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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. Well, the bills are pretty much eliminated before the season begins, so that won't work
  2. I don't they they even try to replace buddy with anyone. If anything, polian might be brought in as a consultant, but I doubt polian would like a role like that. I don't see this organization holding the buddy accountable yet. If we finish the year really bad, gailey will be the scapegoat, buddy stays. Bills will probably higher coach that isn't excitable, but they would probably market it as such. If the bills finish 8-8 or higher by some dumb luck, then I say they all stay. I am not expecting a big offseason for them if they are 8-8 or higher. If they are less, we get a new coaching staff and probably a new 1st round qb, but not barkley
  3. They still need to push it back a couple more weeks if they really want to see some action
  4. I don't know.... These defense has more talent than last year yet it is playing worse. I think that is more coaching than talent
  5. If our biggest problem was our linebackers, we would be 5-2
  6. Because that is obviously why we lost all those games
  7. Possibly Cleveland if they tank bad enough and there is a qb that falls to them that is too good to pass up
  8. The playcalling would change, which would make a huge difference. Wanny calls the same play 90% of the time. Anyone that mixes the playcalling up a bit would be a huge upgrade, and sanders has had those duties before
  9. Agreed. The system may be bad, but with all the talent they have up front, they shouldn't be this bad. It would be one thing if they got just a little bit better than last year, but they got worse! Much worse, and I didn't think that was possible
  10. That is what I was thinking. He has been dc before. He might not be great, but there is no way he does worse than what we have
  11. No. They are just playing the younger guys, because it has worked so well. I honestly wish they would put him in. The defense can't look worse with him out there
  12. Well, some of them. They gave us a great oline, a decent tight end, some ok receivers, a good rb, and a 100 mill dollar prize free agent. Other than that, their other choices have something still to prove
  13. Mainly the win/loss record. I can't imagine them being here if there record doesn't get way better
  14. It's sad to talk smack to other teams when your team plays poorly. I remember I saw spiller talking a little smack to some players in the new England game too. But for all the pregame and post game speeches, that stuff is great and I love it. But talking smack during a game and your are sucking just isn't a proud moment.
  15. They hit Brady a lot. I thought I saw a helmet to helmet hit in there. I wish the pats* played defenses like that more often
  16. I was wondering who that was yelling. I like the guy, but his football role is so small. I do get a kick when he talks smack to opposing teams. Not that it means anything, it just humours me in a sad way.
  17. Gilmore is looking better, but I'm still worried about our defense as a whole. We played ok against a terrible offense.... So we have a lot more to prove I havent noticed the seahawks using 3 dts and one de on rushing plays, probably because I don't know their players as well. But that seems like a good idea on rushing plays. I don't think throw Kyle, Spencer, and marcel in at the same time would make too much of a difference, but I would go for it when Spencer is healthy
  18. Pretty much. But it would be so less frustrating to have a better qb on the team
  19. Chan said he is behind Johnson, so at least a couple more weeks
  20. And on a side note, as bad as Fitz is, I think he is the best qb we have had since bledsoe. It isn't a good endorsement considering who we have had, but still. And I really hope we draft a qb. On offense, he is the weak link Oh, there is plenty to complain about on this team other than Fitz
  21. When Fitz throws to a wide open Stevie and the ball is thrown at his feet, that is on Fitz, and it happens s lot
  22. People (media) kept saying he has been making bad decisions which is a lie. He makes more good decisions than most qbs.... He just doesn't have the arm. He throws to a wide open target, which is a good decision, but he can't make the throws. At least not often enough. If he had jp losmans arm, the guy would be great. He could manage the game (that losman couldn't do) and every now and then throw some bombs to graham or someone
  23. We def need a qb, but this regime is behind Fitz unfortunatly. I really hope we draft someone to at least sit behind Fitz. Someone worth developing.
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