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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. Ridding Edwards wouldn't be satisfying enough. gotta make big changes on that defense other than coaching.
  2. Oh yeah, the bills really did treat him badly by giving him a shot to live out his dream as an nfl football player, giving him a job, having him make a ton of money that most of us will never make.... the bills would have been nicer if they just left him making $65 a game in a league no one has heard of....
  3. Only if they told us it would give the bills a super bowl win. Of course they would be lying, but we couldn't pass that up.
  4. I don't know. I am pretty sure there is something in my dna that makes rooting for the bills the only choice. I mean, I would love to jump ship and root for a winner like the packers. Buuut, i just can't. The bills are in my dna and there is no science that can cure me
  5. Wanny a 2nd rate hire? He is a superbowl winning dc! Those aren't exactly easy to find. Not saying wanny should be our dc or he can save this defense, but having a guy with his resume as a ilb coach is hardly a 2nd rate hire.
  6. It is really odd. Gailey wouldnt do that with Jackson. It might be he doesn't have much faith in cj and the defense and too much faith in Fitz. But whatever the reasoning is, Chan was wrong to stop feeding spiller. Especially when the passing game gives up all those turnovers.
  7. How do you figure there won't be any roi if the new owner keeps the team in buffalo?
  8. Like you, I am not sure about winning. But that offense took a real nosedive once Wood got injured. They couldn't run the ball at all and fitz had a lot less time. the past couple weeks the oline got better, but once wood went down, that offense tanked. I am not sure how many games they could have won, if any, but that injury is what killed the offense. The jackson's injury was just the final nail in the coffin. IMO, they need to make the playoffs next year, otherwise gailey/nix are going to have no excuse. year 3 there should be more progress. Gotta add nelson in there. guy is usually pretty good. also mcintyre.
  9. This is what bothers me as well. I can care less about his celebrating. It is a mistake that probably won't happen again and it is a simple thing to fix..... but his dropping the ball in clutch situations.... that really bothers me. I am not sure how much that can be fixed, but he does seem to drop a lot of passes. his hands just aren't elite. his best ability is getting open. he has great footwork. but he needs to stop dropping the passes. especially in clutch situations.
  10. he looks good for a rookie. Though today wasn't his best game. Same with williams. I think they will both become decent starters. But this defense: 1) needs kyle back 2) Help at OLB/DE who can rush the passer 3) A new DC oh buffalo.
  11. I don't think it is really the conditioning coaches fault. I think certian players just cannot stay on the field. Mcgee has been like that forever. I love the guy... very talented, signed a contract extenstion with us, usually performs well, but he has never been one to stay on the field long. If he were on any other team, it would probably be the same thing. As bad as we are, I think detroit is worse. I can't see best ever playing a full season and I can't see Stafford ever lasting long enough to with a SB. I am surprised he is still on the field this year to be honest. This year is a little unusual with Jackson and K williams being out, since those are two players that never really miss a game. And wood's injuries aren't really a "conidtioning issue," though I am not an expert. and merriman? you can't blame our staff on that. I am not saying they are innocent, just saying they can't perform miricles. But on the brightside of injuries: Barnett has been healthy all year thus far, and the biggest knock on him was injuries. Dwan edwards has held his own for the most part since he has been here. I know he missed a couple games last year, but he has been a solid pick up for us when other teams ran away afraid of his injury. And Levitre is looking pretty damn tough. A brutal position, and I am pretty sure he has never missed a game? The only thing I would review about the conditioning staff is the WRs...... there is something very suspicious there. seeing "illness" on so many of there injury reports is just..... bizzar and I don't get it. That is the one unit on this team I really don't get. it is sad, because I like those guys..... but they got butterfingers, can't seem to stay healthy, and as of late, can't get much seperation. For our offense this offseason, I think we need a WR more than we need linemen. And defense we need pass rusher. those two things should solve a lot of problems.
  12. Well, to do that, we would need another TE that doesn't suck.
  13. keeping the best players is one of the few things nix has obviously done right. But bringing in more talent through the draft and FA has been below par, imo. I can probably think of 4 players that look well worth it what he brought in: dareus, barnett, harriston, and you can probably argue dwan edwards. There are a couple players like sheppard and a williams that show promise, but they aren't there yet. But you would think that there would be at least one decent starter from last years draft on the team by now. And the best from that lot is carrington and moats, both who just show flashes but arent exactly legit starters. 2 years later, nix's ability to handle the GM position is still questionable. I think the jury is still out, but it don't look good.
  14. It is hard to tell who will make a good pass rusher. A lot of players that are expected to be good pass rushers in the nfl just don't make it. You can say that about all positions, but pass rushers seems to be an extra tough thing in the draft. It is a lot easier to grab a pass rusher in FA. WIth that said, they should draft more than one pass rushing prospect in the top 5 of the draft.
  15. I wouldn't call them great recievers. Nelson is pretty good for how we use him in the redzone, but jones is really not that good. He is good for a UFA, but we either need him to develop a lot, or we need to replace him with a better talent.
  16. As long as the guy scores, he can give whatever he wants to his girlfriend.
  17. I still have hopes for sheppard and williams. Sucks that kyle williams wasn't healthy all year, the defense might look better. I still think at this point, coaching is more of a problem then talent pool. Though I would say both.
  18. He used to make these threads a lot. he has calmed down recently..... but.... he's back to the old habit I guess. They def have the proper coaching for a 4-3 defense, with mr. stache being there and all. I am not sure if he is equip for a 3-4, but I would guess no based on how the defense has been playing.
  19. we don't exactly need a marquee FA to upgrade the WR position. I think a simple with a better veteran reciever would do wonders. doesn't have to be anyone major. though if it were up to me, I would go after meachum. But I doubt the bills show any interest.
  20. Looking through the list of available Free agents as pass rushers, Robert Mathis and Cliff Avril would look great in a bills uniform as 4-3 DEs. that would sure give us an outside pass rush, and our D would be pretty damn good. at least you would think, with williams back to form and dareus shoring up the middle. of course, I don't know how they would do in a 3-4, but we seem to do mostly a 4-3 now anyway. Abraham would seem like a nice option. guy was a beast when he was with the jests. but you don't hear much about him these days. I honestly thought the guy was retired. And If Robert Meachem hits free agency, it would be amazing for the bills to grab him. he would be a nice deep threat that we need. OF course, signing these players should be 2nd to signing Stevie johnson and reworking fred jackson's contract. And have to sign up those linemen. It shouldn't be hard signing the linemen up. I don't think there will be a lot of competition to sign them. but yeah, meachum would do wonders for this offense and signing one of those pass rushers would fill a huge need and immediatally upgrade both sides of the ball. Chances of us signing them are slim, since a lot of these players will be signed to their current teams probably. But there is definently players we could sign to help us.
  21. I love Gailey and all, but that is a BS reason. there was no need at RB at that time, even if jackson completly sucked because Marshawn Lynch was on the roster at the time as well. They drafted a player they didn't need and now they don't know what to do with. I get they drafted him because they thought he was a playmaker, but either they aren't using him right or he is a bust. He has played pretty well this season, but not enough to start him over freddy or make him worth 1st rounder status. the more time goes on, the more I wish they drafted someone else. he has said multiple times that Spiller struggles with pass protection, which is the main reason he doesn't get on the field much as a RB.
  22. you would think they would go for it. they would make a killing. a lot of die hard nfl fans would eat that up. In the computer/ipad age, it really shouldn't be a problem.
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