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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. it is quite possible that if he tests free agency, the bills will entertain other free agents, and sign somone else, and will either decide they don't need stevie anymore (or can't afford him) and then stevie has to sign with another team, and that team lowballs him. there are so many wide recievers out there that will test the market, and the amount of teams that need one isn't very high. and to top it off, the amount of teams with cap room to pay him a high amount limits it even more. I think there is risk in testing free agency in this case. If he was the best wide reciever available, and there weren't that many free agent wide recievers available, then he would have no risk in free agency. but there are too many recievers out there, and a good handfull of them are better than he is. out of the few teams that will seriously consider him, those same teams will be considering 10 different options. him getting overpaid is highly unlikely. I don't think that risk has anything to do with stevie and his agent being hopeful of a contract extension. I personally think it has more to do with that the bills might actually use the franchise tag before monday. Before they seemed to write it off that it wouldn't happen. But now with nix saying it hasn't been ruled out, I am guessing that was brought up in indy. I am almost positive the threat of the franchise tag is what moved things more forward. but that is just speculation on my part.
  2. What about the dozen or so wide recievers that are still unsigned? The list is HUGE compared to any year. Even after the 1st tier of free agents, the 2nd tier is just as long. Why are you acting like the only free agents as of now are welker, v jackson, colston, and bowe? sure, most of those players will sign with there current team and/or get franchise tagged. but what about Laurent Robinson, Reggie wayne, lloyd, meachum, garcon, simpson, buress, doucet, Caldwell, eddie royal, hines ward, etc. Teams probably wouldn't overpay stevie if they have cheaper options in players that are slightly less productive or can get the same results by paying somone better. Then even if for some odd reason stevie is the ONLY option they have in free agency, then they STILL don't have to overpay, because hey, they can always draft one in april. Lot's of wide recievers out there and teams aren't going to have to overpay. except maybe the bills. Now left tackle.... there are hardly any out there in free agency, so a team might be overpaying for bell... but WR? gawd no.
  3. it isn't allowed and no way it happened. teams would be in serious trouble if they did.
  4. There are like 4-5 other good receivers that will be out there ad well
  5. He treats the local media like crap, but the national media he treated like gold. At least that is from reports I read.
  6. All you have to do is look at previous years when teams moved up to draft a qb. If the browns or skins decide to give 2 first rounders, then the bills would have to give up a lot more than 2 first rounders since the browns are like 6 spots higher than us.
  7. pretty much how I feel. I doubt that claiborne falls to us. Even if he falls out of the top 5, he won't last all the way to top ten. I actually think tampa is going to take him. every is thinking richardson, but I don't think so. He is what I am thinking how the top 6 will go 1) Indy takes luck 2) Browns take RGIII 3) Vikes take kalil 4) St louis takes Blackmon 5) Bucs take Claiborne 6) skins take richardson.
  8. Same. If he is there, I am sure we will pick him. Guy is a stud and those to cbs seem to be the first thing out of his mouth when talking about the draft in general. I don't think he will be there though. And I honestly wouldn't mind the pick unless someone better falls to us. It is used to decide at ten. With all the mock drafts moat players falling to us don't excite me for a top ten pick. So I am hoping on draft day domineering really good just falls to us
  9. That is some insightfull scouting there. And I think the bills might actually agree. I mean, this is the team that drafted a corner named corner. Scouting 101, look at the name of the player. There are clues in all their names
  10. Haha, what? That is like saying mcnabb has more good years left than Matt Ryan. It is just silly
  11. I don't think this team should take risks like that. And from that report, he didn't forget his shoes like tt. I would rather draft talent/character than players with a chip on their shoulder
  12. You don't cut Kelsey. He is the only 4-3 de on our team. The guy isn't great, but he is serviceable, if not above average in the 4-3. Now 3-4 olb he is worthless. But they aren't going to get a replacement for him. Hell, they have to find someone to play opposite him, then they have to find depth for both sides. There are no players that are cap casualties. Mcgee looked like he would be, but guess not. Merriman and dwan will prob get cut, but just because they don't fit in the 4-3, not because it will give us more cap room
  13. To be fair, there really aren't any exciting des this year.
  14. So same money, different incentives if you go by that source.
  15. If the bills don't sign stevie, I think he will be the next best thing for a consolation prize. The guy is the same age as stevie, has potential, and is just slightly less productive in terms of stats. It would be amazing if they were able to get both, but I don't know how serious they are about keeping stevie and getting a threat next to him in one season.
