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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. I don't know, looking forward looks pretty scary. Too much unknown, and with our luck, unknown isn't good.
  2. I don't see china immediately backing n korea. If anything, this nuclear stuff has china moving away from them and closer to the US. Hypothetically as well, lets say we did "bomb" n korea, china would think more than once before attacking a country that buys all the crap they make. China is doing well, and it a huge part to us buying their crap. If we are at war with them, their exports to us stop and that will ruin their economy. The US and China are economically tied together, even though we are far from allies. And if north korea sets off a nuclear weapon, no one, and I mean no one will be their ally.
  3. They could use it, but I doubt they will. I don't think the pats* care what the bills say or do. I think it is obvous if the jests said this, it would be headline news, but since it is the bills, I don't think the pats* care. They don't hate us or fear us. Motivation isn't going to play a role. If we lose to the pats8 twice this season, it is because they are better than us and we suck. not because stevie made a tweet about north korea 8 months prior.
  4. That wasn't anything off the field though. Not once has he done anything off the field that effected the team. not once. And if you think they lost that game because of stevie being benched, then that is crazy. they lost the game by like 25-30 points. I love stevie and all, but don't seem him scoring and playing enough to offset that. And hypothetically, IF stevie is a good enough as you say to turn a game where the bills lost by like 30 points into a win against a team that went to the super bowl that year, then he must be the biggest game changer than TO and Sanders. Stevie being benched did not lose us that game by a long shot. However, earlier that season he probably did cost us a win against the Jests with his on the field celebrating. that is still hypothetical, but there is a good chance he actually cost us that game. But that pats* game where he got benched? hell no
  5. So what are you saying exactly? It is ok to have off the field issues that hurt the team if you are a big name and a big playmaker, but it is wrong to be a decent playmaker and say things on twitter that sounds stupid, and no one else but a handful of bills fans seem to care about? I mean, I get you think that this tweet could mean stevie is getting kicked out of buffalo, but it has been several days now and I don't see any sign of this happening, and never thought it would. I don't see him losing the locker room over his tweet, I don't see the patriots using this as "extra" fuel like they would if rex ryan said it, I don't see any younger players looking at him and thinking they should do the same and shouting about north korea on twitter, I don't see any coaches or front office people showing any concern.... so tell me, where is this actually affecting the team? Because I can't imagine it is doing anything at all as far as the football side goes.
  6. And all these people that said this was a big deal because it would send SJ packing, if it was something that would send him packing, there would already be trade rumors out there. the guy isn't going anywhere. Not only that, but the usatoday and I think cbs were the only national media to even mention it. this is such a non story it isn't even funny. When stevie goes out and actually does something off the field that is a big deal, then maybe we can worry about it. All these things people list here that stevie does off the field, the ONLY people that give it a second look is bills fans. You don't see anyone else talking about it, though I am sure there might be a 2 page thread on a pats* forum somewhere about this. Let's wait until stevie starts beating his wife before we compare him to chad Johnson, let's wait until he starts bashing his QN and demanding all balls be thrown to him before we compare him to TO, lets not give crap to a guy that has done nothing but say something stupid that no one but a handful of people on this board actually care about. Really, if every NFL player that said something stupid on twitter was to be released or traded, the turnover rate for all rosters would be insane. Hell, in Jim Kelly's years, he was out womanizing women off the field. Would you throw him off the team then because he was going about town and being immature off the field? What stevie does off the field is so small. The only reason it is made a big deal out of is because with so many losing seasons, no QB, and no hope, we really have not much else to talk about.
  7. it depends on what type of respect you are asking about. Do you mean the respect of his on feel play or off the field stuff? His on the field stuff isn't close, but off the field the guy is a saint compared to the other two. TO and Sanders were more than "look at me" types, they were polarizing people.
