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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. Of course there is. There are plenty of less impressive qbs to make a play for. In fact, he is probably the best one that is actually available
  2. Worst part is their new rt looks good and landry looks good too. But their offense is still worse than ours
  3. Tavaris and jp are two completely different qbs with different strengths and weaknessea. The only thing they have in common is that they are mobile.
  4. One of the other problems with gilmore is that since he is s rookie, qbs will throw his way a lot until he makes an nfl name for himself.
  5. On the bills site it says easily is still eligible for practice squad. I bet he ends up there
  6. Nothing surprising yet. 2nd round cuts will have some surprises
  7. That will be the worst. 2nd worse will be trying to force the 3-4 defense. After that, the rest of the mistakes are pretty even
  8. It's ok. Instead of Wilson we have the fastest wr on the field. We'll be alright! *cries Though I don't feel too horrible right now. This offense, as bad (or average) as it seems, looks way better than the jests offense. Even if we don't make it to the playoffs, I have a good feeling we will be able to beats jests week 1
  9. I was just about to ask about him. If he was able to play a whole quarter, that should be a good sign.
  10. Anyone have a gilmore update? Someone said he might be hurt
  11. Ya. I am not watching the game, but that completion percentage is ugly. I know we are playing the steelers defense and all... But this is not good offense based on those stats. I am not sure if the film is showing anything different. Best thing about the offense for me is no interceptions, and I think no penalties. This offense will need to be more productive to make it to playoffs. And glad to hear shep making plays. Maybe there is hope for him
  12. And for a lot of reasons. Using high picks on small schoolers, drafting one year starter, drafting for need, and I really think not grabbing a serious young qb to groom is a huge problem. Just someone in the 5th round would be ok. Just someone that might turn into something in a few years
  13. Agreed. The drafts seem to not work out as time goes on. I liked the last two drafts, but it makes you wonder how good the Glenn and graham picks are when you see shep and Aaron Williams struggling in preseason
  14. Can you imagine him tweeting that stuff while polian was there? Man, those two would probably kill eachother.
  15. They won too many games last year and didn't get to draft high enough. Silly front office
  16. And he is cheap, so he wouldn't do something that would make him pay a fine
  17. No way all three of them get cut.
  18. For real. And that wasn't a vanilla defense either. It was vanilla with chocolate sprinkles!
  19. It's a conspiracy. An nfl coverup! In all seriousness, I don't know what to make of it.
  20. I watched him in the Tampa preseason game. I was unimpressed, but thought he looked good last year
  21. I don't get their optimism for their d. I don't see it being as good as previous years. Leonard was a key part of that d, and he is gone. Not only are they hanging all their outside pass rush hopes on maybin, but they are going with a 4-3 base that he is worse in, their only improvement is they drafted a guy for their inside pass rush who tends to not give 100%. Their d is not a top 5, and if it wasn't for revis, it wouldn't even be a top 15
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