  16. Exactly. Nix said when he first came here he wouldn't spend big in free agency and spend it on its own that played well. We have not spent big in fa, Nd if we don't resign our core players then this front office has not lived up to their word. I am fine not going crazy in fa, but keep our own players that play well is a must
  17. Saw that as well. They also all said they think he will stay on buffalo even though they are far apart now . And mort said he thinks Stevie will be the best value. But yeah, saying Stevie is immature and giving desean a free pass is silly.
  18. Agreed that stevie is way better than those two. Just not a fan of meachem. He just doesn't seem to be a recieving threat, and it seems like more of a cheap option than a real upgrade. And I like jones on our team, but I don't like him as a starter. Our starters should be Stevie, someone else, and nelson with jones and whoever as the backups with chandler as TE. that seems like a stable core to me. Personally, I think Garcon would be our best option, but like someone else said, it doesn't fit what Nix was talking about. most of the others seem more like a pipe dream. Bowe will probably stay in KC, loyed might end up going to the Pats* since he knows mcdanials well. Manningham will probably get an overpaid contract (not here) because of his superbowl catch. I don't know why, but I feel like he will end up in cincy or san fran. Garcon will probably stay in indy if they let manning walk, becuase they will need all the help they can get for a young QB. And something makes me feel like Vincent jackson will end up in St louis. And then, like a lot of us, stevie just might end up in san fran. and of course, desean jackson and welker are staying with their teams. Colston is the one reciever I can't get a feel for where he is going. Not sure how much wiggle room the saints will have after the brees signing, plus they have other FAs to sign. I am almost hoping that if they don't resign him, san fran does and that gives us a good chance to keep stevie. They are so many wideouts out there, stevie might not have as many options as he is expecting. Meachem just seems like a player that "if we want him, we can have him" type deal. I don't think people are going to demand his sercices and I don't think he will cost that much. But I don't think he will make any difference at all, and if we lose stevie, our recievers will just be worse. overall, That is just silly speculation on my part.
  19. Yeah, the bills had a good offseason last year. it is the offseasons before last year that were screwy. Really, least year: -the bills had a solid draft. Dareus, williams, sheppard, and harriston all look like they have potential and promise, even if they are not polished yet. -Bringing in Barnett and chandler proved to be awesome signings -Bills brought in a former nfl hc, and a superbowl winnning DC to coach the ILBs. If the bills have another offseason this year like they did last year, then they will make the playoffs this year I bet. Though I find it hard to imagine them having as good as an offseason as last year. I don't think picking at 10 will be as easy as picking at 3, we might lose a couple free agents that will create holes, and then lord knows what they are going to really go after in free agency. I am personally expecting a "meh" offseason. Even if they bring in a couple quality players, we will probably lose stevie, bell, and/or chandler. and if we keep 1 or more of those guys, we probably don't bring in anyone special from the outside to upgrade. As for the draft, we have no idea where these guys are going to go. they have too many new people on the front office, and hard to tell if they will be better than, the same, or worse than modrack. People can say ralph is making these picks, and until he is dead, the picks won't get better, but I highly doubt ralph is making all our draft choices. I hope we have an awesome draft, because if we don't, that will just show that that overall on the talent evalulaters did nothing for us.
  20. better recievers out there. would rather have v jackson, bowe, garcon, Colston, Lloyd, or Manningham, even though they will cost more.
  21. I don't know. Nix and gailey seem like financial wizards to me. Turned down big wall street jobs to run our football team
  22. Agreed that the "far apart" is a bad sign. But does them agreeing to meet at the combine make that any better, or is that meeting really mean very litte? I am sure at the combine, not much can really get done as far as contract talks go, but I think agreeing to talk more would show both sides haven't given up hope. Then again, I might just be clinging to any sign of optimism.
  23. Good lord, as soon as it seems like people stopped with this nonsense it picks up again. Way to be completly disrespectful and try to chase away the few remaining posters that actually have value in their posts.
  24. Carr is way too pricey. That money would be better spent elsewhere
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