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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. 24 works for me. As a fan, I would have him in the top 20, so 24 from a non fan seems reasonable.
  2. The op is not "excited" , he is asking a question. When people ask when questions, it shows a person is curious. Not sure where you got excited from his post. He doesn't seem excited at all.
  3. Butler should have traded the farm for manning. Asleep at the wheel! In all seriousness, this is probably where are downward nightmare started.... And hopefully it ends soon
  4. This thread got derailed fast with someone refering to jaws as a "homer." But everyone should listen to the jaws interview. Lots of good stuff on there. He did throw out there that teams have told him they are afraid of the bills. But there is a lot more there. He goes into qb mechanics, talks about when Fitz threw his bad passes, addition of lee, addition of gilmore, and a lot of other stuff. He talks some non bills stuff as well. His qb story he is doing sounds great. He took 30 qbs and watched every pass by them and is breaking them all down. I guess he already released Tebow, who is number 30. Interview is in the audiovault on wgr
  5. I admit I read a lot of mock drafts, but I don't recall any of them saying fans would erupt if they did not pick tanehill. I did hear from a couple people on espn, but that was it
  6. If you are a person who looks at results, why are you judging a team before you see the results? Results oriented people usually wait to see the results rather that saying the team will suck before there are anything happens. You aren't looking at results. You are comparing qbs, throwing a little criticism at gailey, throwing out the record from the past 2 years and saying calling it "results" of what will happen this year. I'm sorry, but what you are talking about is not results. It is just a pessimistic opinion looking at 3 or 4 parts of team without looking at the big picture that includes 100s of aspects that are both good and negative. And throwing out there people who stayed close to home, and treating it like an insult, is really bad taste on your part. I mean, REALLY bad. I moved to Tampa a few years ago, and I would never look down on the world I left behind. Never.
  7. Because they played completly different teams? The jests were an easy team to smack around before rex when jauron was here. The phins had a season where they barely won a game.... If you are comparing the chumps jauron beat up to the ones we have faced in the past couple years, then that is a terrible comparison. You want a more honest comparison? Look at how many teams each one beat with a winning record, and that will explain a lot
  8. So what you are saying is we have the exact same football team as last year?
  9. Lol, first you say the bills are bleak because of who they have at qb, then you say jaurons team was better? Who did jauron have at qb that is so much better than what we have right now? Hell, Vince young alone is better than losman and Edwards combined. Pretty much. Lots of potential, but no sure thing. I do feel we will beat the pats* at least once this season
  10. I agree that Tampa is going to take time. Such a different coaching staff, it is a little harder to predict. The 49ers are the exception. Tampa did have a great draft and free agency, I just need to see how these coaches are before I claim how they will be.
  11. I think if we are .500 through the first 6 games, we have a good shot at the playoffs. that last half of our schedule is a walk in the park compared to the first half.
  12. Lord no. They completly gutted the team. They lost so many players and coaches, it is unreal. Sure they have a stud rookie qb, but not even manning, who had a great rookie season, changed the win column much in his first year. I say they win maybe 2 more games this season at most.
  13. You have to have the broncos on the mix somewhere. On paper, the bills seem the most improved. The only argument going against them is the offense is pretty much the same except for a few rookie linemen and a rookie receiver with the hire of a hot shot qb coach. All of the big changes happened on defense. And with so many changes, lord knows what is going to happen. Except Brady being on the ground a lot of course.
  14. I agree that if there is a franchise qb when we pick, we pull the trigger. Fitz is good and all, but it would be smart to search for an elite qb while we have the luxury of not needing one right away. Wr and lb are probably next, depending on what happens with our new guys.
  15. Never saw it like that coming from the team. I have seen it come from players like crabtree saying he should have gotten paid more than the raiders guy that was drafted like 4 spots ahead of him. But that doesn't really apply here. It would be really scary if the bills come out and tell him they don't want to pay him 3rd round money because they think he is 5th round talent.
  16. Apparently he lost his ownership as well, according to the tweets
  17. Since Freddie was a free agent pick up, he is obviously worthless. I am scared that our best pass rushers were free agent pick ups as well. Bad news!
  18. It really is pathetic. Especially when you leave out the high draft choices like wood and levitre. I don't think there are "big problems" on an offense that finished in the top half of the league last year. Offense should be better now with more experience and more talent on the oline
  19. If the bills make the playoffs, anyone of those teams, besides the pats* are pretty vulnerable . Cinci and texans look good, but they are young. Broncos are a bit of a boom or bust team, imo. Baltimore and pitt aren't the same. Jests are the jests. Afc is just weak. If we were in the nfc, I would doubt our playoff hopes a lot more. I think we got a good shot in the afc.
  20. I think there were other reasons for it, like to make up for Fitz'e arm strength and the overall talent at wr. Even if you want to knock the oline for not being able to pass protect well, gotta give them props for Freddie and cj's run game.
  21. I guess it isn't a a black/white answer. For the game plan and what we did, the oline was pretty good. Talent wise it is suspect. You see tom Brady stepping back and holding on to the ball forever, and he would not have had that luxury with our oline last year. Not that matters though. He is going to have no time to throw against the bills even if they protect him with bullet proof glass and a brick wall! Go bills!
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