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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. with all these needs, hope to heaven that we solve SOMETHING in FA.
  2. To have some respect? be competive? be a winning team? give the fans a reason to cheer? Sure, the ultimate goal is to win a superbowl. But there are realistic goals and not so realistic goals. You don't turn down a good coach just because you "think" he won't win a superbowl. I mean, how do you tell if a coach can win a superbowl or not? In my eyes, you can't tell. Especially when there is a good chance of hiring a coach with no HC experience (in which case, he could be either really bad from really good). So, you look for the best coach possible (winning record). The worst thing about shanihan is his personel decisions, which the team that signs him may get stuck with. But as a coach, this guy is solid. But there is no way to tell if a coach can win or not win a superbowl. Most coaches do not. A very select few do. You don't turn down a head coach with a proven record. For all we know none of the coaches available could bring the bills to the superbowl. But passing on a GOOD coach just because "naw, he can't take us all the way" is insane. We are probably going to hire some Assistant who is going to end up sucking, and we can wish we had shanihan to at least give us a decent season. And who knows? shannihan might be able to get the bills to the super bowl. Just because your little stat that super bowl coaches don't win super bowls on multiple teams bothers you, stats and records are being broken in EVERY game. Having one little stat be the barrier is a terrible thing to bother you that much. Shanihan could give us the best season we have had since we lost to the titans in the playoffs! and you want to steer clear because of ONE stat? I mean, come on. And hiring a good coach is one thing. What we really need is a solid GM/personell guy, and most people would agree. If we take a good coach like shanny, and grab some amazing personell guy, we will be golden. Heck, a good personel guy would make a mediocre coach into a great coach! So stop with the absolutes where shanihan is a bust for buffalo before he or anyone else gets here. Pray that buffalo hires a good coach instead of hoping they steer clear of good ones.
  3. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA WTF Where are you getting these..... "suggestions?" they aren't from me. Not in the least. Superbowl? We are talking about winning a superbowl? That seems a bit of a ways off, don't you think? I mean, seriously. I thought we were talking about "righting the team." To me that means a winning season their first year year, maybe get us to the playoffs, and if we are some lucky sons of a bitches, maybe we can WIN a playoff game! Maybe beat the pats*! So no, I am NOT suggesting that only a guy who's won the Super Bowl CAN win the Super Bowl. I am not suggesting a guy who's won the Super Bowl is more likely to win one. I am not suggesting that winning the Super Bowl is the only prerequisite for turning a team around. What I AM suggesting is that it is stupid that you claim that a proven head coach with a winning record cannot make this team into a real winner. I mean, do you really think that Shanihan can't make these guys winners? You saying he can't is a terrible, terrible statement. So, before you tell me to go do some research, maybe you should FIRST not jump to conclusions. hahahaha. making up things that I was "suggesting." Way to put words in peoples' mouths to prove your stupid point. Which is "shannihan can't give the bills a winning season" basically.
  4. too bad JP sucks. We really wanted him to be the guy.
  5. Gruden isn't exactly a good guy to fix the offense.
  6. Well, if a superbowl winning coach can't right this team, then no coach can.
  7. on any other team he would be an average player. On our team, he is a stud and a superstar.
  8. yeah, because when a player is on life support, that immediatly means bills fans will want to sign him
  9. this guy seems to be a good short term fix, but as a longterm fix, we need to get our two orgional guards back in their positions and draft/sign some tackles.
  10. yeah, because that is just what this oline needs. More penalties!
  11. she is probably crazy to date a guy who has a mile long resume of criminal problems and be surprised that he isn't prince charming.
  12. Well, it doesn't. both teams played bad, they played worse. we won. but we still suck
  13. there is no link. He is ASKING questions. not providing info. There was speculation that Levy wanted the coaching job because of his repsonse to a reporter's question back when he was made GM. But he never stated it. It was just people reading between the lines and making guesses. The thing is, the NFL has changed so much that it would be stupid to bring in a coach that hasn't coached in over a decade. The coach himself would be rusty as hell and that will just make all the players play even worse.
  14. I would like the bills to get a high draft pick (even more a GM that will put picks to good use). But I would love for the bills to beat the Jests and the pats*. Winning the division games will make me feel better. Will it happen? Most likley not. But I will to take any win we could get. A team finishing strong might help lure a decent coach.
  15. I honestly wouldn't mind keeping Fewell as long as we pick up a real OC (Weis maybe?). But one thing is for sure, we need a new GM. Fewell I don't mind keeping. It is the GM i am most worried about.
  16. I think most people are backing off on the Bills/LA nonsense since there are so many other teams out there that are more likely to go there, and if the bills get moved ANYWHERE, it is going to be Toronto. And the good thing for us is that it is probably harder to move a team to Toronto than it would be to move one to LA. The bills really depends on WHO ends up buying it. The list of canidates shouldn't be that big, since not many people have the money to buy a team. But the people that want to buy the bills and move them to toronto would have an uphill battle if they really wanted to move the bills there 1) Toronto is in Canada, forcing a lot of redtape just get things going. If you want a player, coach, or anyone to to just come in for an interview, they would need a passport. not all that great of a thing 2) The CFL is already there, and they are very vocally against the idea of the NFL coming into Toronto. 3) Can an NFL team get a real fan base in Toronto? that is a serious question, and is it worth gambleing a lot of money just to find out? 4) How would the NFL feel about this? I mean, sure, it seems ok having a couple games a year played out of the country. But moving that to 8 games? Not only for the bills, but the opposing teams, if they have a felony under their belt, they won't be able to make the ride there. It will complicate things, and just upset coaches and maybe owners too who pay for players to play, and aren't able to play when they should be. If they want to move the team to Toronto, they will have a lot of hurdles to jump over.
  17. Also, if fitz plays this well regularly, I wouldn't mind having him start while we draft and grow a rookie. I don't like the idea of brohm and edwards being seen as the young ones to "groom" and I assume that whoever the new coach is will feel the same way. But drafting a good prospect QB and starting fitz seems to be a method that would please me.
  18. Like how you run TO into the ground calling him a "cancer?" That cancer was our best reciever the past 2 games. Someone find a cure!
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