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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. I agree, but going farther saying that he didn't like the pick at all just a little baffeling. It is hard to argue against the pick
  2. Commish even said, "don't worry about to Rooney rule, you are just that special, Greggo!" He pretty much got fired because he is a polarizing personality. He has some some serious issues and he is very difficult to work with. He might be a good defensive coach on paper, but his personality is pretty much locker room cancer
  3. Yup. But we know there is no way the Steelers would trade him to a conference rival even though brown would love to go to the pats
  4. Glad they got this deal done. I like him much better than Star who we are overpaying at this point
  5. Yup. Depends on how much guaranteed money there is to see how invested they are in him
  6. Apparently he treated that player that lost his brother to a drive by like crap. Based on those reports, he might be a good coach but a very questionable human being EDIT here is link to a report without the paywall. I'm just speculating, but I would think this must have played a role in the outcome https://coltswire-usatoday-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/coltswire.usatoday.com/2018/12/28/indianapolis-colts-denzelle-good-oakland-raiders-dave-deguglielmo-release/amp/?amp_js_v=a2&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQCCAE%3D#referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From %1%24s&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fcoltswire.usatoday.com%2F2018%2F12%2F28%2Findianapolis-colts-denzelle-good-oakland-raiders-dave-deguglielmo-release%2F
  7. Allen went up against some good defenses and he will go up against another good one with jacksonville. I expect lots of struggle from allen with the next game. After that game, the defenses wont be as good as the others he went up against. I expect him to struggle with the jax game but improve the rest of the season
  8. The people that should be "fired" is Beane and half the offensive players. I get giving Beane time to build a roster, but with the time he has been here the offense should not be this bad. The offense is super bad. There is no excuse for a gm to let the offense get this bad. You can blame it on a bad salary cap, you can blame it on injuries, you can blame it on focusing on defense, you can blame it on culture being more important than talent, but at the end of the day, every fan knew going into the season that the offense they built would be crap. It doesn't take a football genius to know what they did in the off-season was a recipe for disaster. Most of us predicted a bad offense. This bad offense falls on Beane for ignoring the offense. He put this crap talent together and sold it as an NFL caliber offense. It is not
  9. cant help but agree with their assessment on Allen. I didn't hate the draft pick like they did, but there is a lot of blame to go around for his performance. Some of it is on him, but benjamin, the line, coaches, gm, they all take some heat regardless if Allen is a franchise qb or not
  10. I'm pretty sure whaley had a lot of say in EJ. He really forced the issue of giving EJ more chances to win the job and the one QB he drafted was pretty much an EJ clone.
  11. The ol Losman offense is making a comeback!
  12. I'm still skeptical of the accusations. But I'm with the other poster. The mother of his child calling BS on the child abuse was a huge thing that led me to believe shady was innocent. I think that still may be the case that he is innocent, but having 2 people saying it is a lot more powerful than just one person saying it. Either way, it looks stories by both girls have a lot of red flags in them
  13. You forgot Kerley... Oh, wait
  14. Being highly recruited out of high school doesn't mean that he doesn't drop passes
  15. That was their first string defense out there most if the time. Allen escaped a sack from suggs
  16. It is hard to evaluate Josh Allen when the oline was so poor and receivers were dropping the few good plays.. One think i really loved though was Allen with ball security. when the sacks came he guarded that ball to dear life like it was his baby. other than that, we really cant give the guy a rating because there was mess around him preventing him from doing anything good.
  17. on the local feed it was tasker. on the national feed it was couch and this other dude. this crawford guy was worse than tasker. and tasker is pretty bad
  18. At this point the possibilities are endless. There aren't just 2 possibilities
  19. Reports saying she got home about 6pm I think
  20. And we would have Aaron Rodgers instead of losman
  21. It's been over 24 hours and we are still not at page 100??? We are slacking
  22. Well, the witness being her best friend
  23. If they catch the intruder, and the intruder has obvious links to shady and/or points the finger at him, that seems to be the thing that would hang him. Suspicious phone calls on his phone records around the time of the attack might be something too, though I assume he would have used a burner type phone unless he is really really dumb. I think their best shot of knowing what happened is to catch the guy. Odds of that I don't know. Given how brutal the attack is I am thinking there is a good chance they get a DNA sample and if this person is in the system it should be easy. Otherwise this won't get solved without really good police work
  24. I don't think they have a kid together. I think he only has one kid and it is from another relationship. I know reports are saying they have a kid together, but I think the reports are mistaking or I completely missed this kid being born
  25. Not at all. i am just questioning the statement that she is a tenant and not a squatter. it seems obvious that she is a textbook squatter. she is staying in a house she doesn't pay rent for, the owner is asking her to leave, she wont leave, eviction proceedings start. this is nothing like a husband evicting a wife like the poster said. This is like a landlord asking someone to leave that doesnt pay their rent and they wont leave.This is a textbook definition of a squatter. It isnt really relevant to shady being guilty or innocent.
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