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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. He was cut because of his cap hit and most teams are staying away from him because of the money he made before, and he really isn't that great to begin with. If sign him for a low amount, it will be worth it because it will save us a draft pick
  2. That is just bizzar. An offensive guy coaching d backs and assisting on special teams? Ok That is just bizzar. An offensive guy coaching d backs and assisting on special teams? Ok
  3. It is not a science. It is economics and football all mixed together. If it was a science there would be no negotiations.
  4. I don't think he said that. From what I remember, mcshay was the only one all over him. The rest knew there was risk and a big learning curve involved
  5. The defense looked more organized but they still sucked. But I don't think Edwards took a backseat. The bills said Edwards still called the plays, and gailey and nix might not be the best, but they don't seem to lie
  6. I think he is worth a draft pick. Not a high one probably. Since the small school angle didn't work out for the bills that one year, any small schooler they like will be drafted later like jasper was.
  7. Florence will stay. Guy is under contract, is pretty good, and stays healthy. Only knock on him is bone head penalties.
  8. Chicago decided to "not throw in the towel" I guess like the crazy thread said a week ago
  9. I bet he gets cut during training camp. It won't be hard finding someone better than him.
  10. Not really new. Just different than before. There were always loopholes that would allow teams to rollover, now it is just more official.
  11. How about the years when there was no rollover and the bills were over the cap? It is not like the bills haven't spent a ton of money before
  12. Exactly. That is the only reason for people to complain about the bills not getting into bidding wars. They just want to be random.
  13. Can't expect them to know every piece of bills news, but this was a big story from awhile ago. And then several other stories followed it with the new hires, players views, changing to a 4-3, Edwards going to the phins, etc. You would really have to miss a couple weeks of bills news to not know Edwards was fired. It is way worse than the kids here that think Fred Jackson is about to hit fa and we should franchise him.
  14. I don't get why people rag on the bills for not getting into bidding wars with other teams. Bidding wars aren't all that common in the nfl. Unless you count things like the bills making a play for clabo as a 'bidding war." Half the time teams makes offers not even realizing another team already made an offer. Any "bidding war" is usually a smokescreen done by an agent.
  15. As long as they are aggressive they will have at least one or two good signings.
  16. a little off topic, but anyone look at the comments? The "Skooby lives, shout out to 2BD" hahaha. spiller did well, but he didn't outplay jackson in any phase of the game. Jackson is a WAY better blocker, he has more on field awareness, and he is better after the catch. the only thing he lacks is CJ's explosive speed. Jackson is a far more complete back and was a huge reason why we won the games early on.
  17. he isn't going to cost as much as people think. the Raiders are going to have to pay him $5 million this year on top of whatever his new team pays him. It is expected that will drive his price way down. hahahahahahaa.
  18. That article suggest nothing worthy of attention. Of course spiller wants to start, but if he doesn't, there is nothing he can do about it except take an early retirement, hold out, demand a trade, and things like that.... all things I cannot see happening. at all. Spiller seems too softspoken to take all his anger out like a spoiled kid. The worst case scenario, he gets pissed, holds in his anger, and when his contract ends, and he takes off to another team.
  19. People are still going to speculate that we are going to trade or not extend Fred. People are ridiculous.
  20. Tried typing "love" and made a typo, then phone changed it to log. But ill take your theories over my explanation haha
  21. I don't know, I think drafting a small school guy is just as risky as drafting a guy recovering from an injury
  22. Exactly. Building through the draft is the best way to go. The trick is you have to draft good players.
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