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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. you are right. since what we say doesn't impact the team, that means we shouldn't say things, speculate, wish for things, or curse things we don't like. we really should post at all, because it won't impact the team.
  2. I don't know. draft talk is just draft talk to me, or to anyone that watches college football. If you watch both college football and the nfl, it is hard not to talk about it. Especially if you see players you like in college and want them to come to your team. and it is ONE thread from what I can see. it isn't like it is a flood of threads talking about drafting. and the draft thread is far from a doom and gloom thread. it is more hopeful than anything.
  3. exactly. there hasn't been much draft talk aside from astrobot, and his posts are pretty informative. hardly something to complain about. it is amazing how with a 3-0 start and people still find things to complain about. "how dare you like these college players and say you want them on the bills! that makes me soooooo mad!" like really. CAn't people enjoy the growing of a young team and hope it keeps getting better or do we have to nitpick and complain about meaningless things, still?
  4. It is pretty good. but I wouldn't say it is better than say, california. though that might be me thinking the grass is always greener on the otherside. Ybor isn't what it used to be, but still plenty of good looking girls outnumbering the guys easy.
  5. and for good reason. it isn't like the receiving corps is doing a bad job. But I would be singing a different tune if jones didn't step up in the 2nd half against the pats*. He had me nervous there in the 1st.
  6. lots of credit going to jackson too. the guy has been great at picking up the blitz. awesome that he is willing to get his hands dirty and block for basically anyone on the team, not just the QB.
  7. most of the big plays they let go were in the first half. they stepped it up more in the 2nd. They had no answer for grankowski. the guy was just too big. Aaron willialms stuck to him like glue most of the first half and grankowsi still was able to make the play just because his arms were so long. They really screwed up on the Ochocinco play. but really, they stuck to those recievers well and made plays when they could. most of those catches were the result of no pass rush rather than bad coverage. when brady has all day to throw, it is impossible to cover those guys.
  8. agreed. thank god our secondary magically stepped up. they were glued to those recievers pretty well. Hopefully the secondary plays like that more often. As for our pass rush, I am not sure what to think of it. It is hard to pressure brady because that oline is amazing, and oakland has a pretty good line as well. I think the bills were a little silly to put all the pass rushing hopes on merriman, who has played better than I expected (by staying "healthy"), but hasn't been able to really pressure anyone. he did pressure brady once pretty well though. I was hoping dareus would be able to get some more qb pressure than he has, but his right now in minmal as well. Im hoping the defense improves over time this season.
  9. biggest difference is beating a divional opponent. that is waaaaay different than 2008
  10. I was glad he called those timeouts. didn't want any of that "calling a timeout right before the FG to get in the kicker's head" nonesense.
  11. love the oline so far. the biggest weakness for us right now is pass rush..... and I don't think that is going to be an easy fix. there are quite a few good teams that have been trying for years to get a real pass rush and still haven't. We also totally shut down their run. not that they ran it much.
  12. pretty much. but to be fair, florence and mckelvin really stepped up. florence I wasn't as big of a surprise, but they did good. That grankowski though is a tough one to cover. it is almost impossible. he is bigger than chandler, and I am assuming has long arms. our CBs (I think williams was on him most of the game) were on him pretty well going deep, and he was just too big. The real mismatch was when we had a LB covering him though. that didn't look purdy. if it wasn't for grankowski, our defense would have killed them. they had no run game and the only other reciever doing anything was welker.
  13. can't remember. it might have been the 4th, but I am pretty sure it was in the middle of the 3rd right before a pats* score.
  14. when he got carted off in the 3rd quarter and waved goodbye to the stadium?
  15. yeah, he waved, but he couldn't sit up. Not even sure how it happened. I saw mckelvin fall on him, but it didn't look like he hit his head or his body moved in an odd motion. I would have thought they would have given an update during the game, but I was in a bar, so there really wasn't much sound to hear if they did update it. I almost find it a bad sign that there are no reports on it. hope he is ok. I loved it when they picked him. thanks!
  16. What was the exact injury? I can't find anything online that isn't vague. I haven't heard the press conferences yet either. I am guessing it was like a back injury? any word on how he is doing?
  17. we must be reading two different threads. they hardly mention anything about the bills, except post things they got from other sites
  18. now there is an interesting tidbit.
  19. yeah, kesley has been solid as de in the 4-3, and i assume he will be starting. I would hope they rotate carrington in there at times.
  20. getting pressure from the front line is the way we have to go. If we blitz, then welker and those tightends are going to have a field day. I do have a lot of confidence in dareus and williams, but getting pressure on brady doesn't seem like it will happen often. That oline does a really good job at protecting brady. The best thing, imo, would be to do a lot of 4-3 with merriman on the outside at DE. I bet it would be easier to hit brady that way. And williams seems to make it to the backfield easier in the 4-3 as well. And I would use carrington a lot more on the outside in the 4-3. I get why they didn't use him much in the past 2 games, since he isn't very strong against the run, and oak/kc are run first teams. But with a pass first team, they should really use carrington on the outside in the 4-3 opposite merriman more often. I bet with a front four of merriman/dareus/williams/carrington they will be able to give off enough pressure to at least keep the bills in the game.
  21. borderline is an understatement about 30% of the time I think he is actually pretty good, and that is being generous. but there are so many stupid things he has that are just terrible. like that durrant rant about bench pressing. that was gawd awful. also, his jokes are bad. but I don't hate him as much as others do.
  22. well, the bills beat the chargers the week after the arizona loss. the losing streak came later.
  23. The offense won't be a problem. The offense should play as good tonight or better. NE dline isn't nearly as good as oaklands. And our offense should have way better field position. That oakland punter really killed us by making us start on the 20 on almost every series. Our defense stopping their offense is the real thing to worry about. Their offense is elite, and our defense is slightly above average, at best.
  24. we almost beat the pats* twice in recent years with teams worse than this one. We might not be the favorites going in, but we certainly have a decent enough shot.
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