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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. Always liked him. Our go to guy every time the injury bug came
  2. Honestly, they had plenty of OLB. You got Mario and Lawson are the starters and Hughes is the situational pass rusher. Anderson was fighting for situational pass rusher, and he probably couldn't fill that role.
  3. He seemed to do better in a 3-4 from his NE days.
  4. depends on why they cut him. They cut cheap players all the time too. Donald Jones and David Nelson were pretty cheap players, and they didn't bat an eye to release them. Personally, I think if anderson was making league minimum, he probably would have been cut faster and probably about the time Jones and Nelson were cut. I bet his high salary and the dead money was the only thing keeping him on the roster this long.
  5. The timing is odd. I would have expected this when it got cut down to 53 players. He must have looked pretty bad
  6. I don't think so. He doesn't seem like the type. I think he truly want to win and doesn't care about his personal stats like some of the other diva receivers. He loves attention, but he isn't the type to complain about not getting the ball thrown to him. Like last year, when they had him MICed up, on the nfln show Sound Effects, he told Fitz during the game something like "whenever we run this play, they put 2-3 guys on me, and that is getting these guys open (referring to chandler and jones I think) and the next play Fitz threw a 1st down to Chandler. Stevie definently has a diva mentality, because he loves having a celebrity type status, but I truly believe he is a team player and wants what's best for the team, even though he does make mistakes now and then. I do think that one of these rookies who take over the "number one" receiver role, but I think that he will be a safety blanket for the QB, since he can get so open very easy. Stevie will probably be the slot guy now. Woods looks very promising.
  7. Hard to tell. Peters would have been fined if he didn't show up. Byrd won't get fined.
  8. From memory, he came back as early as september, but when he came back, he wasn't in shape Edit He didn't miss any games, but missed all the camps.
  9. I am not saying Chris Brown is a Pulitzer talent level writer, but I did come to appreciate him more after reading/watching Hannah Buehler's stuff. Cute girl I guess, but man I cringe almost every time when she has a segment or an article.
  10. Also, Hypothetically, if byrd holds out and doesn't play the first few games, and the other safties play well, that would be very Steeler like result. Letting a vet walk and plugging in someone right away to take their place. I am not saying that will be the result, but it is possible.
  11. I think the biggest dropoff in the talent from byrd to the other safties is the big playmaking ability. otherwise, the dropoff isn't huge. There is definitely potential in the safties that we do have signed. I still would like byrd on the team. His big plays are not something just any player can do. But this defense needs more than big plays, they need to play consistent. So hopefully it was coaching that screwed us last year and pettine can turn this D around
  12. Agree. I can't believe the bills would be dumb enough to pass on that deal. Those figures can't be the correct ones. If its true, there is no reason why Byrd isn't in buffalo signing a new deal
  13. I get that, but every lawyer that I have heard has said differently.
  14. Of course there was something incriminating on there. But it isn't what you believe, it is what you can prove. I don't know all the details, and I am sure that they could prosecute him for obstruction, but going by what the dozens of lawyers have said about the obstruction in this case, it is a very weak case unless the police have more information that isn't being shared. It has to be proven that the surveillance had something to do with the crime. A good defense lawyer could argue he destroyed it because it had him walking around naked banging women, and he didn't want it to turn into a sex tape on the internet. Which is believeable, because it seems people are leaning that Lloyd was not killed in the house. There are a lot of scenarios. But based on what the lawyers have said who commented on the case, it is a flimsy case to prove unless the police know a lot more than what has been released.
  15. Lawyers commenting on the case have said that to convict him of obstruction, the prosecution would have to prove that what he destroyed was actually evidence, which isn't easy to do since it is destroyed and there isn't much to go on.
  16. I was optimistic at first, but this week I am a little discouraged, because I thought it would have been taken care of by now. The two worst case scenarios are that he plays for us one year under franchise tag or we trade him for like a 2nd or 3rd rounder. I don't see him holding out all season and not get paid. It would look bad when he does hit the market next year. i would like him to sign long term. But it might be hard, because we seem to have some solid prospects at the position, and with a good defensive coach, the whole defense should be much more improved.
  17. They should have enough to keep both, but there is probably more than just spiller coming up. I think we have wood, carrington, Chandler, and troup. Not sure if they will even want to keep any of those guys, but if they have a good season, they might want to keep them, and they will be costly. But keeping spiller and byrd alone is possible, but there wouldn't be much room for the others. And I am sure they will want to at least keep one of those other players above.
  18. Because at the skilled positions they have one great TE, a talented (but always busted WR, and an above average RB. That really isn't much at the skilled positions. The Panthers made me scratch my head too. Bengals have a strong TE group, but I can't think of who their running backs are.
  19. Exactly. If this keeps happening, it will eventually set a precedent that all nfl stadiums get only private funding, or paid by league, owners, whatever. Something like this should not be left to taxpayers.
  20. There are too many bad teams for the bills to be 30-32. Thought I would expect them to be ranked lower than that by someone on the outside. I think 23 is fair, we do have talent. The main reason we still suck is that we haven't had a proven QB in forever, and hopefully that changes. Though they have KC ranked WAY too low. Bowe and charles alone should bring them into the top 20 imo.
  21. I don't mind kolb starting. He has more talent than Fitz, but not as tough. IF Kolb is the starter, chances are he will get injured by the 5th game the latest and EJ will be out there. Though EJ might not be ready then. EJ has everything to be a great QB. His early success will determine how quickly he can pick up reading an nfl defense. That is the one thing about him that makes me nervous, because it is the one thing we won't know for sure until we see him play an nfl team. He is a smart kid, but being smart and football smart are two different things. Either way, I am glad they made this pick. This was a go big or go home moment. This kid has physical tools that Barkley/Nassib can only dream of, and a far better leader than Geno. Barkley might/nassib might not have been the worst that could have happened to us, but I don't think their ceiling is high enough to where they can compete with the RGIIIs, Bradys, and Lucks of the nfl.
  22. Because, we are Bills fans and it is getting closer to the regular season. he is the only one I wanted in the first round, and really surprised the bills took him. I was really expecting them to take a player I didn't want. Though I would have taken Tyler Wilson in one of the later rounds as well. But first round, only EJ.
  23. Although I agree that the cleaning crew is a huge red flag, and it cries "i am guilty," there is a lot of things that it could be. He could have been trying to clean up something else that was illegal he didn't want the cops to find, something that had nothing to do with the murder like drugs or something else. Though that sounds far fetched and cleaning up a murder scene makes more sense, there are a lot of oddball arguments that can be made about the cleaning crew. But with everything that has happened with the cleaning crew and all the searches, my money is that the murder happened in that house somewhere.
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