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Everything posted by DanInUticaTampa

  1. Well, we need a QB. That alone puts us a few years away unless we get lucky with one.
  2. "we're not that far away in this league" yup! he's crazy!
  3. I wouldn't mind it as an added extra. But having him as part of the core would be a little disturbing.
  4. Well, Nix is already !@#$ing up and he has been in control for 5 minutes!
  5. The only good thing about this move is that Nix is now above all the others in making football decisions (Guy, modrack, Brandon). If this guy hires/fires some scouts and gives the personell below him a boost, that would be nice. But right now, this is just a minor upgrade that isn't too exciting. but time will tell.
  6. yeah, it will make a big difference if we draft in the 5-6 range or the 7-9 range. I mean, we spend our 1st round picks so wisely, it only makes sense that we will be even smarter with them with higher picks!
  7. haha, i just did that and all the sites that came up were message boards, and this thread was the third that came up.
  8. I have a feeling there is going to be an increase of suicide rate that day in buffalo.
  9. Actually, that wasn't the big news. The big news (as far as this thread goes) were rumors that came from a blogger who has a decent track record. The Byrd announcement was made in the afternoon, way before 9.
  10. I don't think him and Allen are associated with eachother. The only package deal I have heard that includes shanny is that he would want to bring Slowik wherever he goes. And if allen is a package deal with anyone, it would be gruden. The two of them are VERY good friends.
  11. But they aren't known for "opening their wallet" for high profile players, even with drops in ticket sales. It wasn't predictable at all. Did you REALLY think they were going sign TO? Because no one in the world predicted it. If you thought TO was the most likely choice TO would end up, you would be a liar. So since they changed their style and "opened their wallets" to someone of high profile, it makes it seem more likely that the bills would "open their wallet" again for another high profile name, IE headcoach like shanny. The chances of it happening? close to none. But ever since TO surprised everyone that watches sports, bills fans see a slightly bigger chance that a high profile name will get signed.
  12. When the bills signed TO, it made the bills look more unpredictable, therefor making other possible big name signings seem more.... possible.
  13. To be honest, I would love to have shanahan, but only if he let us hire the GM we wanted, not the one he wanted. And that is probably another dealbreaker for him that we can add to the long list. Even more than a coach, I want a real GM. If we hire a good GM, that alone will make me really look forward to the offseason. We might get some really good pickups and actually put our 1st pick to good use in the draft.
  14. If you don't think that Fitz and Trent threads don't exist, you must be legally blind. Especially with edwards.
  15. get out of football so we don't have to watch his crappy play and get reminded every week that he is an idiot for !@#$ing his life up.
  16. Yeah, he would be meddlesome. But at least he would keep the team in western Ny!
  17. let's face it. the only thing we don't need is running back, secondary, special teams, and maybe WR and TE. Everything else needs help at oline, dline, QB, LB, coach, and GM. we basically need a new team.
  18. Hangartner is better than Incognito. Hangartner isn't bad. he is fine. If we are going to replace anyone, it might as well be our bad players. Incognito is a good short term fix, but I don't want him as a long term fix. Are we really that bad of a team that we take a player and start him who was cut from one of the worst teams in the league?
  19. Option 3 would rock if we can sign at least one good tackle in FA. We would still have to draft another tackle in the 4th though.
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