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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. I wouldn't take him for that price, but it sucks he is with the pats*. He was a difference maker for that defense.
  2. I don't know.... a lot of recievers more talented than donald went there and brady did next to nothing with them. Ocho cinco and lloyd are the ones that jump to mind. My guess is he only sees the field if there is an injury or he just gets cut in august.
  3. That is something I have noticed. They seem most intrigued with wilson. I wonder if it is a smokescreen to throw people off about nassib, since they really know everything they would have to know on him. I would take Wilson over Nassib though. But they have publically shown most interest in wilson
  4. they are not doing anything because our team is awesome just the way it is. go bills!
  5. Because it kills a team when you over pay too many players. It isnt like the bills can spend as much as they want. If they overspend on too many players, that leaves less money for other positions. There is a thing called a cap limit, ya know.
  6. might be too expensive if that many teams are after him. He would be the number two guy here. I would love to have him here though.
  7. I would like drafting patterson. He has too much upside. But if geno falls to us, he should be the pick
  8. I think that would be a huge signing, but I am not expecting a signing. My pessimism has been kicking in a lot lately. But if they sign him, that would be huge for us.
  9. I thought it was possible, but unlikely. Either way, this is good news. Jests losing good players only makes me happy. The jests have gotten way worse this offseason, and might get worse if they lose revis. Even if we are just as crappy as last year, we got the jests beat. They lost their DC, lost a few of their key players, still stuck with Tebow/sanchez, and very well can lose revis, even if they get a 1st rounder for him. They have taken like 10 steps back. Right now, I say we are 3rd in the division. And if the bills do some good things in free agency and the draft, they might actually move up from 3rd. The coaching staff is a bit of a wild card, because it is hard to tell how much of an impact they will make with our guys. hard to imagine the defense not making huge strides this year, even with the lackluster talent at MLB. I expect the same old stuff on offense, with maybe some better playcalling. Though if we get Geno smith, offense could take off too.
  10. I didn't realize Byrd's agent was the same one Peter's had. That makes me nervous
  11. It is a QB league for now, but it is just a fad. The fullback is making a comeback!
  12. Yeah, I was trying to also include drafts, because their drafts aren't much better than ours really. Their team is great because of Brady, Bellicheat, Wilfork, Mayo, their two TEs, and formally Welker. The rest of the team is pretty weak overall. They just lost welker and Chung... pats took two big steps backwards. and at worst, we took a step backwords losing levitre. but really, tavaris jackson is probably just as good if not better than fitz, lawson is better than what we had last year...... I don't think our season is doomed yet. And I am not ready to crown marrone as a good HC just yet, but I am pretty confident Pettine can make this a top 15 defense this year. Even without levtire, I don't think this team is any worse than last year. And from a big picture point of view, we are probably more improved than any other team in the afc east just on the coaching change alone.
  13. Not many players can take the hits he does. For a small guy, he takes nasy hits like they are nothing.
  14. Exactly. No news from any media until the signing was done and he was in buffalo for almost 24 hours without a peep. I am sure they are talking with a lot of agents and they could very well have 1 or 2 people in buffalo and no one even knows. I wouldn't be surprised if gibson went to visit the jests and sign with the bills saying he visited the bills first and decided to sign there. Not saying that is who I want, but they are being very quiet about what they are doing. I am sure the deadspin article had at least a little influence on them being THIS quiet.
  15. hahaha, I would love to spraypaint that on brady's garage door.
  16. kinda risky for them. Their best 3 recieving options have a long history of injuries. I say they have to dumpster dig for receivers this year in november.
  17. His success rate in free agency has been pretty bad as of late. The last few moves that actually worked are limited, probably hernandez, gronk, and talib. Then the failures of haynesworth, ocho cinco, Anthony Gonzalez, Donte Stallworth, Brandon Lloyd, etc. In fact, the patriots are minus 3 picks because of these moves. If the bills did that, there would be outrage.
  18. Agreed. He played tough and hit hard, but he wasn't quick and didn't cover too well. That could change and he could develop. But if we are doing a 3-4, I think he would be better at ILB.
  19. They can sign an owner ! Guys, what free agent owners are out there?!
  20. Not radioshack. Got it from a trashcan from the patriots. According to the computer, we need to get sign ocho cinco, and we are a lock for the super bowl!
  21. I would like him, but not super badly. He is a slight upgrade over Jones. Lots of receivers out there still.
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