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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. In that case, best to trade down. Someone will really want tanahill or cox or Richardson. No way does one of the top 4 players fall to us.
  2. I think he is really just coaching the running backs, and maybe now and then gailey deligates something to him. I don't really know all his duties, but I think he is a coordinator in name only based on how much gailey is hands on with the offense.
  3. exactly. but by bringing in a new coordinator, we aren't switching modkins with a new coordinator, we are basically switching gailey out for the coordinator, which is silly. it is a step backwards to competley change the plan. if they are going to just go and change an entire offense, they might as well change everything else. I find it crazy that someone wants to change the offense with a new coordinator after we already have a new defense. We might as well rid of nix, gailey, and get a new special teams coach as well if we are going to gut both the offense and defense in one offseason.
  4. I haven't seen much of Zach Brown, but from what I have been hearing, i really don't want him. I really like the idea of drafting russel wilson. He doesn't seem like a nix type, but I think he would be a great late round addition. if hieght is the only knock against him, it can't hurt havning him as a backup.
  5. you are going to be very disappointed. after the draft, there are going to be conspiracy theories the stadium leasing, crazy speculation on who is part of jim kelly's "group" of investors, silly things that show up in stevie's twitter.... in the offeason, everyone stops talking after the draft. happens every year. there will be nothing to talk about until the preseason. The highlights in between will be when the rookies sign. that's it. Really, any topic between after the draft and training camp is going to look like crap next to the draft discussion. "it must be the offseason" will be posted in just about any thread that is created. happens every year around here. But keeping modkins is important. The offense has been successful, it is on the right track, and bringing in another coordinator with a new playbook with just throw all that out the window. For all you know, stevie, fitz, and jackson could totally suck with a new playbook. Especially stevie who benifits a lot from chan's system. Bringing in a coordinator that is "proven" is going to want to bring in his own playbook, and that just sounds silly. I love fitz and all, but I don't think having him learn a new playbook is going to make him any better.
  6. Why would a proven coordinator come to a losing team without a top ten QB to be a coordinator on a team where he doesn't get to call the plays? I don't think gailey is going to let anyone else call the offense. I think the way he worded it was (paraphrasing) "I am going to get it to where I want it to be, then pass the duties on. But I want to get the offense to where I want it first." There is no point in bringing in a "proven coordinator." Doing that would change up the whole offense. no proven coordinator is going to come in and do the same thing chan is doing. he is going to want to bring in his own playbook. I think it is a waste of time to bring in a proven coordinator at this point, because we would basically be starting over. we already got a proven coordinator on the team, he just also happens to be the HC.
  7. So does this mean nix is planning to bring home the bacon?
  8. He isn't saying minny is taking richarson, he is saying based on what has been released, nfl gms feel Richardson is the third best player in the draft. Polian even says he might be number one
  9. I think drafting him is a more likely than drafting an ot at this point. I am thinking their top to choices are gilmore and Floyd based on the way they have talked this week. Baron, if drafted, might be trade bait move down. But it wouldn't be terrible if we keep him. I would rather have someone else than a saftey, unless they think he is a hall of famer
  10. I don't think Reif is a reach, but I think people here are hard on him because he isn't that exciting. I think that would be a good pick for us, but I also think there is a chance he gets picked before we pick. If reiff is the pick, I'd be happy. I think he is starter material at the very least
  11. I agree. I just hope they don't pick someone we don't see coming and he turns out to suck.
  12. It is a tough call for me since there are pros and cons to both. I think I enjoyed the Saturday format better just because we saw 3 rounds in one day. Seeing just one round on day one is just not as good as seeing 3 rounds. It loses momentum
  13. First thought I had Maybe, but it will be messy in getting the stadium filled in Dec than if it were in Sept. Blackouts galore. But if we are in a playoff hunt, then maybe it will get packed. They should put more home games in the front though. And which one is the Toronto game? I am not seeing it anywhere
  14. Oh yeah,.Evans has been getting worse each season, so it makes sense he will have a comeback year now that he is on a team with a worse qb than flacco and a team with worse players in general.
  15. I'm pretty sure it is just tradition rather Jan being secretive. It happens late April every year, except last year which was a funny year
  16. An old roommate had direct tv when I moved in... Never was a fan. The whole interface was just screwy and their billing made no sense to me. Plus at the end of the day, it was $20 more than I pay for my reg cable, and that also includes the interweb
  17. My cable company down here is bright house, and same thing, we don't have nfl network. I can still watch it on my phone with the nfl app, and I don't feel like I am missing much. But I would like to have it to watch the draft instead of watching espn. And it would be nice to have it to flip to if I am just bored and wanting to relax
  18. Wish the best for Evans, but the guy is finished. Take it that his ties to mularky are the only reason why he is there though
  19. Same. It makes a big difference between Floyd and blackmon.
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