It is hard to pinpoint the problem with the drafting because we don't know who influenced what pick. I always had a feeling spiller was pushed more by gailey. And I'm sure the the senior bowl players we picked were pushed by gailey. And.I have a feeling the graham pick was gaily. But these are all guesses on my part.
Overall, each draft his so different you can't really compare them. The first draft used all these high picks on small schoolers, and the next two were all sec players.
The best thing I can say about the nix drafts is so far none of the first rounders have been "busts" yet. We can say that isn't much to brag about since it isn't too difficult to screw up first rounders, but just look at the first rounders before nix.
But yeah, his drafts are a joke... Though I still am holding onto hope that there are at least 3 future starters in that class.