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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. I'd rather have fitz or edwards. Vick isn't known for being a good passer, and besides that game last week, he hasn't been a good scrambler either since he has been back, which is supposed to be his strong suit. We would be much better off having jackson run the wildcat than have vick play here.
  2. and we all know our coaching staff is a bunch of winners.
  3. Well, to be fair, the jets have a decent oline and Sanchez also has thrown a lot of picks. I think it isn't avoidable most of the time.
  4. He didn't say TE was done in Buffalo He said they needed a new starter. Just like every other commentater has said. and he didn't make a "call." It isn't his call to make, like you said. You want to know why it isn't his call to make? Because he ISN'T part of the team right now. Unless he is working in the office or playing on the field, he aint on that team. Jim Kelly isn't making a "call" and benching edwards. He is stating an opinion. If you think Jim Kelly, a third party who is NOT working for the Bills cannot speak his mind, then you must really hate free speach. He has every right to speak his mind. Saying to get a new starter as the "future" of the bills isn't treating Edwards like "crap." Treating him like crap would be insulting him, calling him to be cut right now, saying he is lazy, has done nothing in the 3 years he has been here, he is the main problem, the guy can't play, doesn't work hard, hates the game, etc.
  5. this is the mudslapping about Edwards that came from Kelly: "I like Trent personally," Kelly told USA TODAY. "He works hard. But he's had three years. It's time to find somebody who is the future of the Buffalo Bills." Man, what a monster. This has ruined any chance Trent has of a football career. Saying he likes trent and that he works hard. How dare does Kelly treat a player like "crap" and say such mean and horrible things?
  6. How is Jim Kelly mistreating Edwards? By saying he should be replaced? Hot damn, then Perry Fewell needs to be fired, NOW! I mean, if Kelly is being a jerk by saying edwards should be replaced, then Fewell is Much worse! He is treating edwards unfairly for ACTUALLY benching him! for shame. Benching players on your own team. Who heard of such nonsense.
  7. Those chances are VERY small. Let's put it THIS way. If shanahan (that is a really big if) thinks edwards is a franchise NFL QB, he is one of like 6 people in the entire world that think so.
  8. Why does he have to give Edwards some advantage? He might not even start another game as a bill at this point. And I doubt any new coach is going to have him as their starter.
  9. hahahahaha, yes. The media is being "polite." That is if being polite means that they say things like "HAHAHAHAHA! He is NOT going to buffalo!" or "hahah! can you picture going home to your wife and saying 'hun, we are moving to buffalo? man, that just sounds terrible! no one wants to live there!" or "You never go to buffalo, the team is poor and is never going anywhere!" Yeah, these media folks are really polite with all the laughing and the jokes about how bad Buffalo is, and not just as a team, but as a city. real class act.
  10. He is supposed to return to buffalo monday and probably be put on IR http://blogs.buffalobills.com/2009/11/22/w...having-surgery/
  11. it is called public relations. All major companies do it.
  12. most likely he is going to get cut, and he will be a free agent. I don't see the eagles keeping him another season.
  13. If there isn't a decent value tackle available when we pick at 8 or whatever, I think people will be fine with the bills picking a Tackle in the 2nd round instead. And this all depends on what happens in FA. for all we know, they sign a guy from there instead of draft. It will all be easier to tell when FA opens up.
  14. We might be a lost cause rather than a rebuilding project
  15. there are enough QBs in this draft where we can grab a good one in the 2nd round. whether our fine staff can pick out a good one is a different story. We probably go OT in the first round. What sucks is we REALLY need LBs too. If we can take care of some of those needs in FA that would make the draft easier. But with this front office, probably shouldn't keep the hopes up.
  16. That new owner will probably be canadian and hungry for $$$$$.
  17. Most don't suck as much as ours. QBs better than edwards: Peyton Eli Brady Flacco Favre Big Ben Drew Brees Kurt Warner Schaub Rodgers Romo Rivers Palmer Ryan Hassleback Mcnabb Probably Cutler and orton too Then there are ones like Sanchez and Stafford who are rookies that show more potential. Who has crappier QBs than us? Rams, Browns, and Raiders. Everything else is debateable. Our Qbs suck and in this league, you need a good one. All the good teams have a good, franchise QB they trust. That whole "most QBs suck" is insane. Most teams are stable at QB and don't have it has their problem. We do. And so do the other worst teams in the league.
  18. CBS just got screwed. NBC wanted it so much it has moved to sunday night.
  19. That is really what this team needs. going into the season we usually already know our team is going to be weak. And it is usually because of the personel decisions made by the GM rather than anything else. Paying Dockery and not a better player was just one of the many mistakes the front office has made that would have screwed up any coach. We def need a new front office. I wish there was more signs that pointed to that. We know we are getting a new coach. But a new GM may or may not happen. And that is what we need more than anything.
  20. Here are your quotes to many different members, not just a few.
  21. Your comments are boring. Seriously. All you do is tell people that they are stupid, they should shut up, they are "negative, and so on. Seriously, look at your posts. You insult people more than you talk about football here. What is wrong with you?
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