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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. It might not have been premeditated or planned. It might have started as a heated argument that got out of hand
  2. I think that the broken security system was huge in getting the search warrents. Not sure how much smoke and mirrors are going on the police side. They haven't said much. It is obvious they don't have the murder weapon and none of the guys are talking, and they need at least one of those things very much. What they do have though is a questionmark. And if all they have is the stuff that was reported (they were together that night, witnesses saw them together, hernandez is accused of shooting someone in flordia, he broke is cell phone and security system, hired a cleaning crew, body was found close to his house) they really don't have much. If people saw him alone with the guy, it would be a different story. But since it is a group, it throws a lot of doubt in there with a lot more possible scenarios. That is what I would figure, though it isn't a sure thing
  3. Can't argue with what he wrote. There is potential on this bills with marone and EJ, but there isn't anything to justify it will be solve our problems until we see some games.
  4. It's not that odd that it is dragging on this long. They don't have a slam dunk case, so they are grabbing as much evidence as they can to make their case. If they had a murder weapon or if one of the guys was talking, then there would have been an arrest days ago. but they obviously have neither. But based on what we know, the police searched his house 3 times, which to me is a lot. And at least one of those times they brought dogs with them, and since they aren't looking for drugs, they were probably using them to see if they smelled any blood/remains that would have been there. And if the dogs smelled anything, they probably took that stuff and put it into the bags we saw and are trying to find dna/blood on it that would make their case. And that type of testing can take some time. I'm guessing the police believe the murder happened at the house, and they have some type of credible evidence that it did happen there. I can't imagine 3 search warrents being issued by a judge without something credible. And it doesn't seem like they are searching anyone else's house. I think eventually, they build of a circumstantial case, they arrest all four guys, and if at least one of them isn't able to make bail, then that guy is the one they are able to convince talking. and if none of them talk, then they just go with whatever they have. At this point, I don't think they will find the murder weapon unless one of these guys tells them where it is.
  5. He doesn't do that much damage against us directly. He is usually injured and not active when the pats* play us. At least I am sure that was the case for at least 2 games in the past 2 years.
  6. haw. No welker and possibly no hernandez and gronk week 1. Pretty soon Mayo will end up on IR, Wilfork get traded, and Tebowmania will overshadow brady. If the jets were a circus last year, the patriots have to be this season's clowns.
  7. Really wish we could keep almost every receiver, whether stash them on PS or something . Too much young, and unproven talent, and it is a bit of a crap shoot which ones will turn out best for us.Like the year we drafted stevie and hardy, the one that works out for us can surprise. I am personally surprised Brad Smith is still on the team. I would rather cut him and have these younger guys develop into something. Brad smith isn't much more than a 4th receiver anyway. And is wildcat is a bummer, and we have enough special team folks
  8. I don't see anything on the interwebs yet. I did find that lots of "chris berman doesn't know ben franklin discovered electricity" positings though lol.
  9. Never thought I would see that. He has been there forever.
  10. On any other team, I would feel the same way. But it isn't like they have a ton of competition. The only other player for the NT position is Troup (though I guess Dareus could be figured in there too), and that really isn't hard to overcome. For OLB, there are a lot more bodies, but hardly players that are cemented in at even making the team. So I think on a team where those two positions have below average talent, they don't have to be exceptional players to make the team. Though it is obvious they have a lot to prove given that they aren't playing with the 1st team yet. It will be more telling when they go into training camp, imo
  11. interesting take I got from that thread is how many of the fans have such little faith in Mallet, and now mallet and Tebow are the only QBs behind Brady. The way some people talk about mallet here it would seem he was the 2nd coming of Bledsoe or soemthing
  12. Doooomed! I say he gets cut before the season starts. Not surprising the team that signs him also has the guy that drafted him
  13. That isn't a a very big stretch, and I love Stevie.
  14. Agreed. I remember (2005?) Moulds made a great one handed catch from Losman.... one of the worst throws in the world, but also one of the best catches. Really one of the moments that proved Losman shouldn't be playing.
  15. The second article is basically making an argument that EJ might be able to take the bills offense into the top ten, if he starts. Reasons given: -There is lots of talent in the offense with an under rated oline and Spiller, with one of the better rushing attacks - Stevie averaged 22.2 yards per reception on throws 11 or more yards downfield, and he was the 16th best reciever at this stat - Offense Plays to EJ's strengths. If there is nothing open for him to throw the ball, he can just run with it or check it down - last year's offense averaged 5.58 yards per a play, and was 13th in the league, and that was with poor QB play. And Fitz's play was so poor, the bar isn't high for EJ to at least match it. - Woods and Goodwin are good additions for talent And last part was that if EJ was able to get the vertical passing up from poor to mediocre from what Fitz did, that would be a huge step and could make this a top ten offense. Nothing really all that interesting. same stuff that has been passed around the boards here. Though the first article was nice because it was basically a more organized description of the schemes we will run. But nothing special.
  16. I thought it would make it, but so many of the early ones were one handed catches that I am thinking now this one might be left out. So there probably won't be a single Bills play in the top 100, because that was def their best play of the season.
  17. would make more sense if they did this in november or decemeber.
  18. naw man. They should make a trade for that levitre kid. he is the missing piece!
  19. nothing but speculation http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/158005-jairus-byrd-jason-peters-part-ii/page__st__180
  20. I know two thirds of the people in this thread thinks he is talking about the bills, but like others have said, he is talking about the cowboys. I think it is odd he didn't mention the bills. I don't think the bills ever "accepted" losing, but they just kept giving bad results because they just sucked and made mistakes. but I truly believe that they wanted to win very much the past few years.
  21. I still think he is on the team this year.With it being all too quiet, I just don't see it playing out another play. The only other way is if he isn't on the roster is we trade him for a high draft pick. And right now, he is allowed to talk with other teams.... And it seems that no team has reached out to him, and it also appears he hasn't reached out to any teams. If another team signs him as is, they lose two first rounders. But I think teams can talk to us to trade him for a lesser amount, if he forced the issue. but they are being too quiet on both sides. Personally, I think they are just negoiating and are going to hold out until that final day in july when it is the last day to do an extension. I think a deal gets done by the deadline.
  22. Since it is the players, I can only assume byrd will be on there somewhere. His peers seem to like him more than any other group. But I have a feeling spiller won't make the list. If spiller and byrd both make the list, then the bills will account for 1/3 of the AFCE players in the top 100
  23. He is good in run support and he can rush the passer. He is more than just a "ballhawk." He is a solid player that is a ballhawk. those types of players don't grow on trees and losing him will only making the team more void of talent.
  24. Agreed. I love freddie, but there are a lot of runningbacks out of work that are looking. No team would waste a draftpick on a stop gap RB when there are several other options available on the market. The bills wont cut fred though. he is the 2nd best RB on the team, and there really isn't a cheap/better option than him. I think we start to see decline in his play more and more, but I think he has a lot left to contribute. The days where he would carry the offense are over though. He is a contributer now, not a game changer.
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