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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. Another from the dirty south. What are they thinking! But in all seriousness, go bills!
  2. Looks like a beast. According to the "experts" he is good at covering tight ends
  3. With all the troll posts that get thrown around the past couple days, it is a treat to see a good post like this one.
  4. I can see how people question our first and third picks, but I love the Glenn pick and can't see why people hate it. This front office, for all their nonsense, seem to know talent for the oline. They found pears from nowhere who is a solid player, they found harriston in the 4th who at worst is a good backup, they developed bell pretty well, grabbed ubrick.... They flunked with the 5th round Wang and that 6th rounder. But really. And when the front office says he has good feet, they probably mean it. They don't sugarcoat harristin. They admit he needs to work on his feet. Good point. They said he started off shakey but got better each game, and was great by the end
  5. I personally don't like the pick. It is too much out of left field, and there were other recievers I would have liked more. Then again, I never heard of this kid, know nothing about him, so my opinion means even less than usual. and the more I hear, the more it sounds like he isn't going to do much for us. But for me, the saving grace is that they moved up a little bit to get him. I know that bothers people, but I see it as a plus. They must see something in this kid, and it wasn't just the scouts, but gailey too. Like he has a plan on how to use him. And this is the same regime that grabbed Donald jones and David Nelson off the crap heap and turned them into productive players. if they can do that to those two, then I am sure they can do something positive with this guy, and probably even more if they were willing to use a third on him. It also makes me feel better that they don't plan on using him as a returner. That means they drafted him because they really think he can stretch the field. if he can stretch the field, then that is great. All those people that were saying "stevie is going to get tripple teamed" can rest easy then. I also have a small theory based on the this year and last years draft. I would venture to speculate that nix has the most say on the first two picks, and in the third round, he leans more to what gailey says. Last year, in the third round, they took sheppard who gailey pushed for, since he saw him in the senior bowl. And now with this kid, gailey had the most to say about him, more than nix had to say. It probably means nothing, and maybe I am looking too much into it, but it was a simple observation.
  6. The only "immediate need," or hole was LT. everything else that we "needed" was either depth or upgrade. Like, we don't have an immediate need at qb.... but having an upgrade would do us wonders. the only other one that you can argue for an imediate need would be LB. So LB is definently what we need most right now, but it wouldn't kill us if we just drafted more recievers, tackles, QB, or an RB for special teams or whatever.
  7. Any other tackle out there was projected more of a right tackle, not left. Like Martin who got picked after us, he will play rt for Miami. But he will be a good right tackle for them. The only player that the experts 'knew" could play left tackle was kahil
  8. Nix said that they were dropping words that they thought he was a guard as a smokescreen. It's on buffalobills.com.
  9. I wouldn't mind them picking cousins in the 4th. the worst is he would be an upgrade over thigpen
  10. First pick I don't like. Mcshay believes he can stretch the field, nut that doesn't really make me feel better
  11. Yeah, they must want someone. Traded with skins
  12. In other news, with Glenns run blocking, can cj and Freddie both have 1000 yards each next season? I say yes!
  13. And on that site, he says he can replace bell. Did you even read your own link?
  14. It is on the site you posted us.... The guy that writes on the site YOU posted gives the Glenn pick an a+ and says he van replace bell.
  15. To top it off, the guy that runs that site gives the Glenn pick an a+. Says he is sn awesome value and could fill the void of bell. Who references something that goes against what you are saying?
  16. What's funny is that site says he is the 2nd best guard, and could be a good left tackle, and he has speed. Doh!
  17. Which is probably how a lot of people felt. If he was an obvious lt, he have gotten picked 20 picks ago. He is a good pick, but he needs some coaching.
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