending on if we resign poz.
  16. *yawn Didn't you watch a game last season? You didn't see the travesty of cornell green playing RT? The misfit backups trying to take care of RT when Green went on IR? Urbik Taking over at guard when Wood moved to center? This all happened in the games last year.
  17. He is average, but was a probowler last year. He is starting calibar, but not great.
  18. What about the oline? it gets addressed during free agency. Might not get addressed correctly, but it will be addressed. Nix has already said they will add a tackle via free agency. It can be anyone from a scrub to a legit starter. If we don't fix it this year, then I guess we address it next offseason or hope harrison develops faster. The oline really isn't a mystery at this point, except for RT which we don't know who will be playing there. We know the interior linemen, even the backups, are pretty decent or better. Bell is..... not the worst we have had. He is inconsistant, and looks pretty bad some days. But overall, he has shown steady improvement, which is encouraging. We really already know how these players play, and RT is the only position on the bills radar needing to be fixed, since they seem to have settled for bell. The biggest problem with the offense was running the ball to control the clock more. They could sling the ball all day. but couldn't run it at all. The run game did get better once Wood got more healthy and bell improved. I am not that worried about the oline, except for RT. Though I would like a better LT.
  19. That has been expected for so long, dareus/newton should have saw it coming anyway. Just glad it is one issue that doesn't need to be argued anymore to get a CBA done.
  20. kinda sad to see Amobi Okoye end up on the list. I know he has pretty much not existed in the nfl, but he had a good story coming out. And to make it more crazy, I remember a lot of threads here with people wanting to use our 1st round pick on the guy.
  21. Well, that part wasn't taken out of context. The big ben comment seemed like it had missing parts to it, hence being out of context. The goodwell stuff, looks like it was just how it looks. also, funny he called mendenhall a fumble machine, when he only had 2 fumbles in the regular season last year. Crazy fella.
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