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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. if we do get a new center, will it be in FA or the draft? i am not sure what Free agents will even be available.
  2. really. we should have won the browns game. and with just one offensive play, we could have at least tied the 49ers game. this team has some good talent and a good core. Edwards needs to get better and confident, hardy needs to step up, and the coaching staff needs to start using their brains, if they have any.
  3. yeah, missing those easy field goals with a good kicker sure is lucky..... i mean, how lucky were we to get "Wide right" at the browns game???? this team is the luckiest team i know. good thing we are not cursed like the steelers.
  4. the associated press? they are pretty reliable at getting good info....
  5. we aint out till we are out completly. there are still too many games left and the standings are too close. but the team has to play better than they have against the tougher teams.
  6. he is such a blast he doesn't need any friends with him at the games to make it fun
  7. the bills are moving the ball well and you guys are complaining?
  8. ive heard that every year for a long time. the team is not perfect. but i am sick of starting over and over.
  9. there is nothing wrong with analyzing a players good/bad attibutes that he has shown so far. it is not like the article was saying he is a bust or a winner. calling a player a bust is def not something you can do in the first season. but you can still take notes on his progress. It is just saying how it is, with the exception of royal looking good here. Like someone said, he is too much like evans and we needed the tall red zone threat. Hardy needs a lot of development and he needs to show some backbone. he looks scared to fight for a lot of his catches, and his drops. but if he can develope, he is just what we needed for our redzone. not royal.
  10. that is something that will likely happen. If edwards gets nervous about a throw, he will just throw to reed rather than throw a bad boy he isn't sure of. the turnovers need to stop. if that does happen, then that would make the rest of the season seem..... hopeful
  11. you really got everyone laughing... you must be great at parties.
  12. then i guess you were the only one that counted that one. thank god the refs didn't
  13. yeah....... vick is def a winner. he won how many superbowls? the only reason any team would take vick is to make money. that is all he did for atlanta was sell jerseys and excite the crowd. he sucked. he couldn't throw an accurate pass if his life depended on it.
  14. yup. we had 4 TOs but only 3 were int. I like edwards a lot, but he needs to read coverages better, he needs a little bit of confidence, and an improved o-line wouldn't hurt. it was nice to see the run game pick up. If we can make the run game more effective, it might help edwards loosen up and he won't make as many mistakes. All his mistakes came in the first quarter. I think he has what it takes to be our franchise qb, but he needs to fix his mistakes. and i really don't want to wait for that to happen next season. we are already getting to the cold time of year which he struggled with last season.
  15. yeah.... start an open competition in the middle of the season and get all the players nervous. i like it. take away their confidence! they can't win with it
  16. yeah.... "football friday" is high school football... which is lot of fun, but has nothing to do with the bills game on sunday
  17. i am facing moss in my fantasy league.... go mgee!
  18. actually, i was being sarcastic. i didn't add in any emotes but i should have added "" but yeah, you always see in press conferences with coaches saying they "aren't looking that far ahead and the only thing on their minds is next week's game" so yeah, taking one game at a time is a smart and carefull move. taking on multiple games at a time is rediculous. the orginal poster seemed to suggest that all the future games should be in the back of all their minds every week.
  19. yeah, taking one game at a time is a douche move and no other coach would ever take that approach.....
  20. well, this is football. not politics. jauron is way better than the last few coaches we had, i can say that much
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