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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. third and short was a major problem last year, and they need to overcome that this year to really be a playoff team.
  2. This is such an odd statement that a lot of people are making. How have the not proven anything yet? these are not rookies that have never taken an nfl snap. Individually, these are all great players. Sure, they have a lot of things to prove as a unit, but individually, these players have proven a lot, even Dareus who has only been in the league one year and Anderson who I guess you can argue is a one year wonder. These are great players with a great coordinator. They do have things to prove, but saying they haven't proven anything yet is a little dishonest, especially when there are pro bowl players involved. I think that it is obvious this is going to be a very good line. The only question in my mind is "how good?" And the biggest thing they have to prove is health with kyle, anderson, and mario all coming off injuries. other than that, they dont need to prove anything in reguards to talent.
  3. He really looked lousy at safety on our team. But he was a great worker and was a great special teams player, and felt bad for the guy. I was super surprised when he took off with the jests. I would welcome the guy back
  4. I am not a big fan of the brad smith signing. But if the wildcat is actually put to good use, then great. Personally, I don't think the wildcat is going to work, and that goes for both the bills and the jests. The wild cat was cute for awhile, but I think teams have caught on enough to where it isn't worth the trouble of having the wildcat in the playbook. I would rather use the roster spot for something else, and if they want the wild cat so bad, freddy would be great to do it, maybe even better than smith
  5. That mark Anderson comment is interesting. It would be really great to topple to new England for the division.
  6. In the made for tv version? Probably Scott porter. In the big summer blockbuster version that breaks every record? Ryan Gosling.
  7. 2012 is going to be so good, they are going to have to expand it to a 90 minute show
  8. Afc isn't as tough as it used to be. Texans, Patriots and ravens are the only two teams that I am almost positive will have a better record than the bills. Any other team in the afc east I say the bills have a somewhat decent shot to beat out in the win record. Teams like the raiders, chargers, steelers, and chiefs are tricky, but at this point I think our chance is just as good as theirs. The only 3 that I see really competing to win the afc are Houston, ravens, and pats*.
  9. All I have been hearing is how fast graham is. But if he is so fast, why did it take him so long to sign? Right now that makes him the slowest out of the rookie class by signing last.
  10. Or worst case scenario, he sucks with us, and the pats* still lost a 10 sack guy
  11. For awhile it was ray Lewis. Guy is a beast and is just nuts. Now it is a toss up between him and suh. Suh seems like a good guy, but when he is in the moment, he is just merciless
  12. Because he wasn't good until last year year, and the pats* let him walk because kraft is cheap
  13. As long as two of those wins are against pats and jets, I think I can live with that, only if we go on a win streak in the 2nd half and make the playoffs
  14. I really hope hagan steps up for the #2 spot. Having Jones as our number 2 is very underwhelming Also, I don't see them getting rid of brad smith. It is too much of a coincidence that they brought in lee with his wildcat background. And Vince young, has he ever done the wildcat? I don't recall that at all. And to top it off, if/when our recevers get depleted, he will be of use. We are paying him too much, but at this point I don't think it matters. I think this staff has their mind set on having a wildcat option, and he is their best choice
  15. It is going to be about welkers contract, pats losing the superbowl, when tannahil be ready, Tebow, and how the bills might get a wild card but not win the division. They might throw in some ocho cinco and some other nonsense as well
  16. I still can't believe the eagles fell for it. They are such a well coached team, and it was obvious that it was coming, and they took the bait
  17. It has been beaten to death that he did what the coaches told him. Unless Chan tells him to do it, he won't do it. So I don't get the whole thing where you hope he doesn't do it with the bills. He obviously won't. Completely odd and random comment to make. And if we are going to discuss stuff that old, let's discuss the bills signing T.O. and trading lee Evans. We haven't talked about them in a few weeks
  18. And you never put your hand on them, even to just poke them. Touching them in anyway will be writing your own ticket. I'll agree that cops are not very ethical, but in this case, it sounds like this could have been easy to avoid
  19. On a side note reguarding team captains, I heard the jests aren't going to have captains this year. Kind of odd with the way they used team captians in the past to try to push certain players and make them captains at odd times,.like when maybin was made team captain
  20. I don't see the depth guys being much better than last year. I still think Kelsey is going to take more snaps than Anderson. They got Spencer Johnson playing outside right now. And I like heard better than troup right now. I like Edwards as a backup, and hope they keep him. But someone is going to get cut on this line, maybe more than one. I don't carrington sticking around or playing a big role
  21. Oh, he won't win it. But if there is an injury or crappy play, he might get some playing time.
  22. They did, but I can't recall where they had him the most. But they had him learning all 4 because of the injury bug from last year they want the players to be as flexable as possible. As far as the outside goes, based on all the interviews, Jones is getting most of time there, and I remember Fitz saying hagan looked really good there.
  23. 4 years to get to the pro bowl, but he was still a good player before that. And height doesn't seem to be a factor in length of development. But I bet he will be as good if not better than Fitz in two years. I see nothing wrong with taking a qb that will take a few years to develop over a wr that will also take a few years to develop. Sooner or later, the bills are going to have to take a young, good, qb prospect to develop. Otherwise, when Fitz retires or stops playing well, we will be forced to start a rookie or play an over the hill vet. So what if it takes Wilson a couple years to develop? It is probably going to take graham the same amount of time. Most receivers take 2-3 years anyway. I don't see why we need a developmental qb to play in the next 4 years unless Fitz totally sucks, which I don't expect. Best case scenario, Fitz and Wilson both play awesome and in two years Wilson gets traded for high draft picks like kolb was. Wilson looks like the real deal, and I wouldn't be surprised if he starts a few games this year and plays well. He is more nfl ready than tannahill for sure.
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