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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. Someone had to get fired after that loss, even if it was just a parking attendent
  2. I have the same feeling about the way they played. They didn't seem to realize it was the real season and they looked lost, and that is on coaching. The only thing I keep telling myself is that they never looked this lost in the last two years, so maybe this was just a fluke. But they definently have me worried. And we can joke that Chan has a losing record as a HC, but before he came to buffalo, he had a winning record as an nfl HC... And I think so did stache(that is probably wrong)....so I don't consider these scrub coaches, but it is obvious that the jests loss is like 70 percent on them. I also think that the jests are a super talented team and have been for awhile.their weakness right now is that locker room... And it will take time for that to explode. I bet towards the end of the season they will fall apart. Even though I haven't pulled the plug on this team yet, I need to see a lot better performance to stop worrying
  3. The turnovers were the biggest problem, but can't deny that the defense and special teams were problems too
  4. Don't forget, we are cursed. We are cursed so bad, we turn $100 million into garbage. A curse is the most logical explanation
  5. I really can't tell how many wins, like at all. I can't imagine they are as bad as they played in week one, but I can't deny how bad they looked in all three phases. If they don't win the next two games, there is no way they win more than 6 this year.
  6. We really don't draft qbs all that often. The last time we had a good prospect was with Edwards, and all it did was cost a third rounder. Even if they just took someone with one of our 4th round picks, I would be ok with that. Not drafting a single decent prospect in 3 drafts seems poor. And levi doesn't count for anything other than camp fodder
  7. As worried and upset as I am, if they find a way to completely blow out the pats* in week four, all is forgiven.
  8. We really should have invested more resources into qbs, mainly with draft picks. Im would have been ok with Fitz as a stop gap player, but not developing anyone else beyond him is terrible
  9. It is a pretty good read, and I will look forward to these every week. It is going to be interesting to see the breakdown of the defensive backs.
  10. Same thing. Feel really guilty that was my first thought. Way too young to lose a brother
  11. Lol. Espn is too kind. Or the only watched the Tebow plays
  12. I was really thinking that Mario's claims were just sour grapes. But it looks like there is more truth to it than I realized. Makes me feel better, because it is concerning how little he actually did all game
  13. This is the worst one in recent memory. This team has been bad for awhile. I can't remember a game where we were this bad in all 3 phases of the game
  14. I guess. Depends on how they respond. Hopefully it is a wake up call to everyone from top to bottom
  15. Front 4 has a lot to prove to be solid. Best thing to say about them is they werent bad stopping the run.
  16. You don't think there is relevance to the two injuries at all? give me a break....
  17. QB is the number one thing that has bothered me about this team. Fitz seems fine for a stop gap player, and I can't imagine why they wouldn't use a draft pick to develop a young QB. Wilson and dalton are the obvious ones. And at the time, if colt mccoy fell to us in the third, I would have taken him then. Though in hindsight he probably was a bad idea
  18. The whole "sky isn't falling" part. If you play that bad in all three phases, the sky is either falling or pretty close to it I'm sure he us way more worried than he let on
  19. CJ said all the right things. Havent seen Mario or Fitz yet
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