  8. This class cant be any worse than the class that brought us Quin, Jamarcus Russell, Trent Edwards, and Kevin Kolb.
  9. I don't know, sounds a little over the top to be this harsh on players because they show "evidence" that they have "potential" to do an antic on the field that will cost the team, even though said player did nothing like that on the field last year. I think going a whole season without any of these antics affecting the team, re-sigining with the team when he could have gone elsewhere for more money (most likely), publically supporting the team and the city, being one of the few players that actually perform on the field, has shown to get gradually better each year, hasn't missed a game, and played through a groin injury and still played hard.... for a guy that appears to be part of the solution and not part of the problem, people here are pretty quick to run him out of town because he could "potentially" do something on the field that would result in a penalty. People are free of course to bash him and run him out of town if they wish, whether it is because the tweet was offensive or if people truly believe that cutting stevie is worth it just because there is a chance he could do something stupid to draw a 10 yard penalty, and that 10 yard penalty would cost us a game, people are more than welcome to believe it. I am sorry, I just don't see how this tweet is "evidence" that he is going to do something stupid on the field. I plan on doing something stupid this weekend. Doesn't mean I am going to do something stupid on monday when I clock in at the office.
  10. This draft is deep with olinemen. They should be able to find a decent starter in the mid rounds. They need to get an impact player with the first pick. If not a QB, someone that will make us more explosive. A guard isn't going to do that.
  11. means we don't have to draft a RB in the 1st round this year!
  12. I don't think they like skelton as a starter. I would think they only seem him as competition for the number 2 role. They are going to draft a QB and have that QB battle it out with stanton for the starting spot would be my guess.
  13. I would think they would mosly read news papers. They probably scan through some message boards, but there is so much online material, and a lot of it contradicts itself, I can't imagine they put much stock into the message boards. You come here one day, and people are complaining that we aren't signing anybody. You come in the next day, people are complaining that we signed someone. The next day people are complaining we aren't signing people. The next day people are upset that we met with Fred Davis..... it is round and round. Message boards are really 85% people who just need to vent, and the venters disagree with eachother. Can't imagine they would find much value in any of that. The other 15% is some pretty good discussion, but I am sure the PR people have better things to do than to search message boards for that. I think they mostly are concerned with what is printed in the paper, what type charities they are involved with, and being in communication with local governments. Message boards has to be something very low, or not all on their to do list.
  14. I was going to say the same thing. There are no organizations that get it right all the time, and every organization gets egg on their face, most pretty often. but the bills seem to get more things wrong than most organizations. with that said, the packers keeping finley for that kind of money is a waste. They could get someone better without much trouble.
  15. Well, he is mid tier. But it isn't a big need for us like we have at OG, LB, or QB. We have someone that can play the position. he just isn't going to be healthy to play the begining of the year. Though there is a concern that he might be prone to injury now, though that might be premature. Still, if we only put modest resources into tight end this offseason, we should be ok at the position. If they can upgrade the postion, great. But I would much rather them use their resources to take care of the holes on this where we don't even have bodies to even stand in the position.
  16. It would be a decent signing, especially if it is for a low amount. We really don't need a long term answer to tight end. Chandler has looked good, and the only reason we are looking for a Tight end right now is because Chandler probably won't be ready at the begining of the season.... we really only need a stop-gap player for the begining of the season until chandler comes back. though have two decent tight ends would be good for us.
  17. He would be an upgrade over what we had last year and make us better. But He clearly wouldn't be able to make us a legit contender... maybe 2 years ago he could.
  18. he probably wouldn't want to come here, we already have too much money tied up at DE, putting another 8 million would be crazy. it would be better to use that 8 mill one DB or WR.... or better yet, even use some of it for Hasselbeck who would be an upgrade over what we had at QB last year and instantly make us better.... too many better things to use our resources on. I honestly would rather carry the money over than use it on Dumerville who probably wouldn't even entertain the idea of coming here, even if we were interested.
  19. It is hard to tell, because we really don't know too much about our defensive scheme. We assume it is going to be mutliple front that leans 3-4.... but I am guessing it is going to be more complex than that. With that said, Dansby would be a huge upgrade for us, no matter the scheme.
  20. It is if they can't protect their qb. Wallace may be fast deep threat, but not even he can get deep if his qb gets sacked in 1 or 2 seconds
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