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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. at least someone knows what they're doing on our side
  2. thanks guys. Anyone else know the others it would be great!
  3. Me and a friend are trying to get all of these pics, and we are still missing like 20 of them. I don't think i can post pictures here like i can do on vbulletin, but here is a link to another post we made: http://www.ncaafanzone.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12320 thanks!
  4. and addai seems to not have a problem
  5. i have a feeling birk and saturday wont be available in FA. I am sure they will both get signed before FA hits
  6. A lot of people say "you take the best player available no matter what" If you take the best possible player avail, and the best player avail is a CB......then you take a CB, by that logic. I don't agree with it though. i believe you should factor need in there as well, but talent should be more important.
  7. yeah, it is pretty crazy down here. really exciting stuff. it is like hollywood and the nfl have set up camp down here and they are everywhere you look
  8. if mularky got the bills to the playoffs, he wouldnt suck. But he did suck, and that is why he never got the bills to the playoffs. mularky made the offense too complicated and jouran made it too simple. And they both made bonehead calls.
  9. i like this quote from the article: "You can’t blame a safety for not covering the receiver if the play called for him to be out of position. " this guy was born to work for us!
  10. well, that article is mostly on his play calling. he isn't going to be calling the plays.
  11. it is not like they have a lot of options right now. they can't exactly trade or sign free agents yet..... they are looking at the only players that they are allowed to sign, which isnt a good lot to begin with. I hope they come out fighting on FA. It would be nice if they filled at least two of our critical needs. and it would be even nicer if they brought in at least one impact player. but if they fill two major needs in FA, have a good draft, we could move to 8-8!
  12. if the bills were going to hire a hot shot elite wr, they never would have signed evans long term. they gave him a REALLY good deal.
  13. i wouldn't mind getting a TE in the first pick if we picked up a DE in FA
  14. Trying hard is worth a lot. The more you try, the better your chances are. We don't have to get every good player. If we get just two players that are big upgrades as starters, it will be worth it. And to do that, you have to try hard every time. A lot of people seem to think that the FO sits back and doesn't act aggressive enough. I think that they don't try enough as well. But this is some evidence that they are trying hard, and i like that. IF they are trying hard now, then the chances of them picking some one up in FA looks good. Brandon DID handle the last offseason quite well. He had a couple good pickups and he handled the peters thing with some backbone. Though i think the bills are not the most organized team, and it seems they work out of a garage, i think russ makes a good negotiater and bussiness man. But his football knowledge and experience should probably keep him away from the draft and scouting.
  15. and the reason Jauron wasn't fired was because the players like him. all the players feedback on jauron: "we might not be winners, but we love our coach!"
  16. right now, booting shonert is the best we can hope for, coaching wise. and those hopes are slim.
  17. so you are saying edwards didn't complete any passes more than 3 yards? i am sure more than 90 percent of his competed passes were more than 3 yrds..... your "fact" isn't a fact at all and you are just making stuff up
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