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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. that's....odd link http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?i...e=ESPNHeadlines
  2. except that miami games count more in tie breakers..... so they do mean more. If you are swept by miami and ne, chances are you are not making it to the playoffs. if they can beat you twice in one season, they probably have a better record than you and are ahead of you in the division. Division games are important and are key to getting into the playoffs. right now anyone is the AFCE can get the titles. we have to keep the other 3 down.,
  3. well, i didn't say he was the only thing holding the team back. If you look at what i wrote, i made it obvious that there are 3 problems, in my opinion, that involve several players. not just peters. Maybe not one of the biggest 3, that might be an exageration on my part. The way i see it, the o-line played much better last year and the only really difference this year is the peters holdout got them off to a slow start. i agree melvin fowler is a problem, maybe bigger than peters. i personally feel that peters has been a problem. his attitude in the offseason was a thorn on the team's side, he has had a very slow start, and the o-line as a whole has played poorly when he has been on it. Sure, he is not the only one on the line and they are all making mistakes. So maybe it was unfair to call peters out alone. But the oline did pretty decent when peters wasn't on it in the begining of the season. so now that he isn't on it, it sure doesn't look like he is an improvement. I know i am not a football expert, it is just an observation. take it for what it is. But yes, i still feel injuries are the # 1 problem. the secondary is injured badly, schobel is missed, and the WR corps is never fully healthy. i still say peters is a problem at #2. fowler can be added in there as well. I honestly think that Peters will get better and the scars he cause will heal pretty easily. just right now it seems to be a problem. fowler will never get better, from what i see. and the run blocking is a problem. if your team cant score 3rd and goal on the one yrd line, then you need better run blocking. lynch and jackson are pretty good and could be more successful. i think lynch dances around too much on some plays, but not every play. i also feel he should get more touches If that explains what i wrote a little better, than good. I never said "peters was the only thing holding back the team" so people need to get over it. but i do admit that it was an exageration at putting peters in there alone. If i put more thought into it i would have added fowler, royal, and maybe even a couple more players.
  4. i think it shows respect. but we have 3 very glaring problems 1) injuries 2) jason peters 3) run blocking i think we will still make it to the playoffs, but if we dont fix at least 2 of those things, i dont think we can win in the playoffs. those are the 3 things holding us back right now imo other than that, we are a good team and i think people can see that. i think the number one thing that is getting us respect is trent. it looks like we have a real franchise QB and that is something that this team has lacked a long time. i think just him playing well has given us all a relief
  5. 1 play last year, eh? that means he is not perfect! smack him! i am not saying whitner is great. he is good and above average though. i don't understand why people can't be happy with the fact that he didn't turn into a mike williams bust. i mean, seriously. just because whitner isn't a pro bowler doesn't mean we failed. if we failed with picking whitner, then what was mike williams?
  6. you haven't said anything at all. You think we put losman in place of edwards for a "random reason." trent was injured and was taken to the locker room. that is what backups do. they replace the starters in case of an injury.... but you wouldn't know that. your whole team is full of back ups. But at least you have that WR you draft to return those punts! but it is ok, because we have 3 return guys that are all better than him. And if you think that pentington is better than edwards, than you haven't seen a bills game or a dolphins game this season. and you said that "no one goes on your turf and beat you?" seriously, you do know the dolphins have lost home games this season, right?
  7. agreed. I don't like King, but that was a good observation. A lot of the journalists said before the season the bills should fix the run D but i don't think any of them are really taking a good look at it. No one on this team is a big enough name to really catch anyone's eye. Edwards just started to get on the main stream radar.
  8. another thread on this board has the video from youtube. it was great
  9. the game is going on? they said buff scored 3 just now on the cincy game
  10. dude, saying the same joke 10 times in a row doesn't make it any funnier.
  11. hahaha.......... keep telling the same joke and people will continue to laugh....
  12. how are they going to move somethign that big to buffalo??? it would cost less and be easeir to just build a new one.
  13. that aint no video. that is a slideshow. not bad photos though
  14. mister rogers/ jouran was a good. a lot of them were good. jp/bobby has gotten old though
  15. well, if i was good enough, i would want to play for buffalo
  16. I was just saying that because i know public companies that are 501©(6) and are public. from what i understand, 501©(6) is there for tax benifets to rich companies and keep them out of politics. but i know there are public companies that are 501©(6). 501©(6) doesn't specify the difference between public and private.
  17. that doesn't mean they are private and not public. that just means they cheat on their taxes. but i also think they are a private company. I can't be sure though
  18. haha, those two comments are crazy. all angry/sympathetic fans. i bet the author is enjoying this my favorite one "The team is about to break ground on a new stadium with a roof."
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