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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. Well, first off, it was one game. 2nd, it was the pats* with brady, moss, and welker. I don't think it is any surprise by anyone that brady can throw to his recievers better than edwards.
  2. According to their fans, they all agree their secondary is pretty weak. So i expect them to throw more to owens and evans. here is an interesting quote from one of the boards on their Defense. i gues it has a lot of potential, but no results yet. I didn't watch the game last week. I was working so i could take monday off to watch the bills lose and here is a link to the thread: http://www.pewterreport.com/forum/index.php?topic=45609.0
  3. Usually, this is the difference that he was pointing out. 7-9 = better chance of playoffs next year 0-16 = lesser chance at playoffs next year. Basically, you don't understand 7 wins is a lot more than 0 wins. 3 more wins, and you could get into the playoffs (most of the time). So you only need to improve your team by 3 wins to get into the playoffs. Where as if you are 0-16, you have to make your team get 10 wins better in order to get into the playoffs.
  4. It is really just to point out why it is so irrational to fire and entire coaching staff for losing one game. I mean, pretty much EVERY team loses a game or more a season.... so why does it make sense to fire a coaching staff for losing one game? There is no rationale behind it. not to mention you only fire someone when you have someone better to replace them. Who will replace them? Then the origional poster had to talk down to everyone saying "you must be a teacher who does nothing but wait for retirement." Like.... what the hell does that mean? I highly doubt teachers are posting on a board in the middle afternoon for one thing. He needs to get real. He acts like he is a big time CEO and thinks that running a football team is the same as running a business. And i don't think he can run either a business or a football team. If all the management of a business got fired every time a company had a bad quarter, the company would die. If you fire your entire football staff every time you lose, your football team will go nowhere.
  5. This. And the oline giving up two sacks didn't help either. They played well all night, then gave up two sacks when we were trying to get in FG position. After that TO catch, It almost looked like they could get in FG range. then the sacks came, and we knew it was over then.
  6. I can't even tell what bills jersey it is Maybe thurman thomas?
  7. From now on, every time we lose a game, we get a new coaching staff. even if we go 15-1 during a season, that 1 loss is unacceptable and coaches WILL get fired. being perfect is the only way!
  8. yeah, i forgot it was monday night. Lindell would have missed those other 2 field goals
  9. I am agreeing with you! Sanders needs to be fired. He taught that Dline how to rush the passer. Anyone that has watched the game film knows that is why we lost. fire sanders now! how dare he improve our Dline! it worked WAY better last year when we didn't rush the passer.
  10. Easily. We can have an empty stadium like the jags, fights with the coaching staff like the raiders, holdout of the number one pick like the 49ers, injuries like the eagles, have never been to a superbowl, we could still have Losman on the team, we could have TO screaming up and down the field, we could have actually lost to the pats* 60-9 like EVERYONE predicted, i mean, i could go on and on and on.
  11. Then there is that sanders guy. We bring him in as a dline coach, and what does he do? He teaches the dline to rush the passer! I mean, a dline that couldn't do that last year, can all of a sudden do it now? Fire sanders for teaching them that!
  12. Exactly! this is working out REALLY well for the Lions!
  13. Yeah, Tampa's run game is a beast. But their D is slow and gets tired after the 1st quarter.
  14. the team isn't cursed. they are just unlucky.
  15. replace brusci with him. anyone but brusci
  16. agreed. TO was a standup guy, this time. He complimented trent and the team as a whole more than talking crap about it. However, I think each time we lose, he is going to get a little less friendly each time. The more we win, the better off he will be. If we lose a lot, he will snap eventually. but i don't see it happening before the bye.
  17. that is cool that he doesn't want to see anyone arrested. Like he took it well. But if i were him, I would def press charges. stupid punks.
  18. yeah, those passes to TO and Evans would have been first downs. And that catch by josh reed that got called back on a holding penalty, also a first down. I think a first down by a run by jackson might have been a 1st down had it not been called back. I think, i can't remember. I know a good run by jackson got called back though.
  19. so you would rather him play bad in a complicated offense?
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